To advance understanding of the fundamental processes and mechanisms involved in
marine blowouts and their environmental consequences, ensuring that society is better prepared
 to mitigate such future events.

RAUGM Conference
October 27th - November 1st, 2019
Puerto Vallarto, Mexico
Deepwater oil spills:
Looking to the future
*will be screening Dispatches from the Gulf III!
Adolfo Gracia |
Steven A. Murawski |
Liesl Hotaling |
Sherryl Gilbert |

November 9th, 2019 | St. Petersburg, FL
Our 2 book series will be available
for purchase and signing!

AGU Conference
December 9th - 13th, 2019 | San Francisco, CA
Hosting a Storycollider!
Speakers include Mr. Simeon Pesch,
Dr. Mandy Joel, and more to come!
Contact Liesl Hotaling for more information

February 3rd - 7th, 2020 | Tampa, FL
2020: A Milestone in Gulf of Mexico Research

Tuesday, February 4th
By Invite Only
Details TBD

October 9th - 11th, 2019
Core Area 3:
Vulnerability and Resilience of Species
and Ecosystems to
Large-Scale Contamination Events:
Lessons from Deepwater Horizon

October 15th - 17th, 2019
Core Area 7:
Operational Oil Spill Modeling
Click on Book to Purchase

[CHAPTER TITLE]. In: Murawski, S.A.;
Ainsworth, C.H.; Gilbert, S.A.; Hollander,
D.J.; Paris, C.B.; Schlüter, M.; Wetzel, D.L.
(eds.), Deep Oil Spills - Facts, Fate, and
Effects, Springer International Publishing,
In Press, Springer International Publishing,
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-11605-7
Click on Book to Purchase

[CHAPTER TITLE]. In: Murawski, S.A.;
Ainsworth, C.H.; Gilbert, S.A.; Hollander,
D.J.; Paris, C.B.; Schlüter, M.; Wetzel, D.L.
(eds.), Scenarios and Responses to Future
Deep Oil Spills -Fighting the Next War, In
Press, Springer International Publishing,
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-12963-7
This Two Volume Book series synthesizes oil spill science since Deepwater Horizon.
The books contain 63 chapters collaboratively authored by over 150 researchers (representing academia, oil industry, and government scientists and contractors)... [Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI)]
Don't forget to check out our documentaries explaining the fallout, research, and expected recovery associated with the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

 2020 GoMOSES Sessions
Sessions C-IMAGE will be Chairing and Co-Chairing!

Volunteering is also available!

02: The Deep Gulf of Mexico: Knowns and unknowns after the Deepwater Horizon spill
Isabel Romero, Arne Dierks, Patrick Schwing (University of South Florida)

03: Predicting MOSSFA Events During Future Oil Spills in Support of Emergency Response and NRDA: New tools and new strategies in the assessment and forecasting of MOSSFA
David Hollander (University of South Florida), Adrian Burd (University of Georgia), Antonietta Quigg (Texas A&M University-Galveston)

05: Modeling for Synthesis – Integrated assessment of ocean environment, ecosystems, human health, and socio-economics
Helena Solo-Gabriele (University of Miami), Cameron Ainsworth (University of South Florida), Cecilie Mauritzen (Norwegian Meteorological Institute)

07: Taking Stock: Capacity building and the successes of advanced academic scholarship, professional training, and interdisciplinary mentoring through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative
Sherryl Gilbert and David Hollander (University of South Florida), Katie Fillingham (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative)

08: To Disperse or Not to Disperse? That is the question
Steven Murawski (University of South Florida), Joseph Katz (Johns Hopkins University), Thomas Coolbaugh (Exxon Mobil Corporation)

09: Biogeochemical Tracers in Oil Spill Science: Advances, lessons learned, and future directions
Will Patterson (University of Florida), Jeff Chanton (Florida State University)

10: Large Marine Vertebrates in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Ten Years After the Spill: New findings, synergies, collaborations, and opportunities
Pamela Michael (Clemson University), Kaitlin Frasier (University of California San Diego), Nathan Putman (LGL Ecological Research Associates)

