Our dedication to streamlining programming has allowed us to successfully implement capacity building programs in collaboration with our esteemed partner, the International Trade Centre (ITC). Month after month, we have been equipping women-led business owners with invaluable skills and tools, empowering them to leverage ITC technologies for their trade endeavors. Witnessing the positive impact of these programs has been truly inspiring.
Furthermore, our Chapter Spotlight segment has provided a remarkable platform for our members to shine. It's been a privilege to witness the exceptional work being done by OWIT Orange County. The sharing of experiences and best practices has not only fostered collaboration within our organization but has also propelled us towards new heights of success.
On a lighter note, the introduction of Happy Her Hour has added a touch of joy and rejuvenation to our community. The opportunity to connect and unwind in a more relaxed setting has strengthened the bonds between members, reminding us that we are more than just colleagues - we are a supportive network of like-minded individuals.
As we embrace the month of May, known as World Trade Month, let us celebrate our accomplishments with pride. OWIT's unwavering commitment to overcoming challenges that hinder trade remains resolute. Together, we will continue to advocate for a fair and inclusive global trade environment, where women-led businesses thrive and contribute to sustainable economic growth.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support, dedication, and passion. Your commitment to OWIT's mission is what fuels our success. Let us march forward with enthusiasm, determination, and the knowledge that together, we can make a lasting impact in the world of international trade.
Wishing you all a fruitful and rewarding quarter ahead!
Yours in Service
Frida Owinga