AOPC Offers Virtual Book Discussion And Training Opportunities
The Administrative Office of the Pennsylvania Courts (AOPC) is offering the following STOP Violence Against Women training and education activities in the coming quarter. These trainings are open to all justice system partners regardless of whether or not your county receives STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Funding from PCCD.
Working with LGBTQ+ Interpersonal Violence Cases
3-Workshop Virtual Training Series
Join Cat Shugrue dos Santos, MSW, for a three-part training series that will provide attendees with a detailed overview of abuse in the LGBTQ+ community. Webinars will be recorded. Separate registration for each session is required. Continuing Legal Education Credits (CLE) will be offered. Continuing Judicial Education Credits (CJE) are pending.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024 - Session 1: LGBTQ+ Interpersonal Violence: an Introduction
Please click here to register.
Friday, December 6, 2024 - Session 2: Working with LGBTQ+ Interpersonal Violence Cases: Dynamics and Case Studies, Part 1
Please click here to register.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - Session 3: Working with LGBTQ+ Interpersonal Violence Cases: Dynamics and Case Studies, Part 2
Please click here to register.
Cat Shugrue dos Santos, MSW serves as a subject matter expert in violence intervention and prevention, anti-oppression, and trauma-informed programs and organizations. Cat is a Senior Lecturer at Columbia University School of Social Work, speaks locally and nationally at conferences, has contributed articles to the Smith College Studies in Social Work Journal, the Domestic Violence Report, and Huffington Post, and is a leading voice in many local, statewide, and national coalitions working to end violence and promote equity. Cat serves on the Priority and Strategy Council for the Human Services Council and the Policy Committee for the New York State Network for Student Success.
2024 PA Justice Systems Virtual Book Discussion
Join the AOPC STOP Team and your colleagues from across Pennsylvania for a virtual book discussion about No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Rachel Louise Snyder.
Interested stakeholders will receive a free copy of the book and participate in virtual discussion December 13, 11:30 am - 1 pm EST.
Books available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please click here to register.
Have you already read “No Visible Bruises” and want to partake in the discussion? No time to read the book, but still want to listen to the discussion? Feel free to sign up for the discussion alone AT THIS LINK.