Country MeadowsNewsletter  

October Calendar...Click here

Well summer is officially over. The swimming pool is closed and covered for winter and the golf course will be seeing its last days soon, if not already after the recent rain.
Everyone from both communities appeared to enjoy the Terry Chisholm Pizza Party event with a good turnout, thanks to all. Many positive comments were made about the use of the round table experiment to allow easier access and a more comfortable setting to interact with other people at your table. At our next meeting we will discuss the use of round tables for the Christmas party, as it is an added expense to the CMHOA.
We would love to schedule more events, but we need a social convenor or a social committee willing to step up for 2023 and get the ball rolling. The role does not have to be a single handed responsibility. Two or more people could coordinate events, share the workload and delegate a committee as needed. The results of our entertainment survey will be revealed at our next General Meeting. If you haven't submitted the survey, you can drop it off at my home, 10 Garden Grove. Hopefully upon learning the results, someone will feel more confident to come forward, once they understand what the residents are looking for in entertainment.
We have lots to discuss at our October membership meeting. It’s important to attend these meetings so you can give your input, tell us your ideas and to vote on current issues. When you don't get this opportunity, you may become dissatisfied and that is not our intent whatsoever. As an Executive we try to follow what the membership requests. 
Only two meetings left in 2022, so this is your chance to attend on October 17th. 
Hope to see you!                             
thanks ~ Ken

The CMHOA Executive


Vice President - Ken Bannerman -

Treasurer - Alan Trimble

Secretary - Brenda Adair -

Membership Convenor - Brenda Walinga -

Communications Convenor - Dorothy McCarthy -

Next General Meeting 

Monday, October 17 ~ 10AM

at the Clubhouse

Updates from Parkbridge

Good day residents,


We have been advised that there have been sightings of wildlife in your community. Given the demographic of your community it is not uncommon for these sightings.

By Law, and Animal Control will not remove these animals, nor will any animal/pest company. We would like to reiterate that leaving food out for wildlife or stray animals is prohibited. 



Conrad Sredzinski (he/him)

Property Administrator Wasaga Beach 

75 Theme Park Road, unit B

 to Country Meadows

Lois and Dick Moore - 21 Greenway 

Nancy and Vic Pfeiffer - 45 Garden Grove

Congratulations to the

September 50/50 Winners:

September 1 – ART WELSH

September 8 – VERONICA WALES

September 15 – NORA CREMERS

September 22 – JAROSLAV NOVAK

September 29 – not yet claimed - could it be you?

The last 50/50 Draw for this season is Thursday, October 13th. 

Thank you to all the volunteers that helped out. 

We had multiple ticket sellers that came out every week to help raise funds for the community, a special thanks for these efforts. 











This is a Fundraiser for Christmas for Seniors

providing a personal care package for Seniors in Wasaga Beach using the Food Bank.

Admission: Either a Cash Donation or a Ladies Shampo

Please check the Wasaga Beach Ministerial Food Bank Facebook and Website locations, for items currently needed at the food bank. Thanksgiving is soon and the need is great


Donations can be left at 43 Greenway Drive every Wednesday.

Thank you for your continued generosity!




There will be two donation collection boxes in the

Clubhouse for October and November


Two containers will be at 42 Garden Grove for cash and gift cards for each project




The Wasaga Beach Kinettes collect toys for children in need to ensure they have a wonderful Christmas.


They appreciate toys for the younger children and gift cards for the older children.




There are 300 seniors in the Wasaga Beach community using the food bank. A group of seniors in this community are collecting for them.


The food bank has suggested these items for donation:


