What We Need to Know Post-Roe!

Join our Webinar with AG Landry & Dr. Griffin!

Hi Benjamin,

As I have been on the road speaking to groups in Post-Roe Louisiana, I remind everyone of two things.

  • First, it only takes one legislative session for our laws to be changed and abortion businesses open back up.
  • Second, it only takes one generation for our culture to change from pro-life to pro-abortion. 

We have got to keep Louisiana pro-life!  We must do that through education, service, legislative advocacy, engaging in elections to elect pro-life candidates, and more.

Over the next few months, we are hosting public webinars to address hot topics and give pro-life citizens tools to engage others.  Our first one is Tuesday October 25th at 7 PM focusing on "What You Need to Know About Louisiana Pro-Life Laws."  Featuring AG Jeff Landry and OBGYN Dr. Evelyn Griffin, we will share the truth about our laws and address conceptions.

Please register now for free for our Oct. 25th webinar!

Register Now!

For a Pro-Life Louisiana,

Benjamin Clapper

Executive Director

Louisiana Right to Life

P.S. We are distributing diapers, formula, and other baby supplies to needy families in Baton Rouge and New Orleans soon! Learn more and donate to buy diapers!

Volunteer at the State Fair!

Your help is needed at the 2022 State Fair pro-life outreach booth!

Louisiana Right to Life will share the beauty of life at the State Fair of Louisiana in Shreveport from Friday, Oct. 27 through Sunday, Nov. 13. As a volunteer, your role will be to share the pro-life message with fair-goers and encourage them to support our efforts of protecting life.

To sign up to volunteer, go to ProLifeLouisiana.org/statefair or call Kim Banks at 318-668-2356. 

Youth Pro-Life Retreats!

This fall, we’re hosting PULSE Immersion Day Retreats to train high school and college students to be pro-life leaders! Learn more and register online!


CENLA PULSE  November 12th


MONROE PULSE December 3rd

Our beautiful 2023 Right to Life Wall Calendar will be available on November 1!  The calendar features local babies that celebrate the beauty of life.  Pre-order yours today!

Order Now!

Our Proudly Pro-Life Gala featuring Tim Tebow is Saturday January 14th in downtown New Orleans! Get tickets now!

Learn More!

Our Youth Education team continues to give pro-life talks to empower students to be pro-life leaders!  

In the photo above, Ashley Gilliam, our New Orleans area Youth Programs Director, is speaking to Brother Martin High School in New Orleans. A few days before, she spoke to a high school in Biloxi before running the Pulse Immersion Day in Houma, all while giving other talks.  Thanks Ashley for the hard work for life!

Invite our team into your school or church!

Invite Us

LA Right to Life, LA Black Advocates for Life, and New Orleans Right to Life will host two baby supply give-aways in late 2022, one in October in Baton Rouge and one in December in New Orleans.

Supplies given to needy families will include items such as diapers, wipes, formula, baby shampoo and more. Supplies will be given away on a first come, first served basis.

Please donation to help provide supplies!

Donate for Diapers!

Judy Quinilty of Metairie penned a great letter to the editor in the Advocate newspaper last week. Her letter ended with "Give them the gift of life! I am so grateful that the lives of babies are now protected in Louisiana and many other states since the overturn of Roe v. Wade."

You can submit letters to the editor in the Advocate or your local paper.  It is a great way to spread the pro-life message!

Read the Letter

We have launched a new pro-life prayer card that you, your church, and school can distribute!

The front features a pro-life prayer and the back directs people to use www.FindHelpLA.com to find resources for expecting parents and those with children. 



Order Now
Upcoming Events

October 17 

The Overturn of Roe v. Wade Luling 

October 22

Pulse Immersion Lake Charles 

October 23

St Tammany Life Chain

October 27

Chers Bébés 

Nov. 12

Pulse Immersion Cenla

Nov. 19

Pulse Immersion New Orleans

Jan. 14

2023 Proudly Pro-Life Gala

Jan. and Feb.

Life Marches

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