Calling generations of all nations to the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ!
Revival FBC Oxford, AL
September 21-October 3
What does revival look like? It can be hard to measure. Salvation of the lost : three people saved. Revival. Brokenness over sin : the altar was full during most of the invitation times as a spirit of conviction fell upon God's people and they responded in repentance. Revival. Refocusing on Christ : a member at FBC Oxford, Leigh Ann McCullough shared about what God taught her during the revival. "I should have faith in the outcome of my salvation. I have a responsibility to walk in newness of life. I was convicted that perhaps the greatest sin of Christians is forgetting. Forgetting how lost I was. Forgetting how lavishly loved I am and forgetting how without Him I would be headed to hell. I am so guilty of being distracted because I've forgotten how loved I am by Christ." Revival. Healing relationships : During one invitation at FBC Oxford, a man came to the altar broken, weeping, and praying. A few minutes later, a young pre-teen boy, dashed across the balcony, down the stairs, ran into the sanctuary and down to the front to meet this humble repenting man - his father. The two embraced. Revival.  
Revival Testimonies
"Wow! [Mike's message on the Ambassador's Purpose] knocked my socks off. Hearing the testimonies of people on the video that don't have a clue what their purpose is in life made me really stop and think.  I need to wrap my head around the four points that Mike so kindly gave us.  Embracing my SALVATION, God's amazing gift that He gave me. SANCTIFICATION- allowing Christ to use me...., make me holy...., being sensitive to what He is trying to show me and being obedient. SUBMISSION - submitting to the One who ultimately rules over me, Almighty God Himself. THANKSGIVING- Remembering who I once was before Christ, and who I am now in Christ!  A new creation! Loving my God because I know that I matter to Him.  He is my ENOUGH!" ~ Gina Turner

"The word relentless will never mean the same thing to me again.  Experiencing this revival and realizing how relentlessly God seeks my obedience and my salvation puts a new perspective on my walk, and I've realized that I need to seek Him relentlessly.  He showed me the fruits of living relentlessly; this revival capped off with my nine-year-old daughter accepting Christ.  Not only have I witnessed the importance of living my life relentlessly for Christ, now I get to help shape my daughter's journey to a life of living relentlessly for our Father as well." ~ Kevin Mitchell
Men's Event Birchwood Presbyterian
A lot can be accomplished on a Saturday before lunch. What the men accomplished at Birchwood Presbyterian on October 13th was not yard work or a long overdue home project. These men dedicated a morning to understanding the divine vision revealed in Psalm 78: the call of God for men to listen and know the instructions of the Lord and to tell the next generation of the praises of the Lord, His strength, and His wondrous works. The call to teach them so the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children, that they should put their confidence in God. These men also were reminded from Romans 6 that the Gospel of Jesus Christ frees them to walk in newness of life, frees them to not go on presenting the members of their bodies to unrighteousness. The morning concluded as the men learned from Ephesians 5 that the Gospel is portrayed in marriage through the role of the husband as he imitates Christ in leading and loving his wife, and the role of the wife as she imitates the church by submitting to and respecting her husband. In light of all these truths, it is clear why Satan attacks biblical marriage, the home, and tries to undermine our freedom from sin's power by convincing believers they are still slaves in bondage to sin. It's a good feeling to get a lot accomplished, especially in the kingdom of Christ!
Pulpit Supply
Occasionally, even pastors miss a Sunday. On the rare occasion that they do, they need someone they can call to fill the pulpit in their absence. Mike is grateful to be on a call list for a few pastors. On October 21st, he supplied for Pastor Charlie Rice at First Baptist Church, Gresham, OR. On November 4th, Mike supplied for Chehalem Valley Baptist Church in Newberg, OR. They are currently searching for a pastor.
Youth El Buen Pastor
It was a joy to minister again to the youth of El Buen Pastor Baptist Church in Beaverton, OR on October 26-28, as they gathered middle school and a few high school students to examine the evidence that supports the claims of Jesus: to be the promised Messiah, divine, and the only way of salvation. While there were no salvation decisions during the weekend, there were many Gospel seeds planted and many good discussions with the teens about Jesus.

"I love having my kids travel with me to do ministry! This time Zach got to go." - Mike Thibodeaux

Count Down to the New Year!
Please remember that your gifts, postmarked (or time stamped, if you are giving online) before midnight, December 31st, are considered a tax-deductible gift for 2018. Donations after that deadline are receipted as 2019 contributions. Make checks payable to Simplicity Ministries. Thank you!
Simplify Your Giving In 2019 with Recurring Donations 

Simplify your time and your giving with our recurring giving option.  It's convenient and easy.  Set up your donation once and your payment will recur each month.
Many of our donors have been led by the Lord to invest in the Kingdom of God through Simplicity Ministries® on a monthly basis.  This recurring giving option helps our financial partners faithfully follow through with their monthly commitment.   
Click on the "GIVE NOW-(RECURRING)" option in this email or visit our website's Recurring Donation page.   Complete the form on our website, click submit, and you will be redirected to our PayPal portal.  Our online giving is handled securely through PayPal.  Select to use Credit Card, Debit Card or your PayPal account.  Complete the PayPal form, submit and you're done!
Thank you for your consideration of recurring donations!  Because of our financial partners, we are able to serve churches of any size or financial situation, asking only that they cover travel expenses and give a love gift in any amount to the Simplicity Ministries.  In addition, our ministry is able to offer MOS groups to churches at no cost because of the generous donations of our partners who believe in the importance of this ministry to men.
Would you join us?  Your recurring donation would be a significant help to this ministry and greatly appreciated!  Thanks again.
Upcoming Ministry Events
Our Prayer List
Back row: Michaela, Debbie, Jordan
Front row: Zach and Mike
  • Jan 6th - Men of Simplicity (MOS) resumes weekly discipleship at Open Door Baptist, Troutdale, OR
  • Jan 7th - Gresham MOS 1 resumes weekly discipleship with North Addison MOS Connect (Spokane, WA), Driscoll MOS Connect (Spokane, WA) and Salmon Creek, WA MOS Connect at FBC Gresham, OR
  • Jan 7th - Gresham MOS 3 resumes weekly discipleship.
  • Jan 11th - Open Door Christian Academy, Troutdale, OR - Chapel
  • Jan 25th-27th - Inland Empire Baptist Association - Youth Winter Camp

Visit our website for full schedule, booking info, and scheduling Mike to preach and minister at your church. 

  Simplicity Ministries® | Mike Thibodeaux | 971-219-6964 | P.O. Box 388 Fairview, OR 97024 |