Volume 24 | Oct 2020
October 2020 Spiritual Message
Suzanne Hunt, Clairvoyant, Healer, Spiritual Teacher
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Getting through it . . .
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With everything happening now and looking at the next few months, we might be asking ourselves how can we get through it? As we pray for rain in the west, calm seas on the east, peace, harmony and health for the country and environmental stability for the earth, what can we do to calm ourselves internally?

Sure, we can take the right steps to support our community, country and the earth, but the fact is we have no control over the outcomes. And a feeling of helplessness may start seeping into our perspective of life. It may grow to become worry, fear or anxiousness, and over time, feelings like that begin to settle into our tissues and bones.

When the pain sinks that deep, the emotions have become hidden and out of sight. We don't recognize them as something to process or address because we can't see them anymore. Those sad or angry feelings almost become part of us and we carry them around like rocks in a backpack. At this point they may become self-judgement, judgement about someone or "something out there" or they start turning into a grey cloud that affects our whole perspective of life.

The one thing we do have control over is our internal landscape, feelings and self dialogue. And there are some ways we can start shifting the colors on the inside to help move ourselves through troubled times with more grace and ease. I like to call them the three A's.

Awareness. The first step is to bring those emotions back to the surface so we can understand and process them. We've been taught that only "good" emotions are to be shared, or that once opened up we really have to do something about them. Maybe we want to be strong for someone else, or we don't want to feel what we are feeling so - we just ignore them. It is pretty easy to shelve our emotions in this busy culture we live in today.

But we don't really have to share them with someone else or do anything about upsetting feelings to process them. Of course, sharing our hearts with someone is tremendously beneficial and (contrary to popular belief) actually helps create intimacy in our relationships. There are other ways to get to the heart and soul, like spending time alone in nature, journaling, yoga or a good grounded style of meditation. Getting an energy healing can also be great way to let go of what doesn't support to give more freedom to look inward. It is important to remember that our emotions are one of the most precious and truest aspects of who we are, and they provide access to our own inner wisdom.

Attachments. When we take the journey into the inner world of our heart and emotions, we may find a troubling roadblock that sounds something like, "Well, I would feel just fine if this weren't happening" Or, "the outcome has gotta be _________." Of course, we know why we have these inner messages -- these things are very important to us. But if our own inner peace and sanity relies on an some condition out there, that condition rules our lives.

One great way to start letting go of an attachment is to examine it. How attached are we really to a particular outcome? What are we afraid of? Are we willing to let a situation "out there" control our ability to find contentment, peace and even our own good health? It takes time to unravel the attachments in our lives, but bringing awareness into those inner messages begins the process.

Acceptance. We can wish something were different and still fine peace in accepting what is - an old but eternally golden piece of wisdom. Yes, these two concepts are perfectly compatible and can be stabilizing to our energetic well-being. When we can accept what is happening, our shoulders drop, we take a deeper breath and we begin to let go. We feel more grounded to move through those challenges.

When the body is calm and grounded, guess what? Our intuitive centers open up to give a clearer channel to our own spiritual truth and guidance. We may find new inspirations, diverse ways of thinking, or a fresh approach to a difficult situation.

And there is one more bonus when we step into the vibration of acceptance. I teach that there is a certain "oneness of energy". When we vibrate our spirit at acceptance, we are surrounded in the energy. We accept those around us a little more, the tough issues across the nation feel less painful, and we begin to accept ourselves more too! We can't help but release a little self-criticism and love ourselves a little bit better -- when we are in the beautiful experience of acceptance!

Blessings to each of you and your loved ones,
Exciting events coming up Oct 2020!
Emerge Into Your Brilliant Future in Colorado Springs!
Body Mind Spirit Celebration is back and better than ever! BMSE brings together the finest psychics, healers and holistic lifestyle teachers to create an incredible event for you. ALL readings and healings are just $25 for 20 minutes. Come browse creative jewelry, fun clothing, magical crystals, spiritual books, aura photos and much much more! There will be inspiring presentations on every topic you can imagine, on every hour. The one hour workshops are included FREE with your entry ticket!
Body Mind Spirit Expo - Colorado Springs
October 9th to 11th 2020
Opening Hours
Friday 1-9, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 10-6
Admission - $6
Note: I won't have a booth at the
Colorado Springs fair this weekend.
New location!!!
Colorado Springs Event Center
3960 Palmer Park Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO
If you missed this fun and enlightening discussion, catch the replay on the YouTube link below:
Life as a Clairvoyant with Debra Lynne Katz, Lisa Gunshore and Suzanne Hunt
Debra Katz is a professional clairvoyant, healer and parapsychologist, as well as the author of "You are Psychic", a book I recommend to my clients and students. Lisa M. Gunshore is a Channel, Functional Ayurveda Coach, author of "Enlightenment Pie" and the documentary, "Awakened Grace". She is the incredible visionary and host for the 2020 One Heart One Earth spiritual events this year and the wonderful uplifting videos on Buddhist Biohacker YouTube channel.
Introduction to Healing Meditation:
Energy Techniques to Calm the Body

Wondering what style of meditation is right for you? Join this FREE one-hour introductory workshop to the Healing Meditation series with a guided meditation with techniques to calm the body during times of stress. If you like this visual style of meditation, consider the 7 week class with the complete set of tools noted below!

