Help yourself stay well this fall and winter. To protect yourself, you need a flu shot every year. No appointment needed! Drop in to any flu shot clinic! Find more info on our Flu Shots webpage.- Preservative-free vaccine, protects against 4 different viruses (quadravalent).
- Cost is $30; free for students with SHIP
- Open to the campus and community - college age and above
- Payment accepted: cash, check and credit cards, and Cal 1 Card Debit Account
- Future clinic dates 12-5pm: Wed., 11/12; Fri, 11/21; and Mon., 12/8
What do you do at UHS? I help students, student-athletes, and staff with musculoskeletal and neuromuscular problems that they are experiencing. I try to figure out what is causing their problem and then figure out how to solve or improve it. Treatment may consist of hands-on techniques, exercise, or instruction on how to move differently.
What do you find most interesting about working in college health? I get to work with people from all over the world that have wonderful stories to tell. I also enjoy getting to work with a wide range of people who have different levels of activity, which ranges from those just discovering exercise all the way to Division 1 collegiate athletes.
Watch Michael's Tang Tip for Students
Ebola: what you need to know
How many drinks is in that drink? One standard drink is measured as 0.6 fluid oz. of 100% alcohol. Learn more.
Asexual Awareness October is full of sexual and reproductive health awareness campaigns. Such campaigns includes the well known Breast Cancer Awareness month and the lesser known, yet equally important, Asexual Awareness Week (October 26-November 1). In the strictest sense, an asexual person is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Many people find it hard to understand that a person does not have sexual desires and/or may choose not to act upon sexual attraction. While difficult for some to understand, asexuality is valid and deserves to be celebrated as much as any sexuality. If you would like to learn more about asexuality or think you may be asexual, health and wellness coaching appointments are available to help get your questions answers.
XOXO, Ms. Robin Sex Goddess |
Midterm Bomb "I think I bombed my first midterm. My life is over..."
Too Busy to Bond"My friends will ask me to go out for lunch/dinner/coffee, but I'm always too busy with class..."
Next Pet Hugs: Tuesday, 11/4, 12-1pm on Sproul
Pet Hugs take place the first Tuesday of the month from noon-1pm. View the full fall schedule, including locations and times, plus past photos and more information on our Pet Hugs page.
We all know the story: we reach the middle of the semester, midterms abound, stress levels rise, and we slowly retreat into constant work mode. It's a cyclic story. Midterms come and go, come and go. Finals, then winter break, then another semester. The truth is, our lives never become completely stress-free. So going through the next round of midterms or suffering through the semester sacrificing health, relationships, and happiness eventually turns into lifelong sacrifices. The only solution is to break the habit of loading ourselves and hoping that things will all of a sudden be 100% stress-free afterward. We shouldn't just shut out health and well being for the sake of a grade or an exam, thinking "I'll take care of myself after". Because the next thing to worry about is right around the corner. Breaking this habit is difficult, but far from impossible.
Ultimately, it's about not giving up things that keep us well - relationships, nutrition, hygiene, exercise, sleep. It's about changing the attitude with which we complete tasks. It's about focusing on positive outcomes instead of dwelling on worst-case scenarios. The second we learn to live healthily amid the craziness of our lives, happiness and success will follow.
Electronic SHIP Card
We've gone paperless! No more wondering where your Aetna SHIP card is. You can download it anywhere, anytime from the Aetna Student Health website. Select "Print Your ID Card" from the left side navigation.
Many staff, faculty and students are dedicated to eradicating sexual assault and violence at UC Berkeley. Learn more and see the faces here to support you in this video series.
 | Alicia Harris, Health Educator, UHS |
Wear purple in support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Thursday, Oct. 23
Interested in learning more about groups offered at UHS? Social Services (SOS) offers a variety of counseling and support groups each semester, including groups related to nutrition, disordered eating and body image, sexual assault, alcohol and other drugs, and queer men of color. In these videos SOS counselors describe the groups they lead in their own words.
 | Robin Walley, LCSW, describes the Sobriety for Today: Alcohol and Other Drugs group |
Learn more about SOS groups here (there are currently six videos). If you have questions or are interested in signing up for a group, call Social Services at (510) 642-6074.