We recently invited all of our food pantry customers for our 2nd annual Mom’s Day Out at the First Presbyterian Church of Southampton.
Moms were treated to free haircuts and blowouts courtesy of volunteer hair stylists Fanny Espejo, Sonia Gemayel, Sam Leonardi, Jessica Mackey of Sorella Hair Design, Katherine Pierro and Thelma of Katherine and Company, Anne Ramunno, and Chris Ritchey.
We provided clothing and coats for women, men, and children - all beautifully organized by volunteers Catherine Stoll, Kim Warco, and Santa Tush.
Moms were treated to delicious apple crumb pies baked with love by Delaney Oser and the Kiwanis Club of Southampton. They were also given gift bags to pack with toiletries and essential care items.
We were so grateful to have other agencies attend to introduce their amazing programs and services to our clients. The Island Harvest community outreach team helped families sign up for SNAP. The Retreat domestic violence center attended to give information on their vital free counseling services. BOCES of Eastern Suffolk provided sign-ups for English language classes. Our own staff helped mothers sign up for WIC to ensure essential nutrition for pregnant moms and young children.