Friday, October 16th from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, FREE 
In this one hour workshop, you will learn easy tools to set your space for meditation, and energy techniques to calm the body during times of stress.  

Two ways to join the FREE workshop!
Healing Meditation 1
Friday mornings for 7 weeks, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm MT – over Zoom!
Oct 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, Dec 4 and 11

Energize your spiritual path. Find more peace and contentment.
Increase intuitive awareness in your daily life. 

Life experience happens from the inside out. Energies we carry influence what we see, believe and create. Learn easy tools to increase your energy awareness, bring healing into your space and create more clarity, freedom and fulfillment in your life. 
Great for empaths and healers!
Starts Friday, Oct 23 – over Zoom
      Intimate group limited to 8 people with a safe space for sharing
      Friday mornings for 7 weeks, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm MT
      Oct 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, Dec 4 and 11
      Early registration $99, until Oct 18 ($125 on Oct 19)
      Students may repeat class for 50% off

What they are saying about Healing Meditation:
-- "I truly enjoyed the class. [These are] the tools that I had been looking for so long."
-- "Loved the class. So helpful & practical. Already making a difference." 
Healing Meditation 2 – Intuitive Concepts
Wednesday evenings for 7 weeks, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm MT – over Zoom!
Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, Dec 2 and 9
Energize your spiritual path. Trust your intuition.
Deepen your self-awareness. 

Builds on the foundation of Class 1 to expand self-awareness and trust for your intuition. Learn structured formats to observe and heal your own energy.  Spiritual topics include intuitive decision making, unconscious belief systems, female energy (for everyone) and introduction to energetic agreements in relationship.  Class 1 or equivalent training is a prerequisite.
Starts Wednesday, Oct 21 – over Zoom
      Intimate group limited to 8 people with a safe space for sharing
      Wednesday evenings for 7 weeks, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm MT
      Oct 21, 28, Nov 4, 11, 18, Dec 2 and 9
      Early registration $145, until Oct 14 ($170 on Oct 15)
      Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Hunt 
Monthly Meditation Class - over Zoom!
Tuesday, October 20th
3rd Tuesday of every month
6:30-8:00 pm MT - over Zoom
Facilitated by Rev. Suzanne Hunt
$15 per class

A monthly class to refresh and deepen the use of Healing Meditation tools.  
Have you learned your basic Healing Meditation skills and feel like you would like a refresher? Join a group of like minded individuals to practice, update and share your meditation experiences using the tools. Held each month over Zoom with different topics each month. During the October class we will do a review of the techniques learned in class 1 to prepare folks for class 2, or provide a great brush up for anyone. If time we will also work with our spirit guide for healing.
**For those who have completed Healing Meditation or similar BPI style meditation practice.
What is the Ajatakasa Institute?

A one-year interdisciplinary program of metaphysical and spiritual studies and development which includes:  
  • Weekly online courses taught over Zoom with topics to include shamanic practices, holistic health, spiritual anatomy, energy management, Akashic records, tarot, mythology, Jungian and contemporary psychology, metaphysics, parapsychology, dream work, spiritual, intuitive and self development.
  • A light library of meditations, presentations, and spiritual development available during your year of study.  
  • Weekly support hours throughout the year where students can pop in for questions or help with any class or topic in the program. 
  • Faculty members: Lisa Gunshore, Julie Hoyle, Suzanne Hunt, Sheryl Garcia, Julie Ware, Marlena Leonard, Sienna Castinado 
  • Program starts January 2021 with various installment plans for tuition.

Begin 2021 with an incredible one year in-depth program focused on your personal growth and spiritual expansion. With this powerhouse of amazing teachers you will learn fascinating healing modalities, new and ancient mystical techniques, current psychologies and metaphysics to connect more deeply with your heart and truth in a fresh new way.
Watch the replay from the Ajatakasa Institute launch. Meet the faculty as they explain the exciting new program upcoming January 2021.
Look over the program curriculum details, tuition and register at this link.
I am available to schedule clairvoyant reading and healing sessions. Click on the scheduling link below.

Read more information about services at www.EnergeticHealingArts.com
Contact me at [email protected]
call/text 720.351.3492