Good Afternoon St. Stephen Families,
Halloween is almost here along with our annual Trunk or Treat. I hope many of you are able to drive through and pick up a treat. The drive-thru Trunk or Treat will be from 6-7 pm tomorrow night. A few parents have asked about sending candy treats to school on Friday, and we are asking that this year you please refrain from doing this. We have not had any students test positive for Covid, and I believe that is due in part to the procedures we have in place to keep everyone healthy. Please understand that while it may seem we are being overly cautious at times, we are just trying very hard to remain at zero Covid cases.
Just a reminder that we will be celebrating All Saints Day on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Students in PK through 1st grade will dress as saints and parade around the building. Parents of these students are welcome to park their car after drop-off to watch the parade which will begin at 8:00 am. Students will be walking along the sidewalk in front of the school.
I hope to see you at Trunk or Treat tomorrow evening. Don't forget that there is no school on Monday, and enjoy the three-day weekend!
Please read all of Tidbits as there is much exciting news being shared. As always, thank you all for your continued support.
Peace and Blessings,
Linda Umoh