International Trade Talk Series
The Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT), a non-profit, professional organization that supports the advancement of women in international trade and business by providing networking and educational opportunities. OWIT's quality webinars offer timely, relevant and practical information on a broad variety of topics from top expert speakers in international trade and business, including issues specific to women's role in these fields. Explore our 2016 summer webinar programs and register for one of our upcoming webinars!
In FY 2015, 28,865 seizures were for underlying Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) violations. The MSRP of the goods seized was $1,352,495,341! IPR enforcement is a priority trade initiative for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the detention and seizure process is a complicated one. If your merchandise is detained and/or seized, you have options. Learn exactly how you should respond from an expert in Customs and International Trade issues.
In this webinar you'll learn all about the "detention" and "seizure" process, FP&F, Filing a Petition, Supplemental Petition, and/or Claim and Cost Bond. Learn key best practices and hear real life case studies. Learn what to do, and more importantly, what NOT to do, and what the consequences are for non-compliance. The speaker will also share with you the Top 10 Tips When Importing to Ensure Compliance.
Please join OWIT International in this trade talk webinar program, on Wednesday, September 14th, 2016, from 1 pm - 2 pm EST where we will discuss:
- What is Pre-Compliance mean and why it is important
- Why it is important to be protecting your Intellectual Property Rights
- The basic Customs concepts and terms that you should know
- What to do if you encounter a CBP detention and/or seizure case
Plus, top 10 tips when importing to ensure compliance!
Jennifer Diaz, Esq.
V.P. OWIT International,
Board Certified International Attorney,
Diaz Trade Law, P.A.
Diaz is the founder of Diaz Trade Law, a law firm specializing in Customs and International trade law
. Jennifer is a Board Certified International Attorney and professional speaker
considered an expert in internationallaw by the Florida Bar.She is results oriented and regularly assists clients with issues relating to the import and export of merchandise to and from the United States and expediting supply chains with robust pre-compliance programs. Ms. Diaz is an expert in working with the many Federal agencies that regulate trade, including the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). Ms. Diaz is the editor of the prominent Customs and International Trade Law Blog,
http://www.customsandinternationaltradelaw.com and author of the Top 10 Tips When Importing/Exporting. Email Jennifer (
info@diaztradelaw.com) for your free copy today.
OCTOBER, 2016:
"Located at the center of the dynamic Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN has a population of 626 million with an economy valued at $2.4 trillion. ASEAN is the second-fastest growing Asian economy (after China). It has grown by 300% since 2001 and has exceeded average global growth for the past 10 years. 67 million households in ASEAN states boast annual income that allows them to more than provide for their basic needs. These households have joined a class of global consumers. This could almost double to 125 million households by 2025. As such, ASEAN is and will continue to be an important consumer market."
Join OWIT International for this trade talk webinar program Wednesday, October 5th, 2016, from 1 pm - 2 pm EST, where we will discuss:
- Understanding the aspects of business etiquette in Asian culture such as greetings, dining, and so on.
- Strategies for communicating with your Asian clients including the manners and rules in conducting business meetings, negotiations, follow ups in both written and spoken format. Also, clues of being accepted and trusted by your Asian clients.
- Marketing & Branding: Leveraging localized marketing and branding endeavors, such as translation of written documents and interpretation of verbal communications, strategies, etc.
- Plus, tips for avoiding the pitfalls: what you should do and NOT do in dealing with your Asian clients!
Mary Chen
President, Chen Language Services™, LLC
Mary Chen has over 20 years of experience in providing translation, interpretation, language instruction as well as cultural consulting services both in China and the United States. She is the 1st ATA (American Translators Association) certified English-Chinese translator in North Carolina and has successfully assisted hundreds of organizations in doing business with Asia, including several Fortune 500 companies. Her experience encompasses dozens of industries and professions such as government, education, manufacturing as well as business.
Ms. Chen has been a past board member of the Carolina Association of Translators and Interpreters (CATI) and the National Association of Asian American Professionals RTP Chapter (NAAAP-RTP). She is a current board member of the Organization of Women in International Trade (OWIT) Great Triangle Chapter.
Ms. Chen has a Master's degree from the University of North Carolina in Greensboro and a bachelor's degree from Anhui University in China.
"The environment of international business exposes a global company to many additional factors and risks with one standing above all the rest: Credit Risk.With accounts receivables being one of the most important assets of a business whether small, medium or large........a credit default by a foreign customer, could have detrimental effects, if not even be disastrous to the overall health and success of the business!"
