Pictured: John Scranton stocking shelves. Photo credit: Dana Shaw/Press News Group

So far this year, we have provided services for 3,000 unduplicated people and provided almost 270,000 meals worth of food to ensure every person in every family has enough to eat. Our busiest months are now upon us. The holidays, high home heating bills, and less work can put a tremendous strain on local families.


Over the next few months there will be many ways to support families in need, look for our holiday stars to buy a gift for a local child, sign-up for the 20th anniversary Polar Bear Plunge, or make a gift today to ensure everyone has enough food to make a Happy Thanksgiving.

Click here to donate now!

Pictured: A special delivery of fresh cauliflower from Island Harvest

We will provide more food to local families this year than any other year in our 43-year history. For the past 14 months, we have served more families than we've ever seen in those same months. In the month of October, we had 1001 visits to the food pantry, compared to 636 visits last year and 383 in October 2021. These numbers show us that we are dealing with a new food insecurity crisis.


With the holidays and hard winter months quickly approaching, we could definitely use more help and more support! We gladly accept food donations from 10 AM-2 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays and are in need for volunteers in the pantry, click here to sign-up


We have been struggling to have enough food each week. Please consider donating today to help us feed our neighbors in need this month and beyond.


Would you like to help make an impact right here in our community? Click here to host a food drive for us.

Pictured: Maripaz and Maribel attending a reception hosted by HICO

Our Assistance Program provides a whole network of services for those in need in our community - including seniors, adults, children, and veterans. We work very closely with local businesses and organizations to connect people with the necessary resources and support. We are honored to be a 2023 recipient of a High Impact Community Outreach grant from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Fork. Recently, Maribel and Maripaz participated in a forum with all the recipients to discuss ways to work together to ensure no need is left unmet.


A sudden illness or loss of work hours can sometimes cause devastating financial consequences, and we are so lucky to be able to step in and help. So far this year, we have met 235 requests for emergency financial assistance.

Here are a few examples of what our Assistance Program was able to do this month:

  • Purchased a warm sleeping bag and boots for a homeless man who sleeps outside
  • Paid a month's rent for a single mom struggling to make ends meet
  • Covered the balance owed to PSEG so a senior on oxygen could get her service reinstated
  • Helped a single mom repair her car so she can start working again 
  • Paid for an eye exam and new glasses for a partially blind woman


To support a family through a difficult time...


Would you like to help keep someone warm this winter? Donate gently used coats and clothing for us to distribute. Call (631) 283-6415 when you arrive.

We recently invited all of our food pantry customers for our 2nd annual Mom’s Day Out at the First Presbyterian Church of Southampton


Moms were treated to free haircuts and blowouts courtesy of volunteer hair stylists Fanny Espejo, Sonia Gemayel, Sam Leonardi, Jessica Mackey of Sorella Hair Design, Katherine Pierro and Thelma of Katherine and Company, Anne Ramunno, and Chris Ritchey.


We provided clothing and coats for women, men, and children - all beautifully organized by volunteers Catherine Stoll, Kim Warco, and Santa Tush.


Moms were treated to delicious apple crumb pies baked with love by Delaney Oser and the Kiwanis Club of Southampton. They were also given gift bags to pack with toiletries and essential care items.


We were so grateful to have other agencies attend to introduce their amazing programs and services to our clients. The Island Harvest community outreach team helped families sign up for SNAP. The Retreat domestic violence center attended to give information on their vital free counseling services. BOCES of Eastern Suffolk provided sign-ups for English language classes. Our own staff helped mothers sign up for WIC to ensure essential nutrition for pregnant moms and young children. 

Celebrating 20 Years


Let's get freezin' for a great reason!






Thank you to the Southampton UFSD. This month the SES Community Service Club made special Halloween bags for the children we serve. In addition, high school students participated in their annual day of service by helping us receive deliveries and prepare grocery bags.


 Want to stay up to date? Click here to follow us on instagram and stay current on all that's happening at Heart of the Hamptons.

Thank you to these local businesses and organizations
who help make our work possible:

  • Alternatives for Children
  • Amber Waves
  • ARF Hamptons
  • Argento Southampton
  • Armin & Judy
  • Athelta, Bridgehampton
  • Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
  • Boyscouts Troup 58
  • Bridge Lane Farms
  • Catena's Market
  • Citarella
  • Compass Cares
  • Corwith Farms
  • Douglas Elliman
  • East End Food Insitute
  • First Presbyterian Church
  • Flour Power
  • Food Rescue South Fork
  • Goldberg's
  • Golden Pear Cafe
  • Halsey Farms
  • Hamptons United
  • Hamptons United Methodist Church
  • HAPCO Farms/Fresh from the Start 
  • Hometown Taxi
  • I Love Ukraine
  • Island Harvest
  • Jones and Little
  • Kiwanis Club
  • The Gertrude and Leonard McComb Foundation
  • Long Island Cares
  • Mayor Bill Manger and the Village Board of Trustees 
  • North Sea Farms
  • Old Town Lodge Free Masons
  • Organización Latino-Americana
  • Peconic Prime Meats
  • Pro Bono Partnership
  • Propane Depot
  • Provisions
  • Rogers Family Farm
  • Rogers Memorial Library
  • Sabrosa Mexican Grill
  • Share the Harvest
  • Sip 'n Soda
  • Slow Food East End
  • Southampton Little League
  • Southampton History Museum
  • Southampton Rotary
  • Southampton Union Free School District
  • Spanish Apostolate 
  • Supervisor Jay Schneiderman and the Southampton Town Board
  • Supplies for Success
  • SYS Recreation Center
  • Tate's
  • The Children's School
  • The Green Thumb
  • Twin Forks Fuel 

Thank you for your incredible support!

1. What is the best way to help?

Monetary donations directly help us to feed our neighbors in need. Donate here!

2. Are you accepting food or clothing donations?

Currently, we are accepting food and clothing donations. The drop-off times are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10AM-2PM. Please call our office upon arrival (631-283-6415).

3. Do you need volunteers?

Yes! Please sign up on our website here

4. How does one register for the food pantry?

One can register ahead by calling our office (631-283-6415) to speak with our bilingual staff. New customers are welcome to visit during food pantry hours- Wednesdays and Fridays from 10AM-12PM. Upon arrival, they will be asked to fill out a registration form and provide valid identification. This form is used solely for reporting numbers to the food bank so we receive enough food to feed our customers.

Our mission is simple - to help people in our local community who are in need with dignity and without discrimination. For the past 43 years, we've been able to do that together. We thank you!

Warmest regards,

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