1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays at noon,TIC Talk Toastmasters
4th Mondays, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. ASAP of Anderson Coalition Meeting
REAC/TS Welcomes New Team Members - The Radiation emergency Assistance Center Training Site (REAC/TS) in Oak Ridge, Tenn., welcomes three new team members: John Crapo, Josh Hayes and David Quillin. More...
City of Oak Ridge Now Accepting Applications for 2022 Mid-Year Board and Commission Elections - The City of Oak Ridge is now accepting applications for the newly created Disability Advisory Board. The Disability Advisory Board was created by City Council at its April meeting. More...
The Christman Company adds Walker as project engineer - Aaron Walker has joined the Christman Company as a project engineer at the construction management and real estate development firm's office in Knoxville, Tennessee. More...
In order to post, you will need login credentials to our membership data base. Contact Alisha Moore to have the credentials set up. We will post a blurb in this space and a link to the full calendar listing or news release on our website.
In addition to posting news and events to our website, your login credentials allow you to:
Update your personal information (bio, photo, contact info, social media profiles, etc.)
Update your organization's information (description, social media profiles, representative information, etc.)
Post job openings
Post Hot Deals
Register for upcoming events
And more!
Don't have login credentials? Contact Alisha Moore, our Customer Service Representative.
Click here to read the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Capitol Update for the week.
The Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce is not bound by the policies and positions of the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce. We are providing this link as information that should be of interest to our members.
Are you interested in participating in a book club with other business people in the area? The Oak Ridge Public Library is currently running a survey to gauge interest in one. Please take a moment to fill out this survey.
The Bridge
Tuesday, May 17
8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Dr. Jim Vosburg, Director of ORISE
Tomorrow, we will be hearing from Dr. Jim Vosburg, Director of the Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education. Tune in to learn more about ORISE and how the organization supports DOE and other federal agencies' missions to strengthen the nation's science education and research initiatives.
Join your fellow Chamber members for our weekly Zoom networking opportunity. Tuesday mornings from 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Enjoy some networking and have an update about important things happening in our community.
Registrants will receive the Zoom meeting link upon registration.
If you find yourself wishing for simpler times, make a trip to the Grove Barbershop. Entering the shop feels like a step back in time, or perhaps a visit to Mayberry. Jeff Hackler started working at the shop in July of 2015 and became the owner almost two years later. "When I first rolled into this place, it just felt inviting and warm and I guess there was an appeal to it not being high end - just sort of 'mom and pop.' It felt good. The people here were genuinely kind and understanding. I love the space - it's kind of got an old-timey feel and that's what drew me to it." More...
Management Development Seminar
Hack Thyself: Unlocking Your Personal Productivity
May 25, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Learn how to recognize which habits are helping (or hurting) your ability to be more productive and effective.
The Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce has partnered with Vistage Worldwide to offer Hack Thyself: Unlocking Your Personal Productivity, a management development seminar. The guest speaker will be Kurt Greene.
This will be a hybrid meeting. Lunch is available for a $15 fee for those who are attending in person at the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce.
Join us for a session on Having Difficult Conversations at Work at our HR for Business Leaders Series in partnership with the Oak Ridge Human Resource Association on Thursday, June 2 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Chamber's Joyce Conference Room. The session will be led by Dr. Shirley Raines.
Dr. Raines is President Emerita of the University of Memphis. Her latest book is An Uncommon Journey: Leadership Lessons (from a preschool teacher who became a university president).
The deadline to register is June 1. There is no charge to attend. If you would like to purchase a lunch, cost is $15.00.
Our next Business After Hours event is a special multi-chamber networking event. We hope you'll take advantage this great opportunity to network with members of six Chambers of Commerce.
The Tennessee Small Business Development Center (TSBDC) at Roane State Community College offers free and confidential counseling.
As everyone is adapting to working in different ways, our center has moved to remote counseling. We are well equipped to work with our clients by phone, email, or video conferencing.
To contact us, call 865-483-2668 or email Stephen Williams. Click here for further information and to sign up for our counseling services. If you would like to become a client, please click here, select "Local Advising" and follow the steps.
Free on-demand training
Click here to view modules on topics such as: Taxes, IRS, business planning, financing, legal structures, online marketing, marketing research, entrepreneurship, buying a business, exporting, contracting and more!
Procurement Technical Assistance Center Provides Training and Counseling
The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services has established an office at the Oak Ridge Chamber of Commerce for its Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC). PTAC offers free counseling and training to future and existing government contractors.