Join OWIT International in this trade talk series webinar program,Wednesday, November 2nd, 2016, from 12 pm - 1 pm EST, where we will discuss:
- Overview of a cross-border transactions and how structuring them is both more risky and more complex than domestic transactions.
- How top management can set the stage for success through agreement on a core set of strategies.
- Plus, tactics you can use to create your own risk mitigation strategy for international global sales growth and success!
Brett Tarnet
MBA, CGBP, Brett Tarnet Insurance Services
Brett Tarnet has been the owner of Brett Tarnet Insurance Services since 2004. The company specializes in Trade Credit (Receivables) insurance. The Export Import Bank of the United States has awarded Brett Tarnet Insurance Services the Broker of the Year Award twice, most recently in 2014. The company is in the ranks of top ten ExIm brokers. Brett Tarnet Insurance Services' clients are small and mid-sized businesses in the Western United States. The Company offers an array of trade credit insurance solutions, including ExIm Bank, and private market underwriters.
Brett has acted as adjunct professor at California State University Northridge, teaching export management, senior level thesis course. She has been an active Valley International Trade Association Board member since 2009.
Brett enjoyed a successful career in marketing and operations prior to becoming an export credit insurance broker, working for industrial and technology products companies. Brett has an MBA (Finance) from UCLA's Anderson School (2001), and Bachelor's Degree from California Lutheran University, in Marketing (1994) She graduated from CLU Summa Cum Laude (highest honors). She is also a NASBITE Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP), certified in 2013, and 2016 recipient of the CICP (Certified International Credit Professional) designation for FCIB (Finance Credit and International Business division of NACM).
"U.S. companies, both large and small, are increasingly "going global" given that the majority of the world's consumers are located outside the United States, U.S. exports tend to yield greater profit margins, and exporting enables companies to diversify their sales markets and reduce economic risks. Greater access to government financing opportunities, an increased ability to sell via the internet, and the growing number of Free Trade Agreements have made entry into foreign markets easier than ever before. Africa falls squarely in line with other countries and regions around that world that offer significant opportunities and advantages for U.S. firms; however, Africa is often passed over or merely overlooked by many U.S. companies-a mistake that their foreign competitors in Europe and China do not often make."
Join OWIT International in this trade talk series webinar program,
Wednesday, December 7th, 2016, from 12 pm - 1 pm EST, where we will discuss:
- Overview: Understanding the Africa Opportunity
- How to access the resources you need for business success including building your network of Solution Providers
- Tips & strategies positioning your company for greater success in the Africa market
- International market analysis: "Kenya: A land rich in opportunity"
- Plus, a special presentation on women in international trade by OWIT Nairobi, Kenya, the first chapter in Africa of the Organization for Women in International Trade!
Leland Cleg
President, Africa Business Portal
As the president of Africa Business Portal (ABP), Lee Clegg has spent the last seven years immersed in the world of US - Africa business. Building on a foundation of more than 25 years owning and operating his own successful small business, Lee has been able to bring a unique perspective for helping SMEs find success in the African market through an innovative network of Solution Providers.
Sheila Kariuki
Founder, Chief Executive, Resource Associates Limited, Kenya
Sheila Kariuki is the Chief Executive at Resource Associates Limited, a Kenyan-owned Human Resource Consultancy firm. Sheila specializes in Executive talent search, organizational development and works with Senior Executive teams of multi-national and large companies in developing their leadership competencies.
Frida A. Owinga
Chairperson, OWIT Nairobi, Kenya, CEO & Founder of Passion Profit, Limited.
Frida A. Owinga is President OWIT Nairobi, Kenya Chapter, and CEO & Founder of Passion Profit Limited, a School of Entrepreneurship designed to help aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to develop skills and acquire tools to create, manage and grow successful world class organizations. Her specialties include: Entrepreneurial training and coaching, Leadership and Management Training, Executive Coaching, Aligning people and processes for optimum results, Peak Performance Coaching, Operational Excellence, Team Dynamics, and Instructional Design & Development.
Be sure to mark your calendars and join us for what's sure to be a very informative and successful 2016 Fall Webinar Program Series!
OWIT is extremely grateful for the support of our partners and sponsors who have made meaningful contributions to support OWIT's mission. Their financial and in-kind support has enabled OWIT to provide quality educational webinars with expert speakers, networking among our members, capacity-building and enhancement for our Chapters, and all of the activities necessary to remain a vital and relevant voluntary organization.