Association for Special Children & Families 
                   Special Connections    October 4, 2020  
Resources for You
news_tablet.jpgWelcome to Fall, cooler weather, falling leaves and back to school. It is different and challenging with opportunities to create new ways of learning, living and loving.  We hope this newsletter helps you as you do this. Check out our information and resources, and attend the online meetings and support groups. If you need us, just reach out by emailing [email protected] or phoning  973-728-8744.   Stay safe and positive, 
Your friends at ASCF 
PS October is Learning Disabilities month, Down Syndrome Awareness month, Spina Bifida month, and Bullying Prevention month which we will discuss in this month's Sunday Messages. 
Taking Care of Yourself
During challenging times it can be hard to stop and take care of yourself. You may feel like you are juggling so much but could still be doing more to help those around you. Take a step back and breathe. The best way to be there for the ones you care about is to first reach inward and be there for yourself. When you are effectively taking care of yourself, you are better able to care for others. Self-care can help you be the calm and steady pilot in the middle of unpredictable turbulence.
Check here for more infoTake Careofself
students_portrait.jpg SRP Virtual Training Series Fall 2020
Become a SPAN Resource Parent and volunteer your time to help families! The SRP Program is an intensive training program designed to educate volunteers to assist parents of children with disabilities and special health needs in understanding their rights and responsibilities under federal and state laws. Participants will learn strategies to access appropriate educational and related services for children and youth. Attendees, both parents and professionals, are provided with extensive training and ongoing support to help them understand the dynamics of the systems that serve children and families. Zoom sessions are held weekly: Tuesdays | 10:00 - 11:15 am | beginning 10/13/20 Additional details will be provided with registration confirmation'
Check PDF here for more information SRP training
Join their weekly discussions! This is your chance to help create a community of youth supporting youth. Each session will begin with information sharing followed by small group conversations related to the topic of the week.
Te Invitamos a participar en nuestro discusiones semanales! Esta es su oportunidad de ayudar a crear una comunidad de jóvenes que apoyan a los jóvenes. Cada sesión comenzará con el intercambio de información seguido de conversaciones en grupos pequeños relacionadas con el tema de la semana.
Weekly 30-minute chats on Wednesdays 3:00-3:30pm
Groups based on age groups: Ages 13-15,16-18,19-21, 22-24,25-26

highschool_brick.jpg Simple Self-Compassion Tips for Teens
Coping With Uncertainty as the World Navigates COVID-19

Meditate on music
Play a piece of instrumental music that feels relaxing. Get comfortable- stretch out on your bed or a couch, and closely pay attention to each note of the music. When your mind wanders, which it will, bring your attention back to each note until the song is finished.
Enjoy the outdoors
Go for a walk, engaging your senses as you identify the objects that make you smile. Notice the look, feel, smells, and sounds of the object. Spend time acknowledging those senses, and then take a picture. Start an album of these happy pictures and refer to them when you need a lift.
Sketch it out
Try 'mindful doodling.' As you draw, notice the sensation of the pen in your hand and as it drags across the paper, the weight of the lines or curves in your doodles. If you're disappointed in your work, acknowledge it, but let it go without judgement, as 'thoughts are not necessarily facts.' Bring your thoughts back to the sensation of drawing.
Show your support
We give hugs or wrap arms around friends, and we pet our cats and dogs, but we don't do this for ourselves. Place a hand over your heart or on your cheek, cradle your face in your hands, gently 'hug' yourself or stroke your arm with your hand. Supportive touch releases oxytocin- your body's feel-good hormone-to help you feel better.
Take it easy
This is a hard time for everyone. When you hear a judgmental inner voice saying 'You should be getting more done! You're such a slacker!' respond with your other inner voice-your kinder one. Think of what you might say to a good friend who is struggling and try saying those same compassionate, supportive things to yourself
Learn more about mindfulness and self-compassion at http://selfcompassion.web.unc.edu
Source; Bluth, K. (2020). Simple self-compassion tips for teens coping with uncertainty as the world navigates COVID-19. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
Join this group which meets every Thursday (except holidays) from 6-7 pm to discuss the joys and challenges of raising a child or children with emotional, behavioral, mental health challenges and/or special needs. Meet other moms in the community experiencing similar scenarios, learn about the services available to you and build a support network!  Must register by calling Diane Varga at Family Partners of Morris & Sussex Counties  862-273-5046  