21: On the Resiliency of Living Marine Resources to Gulf Oil Spills
Steven Murawski (University of South Florida), Samantha Joye (University of Georgia), Tracey Sutton (Nova Southeastern University)

22: Microbial Genomics to Improve Predictive Understanding of Disturbance in the Global Ocean System
Joel Kostka and Kostas Konstantinidis (Georgia Institute of Technology), Samantha Joye (University of Georgia), Rita Colwell (Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative)
"This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative/C- IMAGE III. Data are publicly available through the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Information & Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) at (doi: [, , ,…]).” "
<> | <jboczar@usf.efu>
Contact Jason Boczar and/or Carla Fotherby with any data management questions.


Susan Snyder
PhD Candidate
Marine Environmental Chemistry Laboratory- College of Marine Science
University of South Florida

Article Coming Soon

Isabel Romero
Research Associate, Marine Sciences
University of South Florida

 Whale, Hello There! My name is Kathy Sowers...
I am the new Program Assistant for C-IMAGE!
To everyone I've met so far - thank you for the warm welcome,
I feel as though I've been here for years.
My background consists of Administrative Support and Marketing.
As a native Floridian, the ocean has been a passion of mine for a long time.
To now work for C-IMAGE is an incredible opportunity because I'm applying my skills to a field I care about while simultaneously expanding my understanding of it.
c3 icon
Latest Album: Core 3 Synthesis Meeting

C-IMAGE organized a workshop called "Ecosystem Impacts of Deepwater Horizon Event: Assembling the Record of Species and Community Change" and it was attended from July 23-25 by our team and our partner institutions.

Read more about the assignments, presentations, and information given during this workshop on
USF's College of Marine Science page!
Improving the Integration of Restoration and Conservation in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

Wallace, R. L., Gilbert, S., & Reynolds, J. E. (2019). Improving the Integration of Restoration and Conservation in Marine and Coastal Ecosystems: Lessons from the Deepwater Horizon Disaster.  BioScience . doi: 10.1093/biosci/biz103
Resolving the Dilemma of Dispersant
use for Deep Oil Spill Response

Murawski, S. A., Schlüter, M., Paris, C. B., & Aman, Z. M. (2019). Resolving the dilemma of dispersant use for deep oil spill response.  Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 091002 .
doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab3aa0

Dispersant enhances hydrocarbon degradation and alters the structure of metabolically active microbial communities in shallow seawater from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Xiaoxu, S., Lena, C., Mercando, E., Romero, I. C., Hollander, D., & Kostka, J. E. (2019). Dispersant enhances hydrocarbon degradation and alters the structure of metabolically active microbial communities in shallow seawater from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.  Frontiers . doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02387
Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microbial Communities Are Site Specific, and Their Activity Is Limited by Synergies in Temperature and Nutrient Availability in Surface Ocean Waters

Sun, X., & Kostka, J. E. (2019). Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microbial Communities Are Site Specific, and Their Activity Is Limited by Synergies in Temperature and Nutrient Availability in Surface Ocean Waters.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (15). doi: 10.1128/aem.00443-19
The core seafloor microbiome in the Gulf of Mexico is remarkably consistent and shows evidence of recovery from disturbance caused by major oil spills

Overholt, W. A., Schwing, P., Raz, K. M., Hastings, D., Hollander, D. J., & Kostka, J. E. (2019). The core seafloor microbiome in the Gulf of Mexico is remarkably consistent and shows evidence of recovery from disturbance caused by major oil spills.  Environmental Microbiology .
doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14794

For our Community, Researchers, and Students!

A series of Youtube videos produced by Aimee Brisbin shows some diversity of C-IMAGE research. Learn about careers in Marine Science disciplines including fisheries, genomics, and general advice for young scientists.
I n collaboration with the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, NOAA SeaGrant produces bulletins and fact sheets about the impacts of oil spills.
In 2016 and 2017, C-IMAGE and Story Collider hosted ten speakers to share their story of science and oil spills.
C-IMAGE Consortium

Interested in learning more about the C-IMAGE Program?
New C-IMAGE Website Coming Soon!