To All Mohawk Medbuy Staff,


Today is #RemembranceDay – an opportunity to honour all those who have worn the uniform in service for our country.

At 11 am, people across Canada will pause to remember all veterans, including those who paid the ultimate sacrifice – trusting that those who came after them could and would carry the torch for freedom.

We encourage all MMC staff to pause and pay tribute quietly on your own. You may also wish to tune in to this live feed of light shining through the Memorial Hall at the Canadian War Museum that starts at 10:45 am ET today.

Visit the Memorial Hall Live

About the Memorial Hall

Located in the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, the Memorial Hall is a separate room with bare walls except for one, which holds a tombstone of an unknown Canadian soldier who was killed in action in France. There's a strategically placed window on one external wall. Only once a year – on the 11th month, on the 11th day at the 11th hour – a shaft of outdoor light shines directly onto the headstone.  This exceptional architectural design illuminates the sacrifices for freedom made by so many Canadians.

To learn more, watch this video about the Memorial Hall and the Tombstone of the Unknown Soldier.

Please join me in paying tribute to Canadians' service, sacrifice and loss.


Tricia McGrath

Vice President, Human Resources & Organizational Development

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