Instructional Planning for School and distance Learning for Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Environments
Thursday Oct 8, 2 pm ET
School districts are utilizing a multitude of scenarios regarding how school will be held this school year. For some instruction is happening in the school building and for others instruction is continuing with distance learning. Furthermore, some schools are using a hybrid of the two and it is likely that the manner in which instruction is provided may need to pivot during the year because of the impact of the pandemic. How can schools and families figure out what instruction will look like this year and how to make it meaningful? The TIES Center, which is the national technical assistance center on inclusive practices and policies for students with significant cognitive disabilities, will review the 5C Process which is used for identifying learning priorities for each student with intellectual disabilities and building continuity between their inclusive environments and instructional supports to provide meaningful instruction across their day.
Host Name: TheArc@School         Email:   [email protected]      

colorful-computer-lady.jpg Webinar by SPAN
Q&A session about navigating the special education landscape
October 26, 2020 -1:00 pm-2:15 pm ET 
As students head back to school, either in person or online, there are often questions about parental rights under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). With a global pandemic disrupting every part of our education system, there is additional confusion and concern about how COVID-19 is impacting students with disabilities. We've identified pressing questions parents asked about how to navigate this new normal, and will have them answered by an expert attorney in the field. Topics to be covered will include: compensatory education, procedural safeguards, the waiver of rights, and keeping the "I" in IEP.  Please join us for an interactive Q&A session about navigating the special education landscape during COVID-19.  
This webinar features Diana Autin, Esq. Co-Director of the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network.
For more information, or to register for the webinar, go to  https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/7499985825949437966 
 The REIC Family Support Network hosts Family Web-Talks
Parenting Consciously and With Connection During COVID-19

Friday, October 9th, 2020      1:00pm to 2:00pm
 Presented by Maria Sanders, LSW       Certified PCI Parent Coach
 Explore how you can stay engaged in parenting your child and ways to stay connected to family, friends and community during these times.
Register in advance for this event:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting 

 The CARE Project
New Jersey
Virtual Family Retreat
For families with a child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing birth to 5 years old
The Virtual Retreat will include:
Opportunities to form relationships with other parents experiencing a similar journey
A virtual panel of teens living with hearing loss who will share their experiences and answer questions
Presentation topics geared toward transition, advocacy and mentoring
Virtual Retreat Application Deadline: October 9, 2020
Please return Virtual Retreat Applications to [email protected]
Clich here for PDF Care 

NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome and Associated Disorders presents 
 Pet Therapy, Support Animals and Mental Health
October 14, 2020
Presented by Tricia Baker
A.I.R (Attitudes in Reverse) is an organization whose mission is this: Educate about mental health disorders, to prevent suicides, but just as important is to educate so that no one is misjudged or criticized because they have a biological-based brain illness. All people, no matter what their differences, should be treated with respect and kindness.  
 Miki, AIR Co-Founder Tricia Baker's Service Dog, has accompanied the Bakers to every community event where the family exhibited to Start THE Conversation, Reverse Attitudes and Save Lives. It immediately became apparent that Miki broke down barriers to communication about the sensitive topics of mental health disorders and suicide.   

Disclaimer: The Association for Special Children and Families does not provide or give Legal or Medical advice. ASCF does not endorse or recommend  any one specific diagnostic or therapeutic regime, organization, opinion or methodology mentioned in this newsletter. We are not responsible for the content or information on any website given and do not endorse or recommend the views expressed as we have no control over the nature and content of those sites. 
Quick Links...
www.ascfamily.org   www.facebook.com/ ascfamily 
Contact Information
Assn. for Special Children & Families
POB 494, Hewitt, NJ 07421   
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