Your update on news, developments and opportunities for action from OYU
OYUnited Presents Our Recommendations for Expanding National Service to the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service
Eleven members of OYUnited’s National Council and local leaders met on May 8
with Commissioners Alan Khazei and Steve Barton of the National Commission for Military, National, and Public Service to present our recommendations on how to expand and improve national service for opportunity youth, and how to create innovative community-based initiatives within national service.
The Commission was charged by Congress with developing a report on how to expand all forms of military, national, and public service for all Americans. Its final report is due in March, 2020. After reading the Commission’s interim report, the National Council plus a number of OYUnited Community Leaders developed our own recommendations to make sure opportunity youth and low income adults, as well as rural and tribal communities, receive equitable access to service opportunities. Expanding national service for all opportunity youth has been central to our policy goals since the Council’s beginning in 2012. In addition, a strong desire to create locally-driven community improvement projects of their own design has surfaced since 2015 as a priority for OYUnited’s local Community Action Teams. New resources through national service could perhaps be made available for such projects.
The Recommendations from OYUnited were extremely well received and the Commissioners are making plans for an ongoing partnership with us.
Click here
find the Recommendations on the website of the National Commission.
OYUnited Leaders SHOW UP at the Aspen Institute's Forum for Community Solutions Spring Convening
The partnership with the
Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solution
continues to grow & flourish, living true to the value “Nothing for the young people without the young people” at their core and within various departments within the Institute. As the Aspen Institute transitions from an Incentive Fund to a Forum, young people continue to serve as co-creators and "solutionaries."
At Aspen Forum for Community Solution’s spring convening in Philadelphia, PA, OYUnited National Council members took on various leadership roles. Council members served on the planning team, led sessions, spoke on panels, and much more. It was an inspiring three day event. Now, the council is preparing to plan for the upcoming convening in Aspen, CO in October.
OYUnited Leaders Gather to Develop Civic Engagement Curriculum
OYUnited partnered with
Mockingbird Education
for a two day design studio in Boston, MA. The design studio included OYUnited staff, National Council members, partners from
Annie E. Casey Foundation
, and leaders, staff, and young people of several OYUnited Community Action Teams (CATs). The goal of the two day session was to develop our first core civic engagement curriculum, which will be used to help build capacity at the local level and train young leaders of the CATs across the country. We are also brainstorming ways to share our trainings with our members at-large and partners.
The event was a huge success and we expect to roll out our new curriculum later this year. Stay tuned to learn more!
OYUnited NYC CAT Partners With Their Councilman on Participatory Budgeting Project
The OYUnited NYC Community Action Team partnered with their local city councilman, Ritchie Torres, for the council district 15 Participatory Budget project. The young leaders of the CAT canvassed their neighborhood and worked with others to gather a total of 7,294 votes for project proposals, which was an increase of 2,456 votes compared to last year’s count. In the end, awards went to 6 community improvement projects in their community. Councilman Ritchie Torres stated “This year was the most successful Participatory Budget cycle we have had since we initiated PB in #CD15.”
OYUnited Sacramento CAT Led on a Local Ballot Measure to Increase Funding for Youth Programming
The OYUnited Sacramento CAT has been actively supporting the
Sac Kids First Coalition's (SKFC)
efforts to get a measure placed on the March 2020 ballot to create a Sacramento Children's Fund. The measure requires the City to set aside 2.5% of its existing unrestricted revenues, about $12 million annually, for children and youth services. SYA-CAT has spent the past year helping to collect the signatures needed to get the measure placed on the ballot.
On April 18th, the SKFC submitted over 38,000 valid signatures to the City Clerk - that's over 2,000 more than is needed to qualify the measure! SKFC hosted a celebration, press conference, and petition delivery at City Hall to celebrate, and our SYA-CAT was there to participate as it has done since the beginning. The City Clerk will notify SKFC by June 3rd of the County Registrar of Voter's official review and count.
Did a Program or Training Opportunity Help You Find Your Path Forward?
Please share your experience. Your story will help us educate Members of Congress about the need to increase funds for programs that reconnect young people to education, employment, training and national service opportunities.
click here
to fill out the short form and share your story.
Earn $50 to Participate in Research Project
Our partners at
Jobs for the Future
are conducting a research project on the gig economy. Whether it’s driving for a ride-sharing company, delivering food, or caring for pets, they want to hear about your experience from your gig job.
If you’re between 18 and 26, we’d like you to participate in JFF’s research study on the gig economy focused on working as a short-term contractor or freelancer. All it takes is an hour of your time. Complete a phone interview with one of their researchers and they will send you a $50 gift card! Sign up by contacting Sandra Jadotte, research assistant at JFF:
Phone: 617-603.4425
Lashon Amado
National Coordinator of the Community Action Teams of Opportunity Youth United