Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

Contact Us

Snowmobile North Dakota

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:
October 24th - 25th: ND Sportman's Expo - Bismarck Civic Center - Bismarck, ND
October 25th - 26th: Snow n Shine show held at the Kirkwood Mall in Bismarck, ND
October 31st - November 1st: SND Convention in Minot, ND
November 1st: Deadline for new land leases and updates
November 10th: December 2014 Sno-Dak News Deadline
December 1st: To ensure members don't miss an issue of the Sno-Dak News, please renew by Dec. 1st

The October 2014 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  Trail Signs, SND Convention, Sled'N Snap, Online Training and Legislation.


2015 Legislation Update

We are still looking for the memberships help to start contacting your local legislators on the 2015 Legislative Campaign.  This session we are looking at transferring the snowmobile registration administration from the North Dakota Department of Transportation (DOT) to the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department (NDPRD).  Please use this Letter of Support to share with your local legislators and club members!


2014 SND Convention

Early Bird registration for the 36th State Snowmobile Convention ends today, October 15th.  The convention will be held in Minot, ND the weekend of October 31st - November 1st, 2014 and hosted by the Gasmann Coulee Cruisers.  The event will be held at the Grand Hotel.  Call 800-735-4493 or 701-852-3161 to make reservations and mention the SND State Convention to get a rate of $89.95 for double or single rooms.  Click here to register online or print the brochure to mail!  Please watch the club mailboxes and your email for more information on upcoming meeting information.


Convention Reminders:

  1. The Board of Directors are looking for 2015 and 2016 Convention Hosts; please send a letter of nomination to SND if interested (letters due 10/24/14)
  2. The 2016 State Ride location will be selected at the convention; please send a letter of nomination to SND if interested (letters due 10/24/14)
  3. Grant & Aid Applications are due 10/24/14
  4. SND would like to remind everyone there are two positions open on the Board of Directors; Secretary and Region 5 Director
  5. The club's earned delegates must attend the annual meeting to receive the annual meeting point for trail funding; (Delegate Report)
  6. The club must have current certifications for Grooming and Trail Signing to receive the certification point for trail funding; (Groomer Operator Certifications, Trail Signing Certifications)
  7. Please remember each club involved with the trail association will affect the total points 

Online Training

New for this season, Snowmobile North Dakota is offering online trail signing and trail grubbing training.  The training can be found at  Both trainings offer the same information presented at the annual conventions.  At the end of the online presentation is a short quiz to verify your certification.  Please contact the office if you have any questions and input on the new training program.  We hope this new feature helps all of the trail associations and snowmobile clubs train volunteers in the future.


Sled'N Snap

Love sledding? Love prizes? Take a photo and you could win! Submit your best snowmobiling photos online for the chance to win a trailer! Visit to enter this year's Sled'N Snap photo contest.  This exciting photo contest is brought to you by the Flaman Group of Companies, the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association, the Alberta Snowmobile Association, Snowmobilers of Manitoba and Snowmobile North Dakota.  All winter long, capture your favorite sledding moments and upload them to the website in a variety of categories including:

  1. Trail/Scenery/Wildlife Shots
  2. Action!
  3. Buried! (Got the Powder Blues)
  4. Trailers/Truck/Wild Sled Wraps
  5. Youth/Family

Just by entering you could win an Aluma 2-place aluminum tilt trailer - there's one for Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and North Dakota.  Or you could win the Grand Prize - the use of an enclosed sled trailer of your choice (up to $15,000) for one year!  There are also other prizes from your local association and their partners.  Photos will be judged by the Snowmobile North Dakota Board of Directors Awards and Nominations Committee.  Contest closes March 31st, 2015.  



  1. Trail signs are ready for pickup at the office in Bismarck if you would like them before the convention; please make arrangements to pick them up so they can be placed in the front office
  2. Membership renewal ends December 1st
  3. Please remember to shop with and support Snowmobile North Dakota, Inc.  Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. 
  4. Every time you shop online at; Snowmobile North Dakota earns cash.  Signup for a free account today and start getting paid to shop with their #CashBack program. To learn more about the #CashBack program click here!
This message is brought to you by Snowmobile North Dakota and our international partners.