Shampoo, deodorant, body wash, toothpaste


Deodorant, body wash, disposable razors, shaving gel, toothpaste

Gift Cards

$5 or $10 cards for Tim Horton’s, McDonald’s, Superstore, Foodland, Walmart


These items will be packaged into gift bags sewn by the

ladies of Country Meadows   


A message from Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry

Good Afternoon
Following up on our call regarding the coyote lingering around your neighbourhood. Please feel free to share this information with anyone in your community. 
Coyotes can lose their instinctive fear of man when they are fed both directly and indirectly in man’s domain. The approaching of humans is almost always a learned behaviour resulting from the intentional feeding of wildlife. The key to addressing conflicts between people and wildlife, particularly in urban environments, is to focus on what people can do to coexist with wildlife and to insure that a healthy natural fear and avoidance of people is maintained. 
Coyotes are naturally wary of people and normally seek to avoid humans, even in urban areas. Changes in a coyotes behavior such as losing fear of people, approaching or coming into close proximity of people and pets are usually linked to wildlife becoming habituated to human food sources. The intentional feeding of Red Foxes or unintended provision of other food attractants such as improper storage of garbage, are common in urban areas.
 Pets if allowed to wander unrestrained or unconfined, will predate on smaller wildlife and are susceptible to predation by larger wildlife. To avoid these types of encounters pet owners should not leave small pets outside and unattended, or let their dogs run off leash, particularly in wooded areas that may be inhabited by Ontario’s canid species.
Generally speaking the presence of Coyote in urban areas does not pose a dangerous situation or threat to public safety. However, Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated accordingly. As mentioned earlier most of the conflict situations that occur are with habituated Red Fox that may approach people or pets looking for food.  In any circumstance where there is an immediate threat to public safety the police should be notified by calling 911.
The responsibility for dealing with human-wildlife conflict situations rests with the landowner. The Ministry can provide information about wildlife and advice on preventing and managing conflicts and can also direct property owners to agents that can assist them with resolving their problem. There is a great deal of information about preventing and managing human-wildlife conflicts, including fact sheets on the living with wildlife page of the Ministry’s web site at .
Who can be a wildlife agent
If you use someone else to remove the animal, they must meet at least 1 of these criteria:
  • have a valid H1 Outdoors Card only to harass or kill wildlife but not to capture wildlife
  • have a valid trapping licence
  • be employed to control wildlife by a municipality
  • be an Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals agent or employee
  • be your immediate family member
  • be a person that runs a wildlife removal business, but only to capture and release (not kill) the problem wild animals
  • be authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry
 Rules for removing animals
You or your agent must:
  • abide by all municipal by-laws and other applicable laws
  • not harass, capture or kill more wildlife than is necessary to protect your property
  • deal humanely with wildlife that is killed, captured or harassed
  • restrict activity to your property
  • not destroy the den of a furbearing mammal or a black bear without approval from MNRF. Requirement for approval does not apply to fox or skunk dens
  • release captured live wildlife within 24 hours
  • release captured live wildlife within 1 kilometre of where they were captured
  • release wildlife on private property only with the landowner’s permission
 Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jeremiah Young
Bear Management Technician
Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, Midhurst District
2284 Nursery Rd, Midhurst, ON L9X 1N8
ph: (249)-733-7683

Simcoe County

Waste Collection

Yard waste collection returns in October and runs biweekly until December 9.

Have your bags curb side by 7am Monday, October 10 and/or Monday, October 24.

Battery Collection is Wednesday, November 9

Another Paddle up the

Nottawasaga River

The last paddle was a great success so we are doing it again. Everyone is welcome so spread the word. 

Kayaks and canoes (and lifejackets) can easily do this paddle.

Nice slow current to help you along.

The plan is as follows:

Meet at the Wasaga Sports Park at 9am on Oct. 13 

If you happen to have an extra car we can leave it there to shuttle back after the trip.

We will then drive to Edenvale to launch.

Paddle will then bring us back to Wasaga Sports Park.  Approx; 4 hrs

Any questions Please call Glyn at 705 487 1565 

Wednesday Ladies Golf

Well I can’t believe that the Women’s Golf League has come

to an end. It went by so fast.

I hope everyone who participated, had as much fun as I did.

The year end tournament and banquet was held on Wednesday Sept. 21st. First place winner was Dee Pauze.

Second place winner was Sandy Ayres, and third place winner was

Sandra McCarl. Most improved golfer was Colleen Douglas and the most honest golfer was Wendy Trudeau.

Congratulations to the winners.

The banquet was a tremendous success and I would like to thank everyone that participated. Thank you to all who brought the food. It was amazing.

Thank you to the helpers who did set-up and clean-up. The decorating team, and a special thanks to Norma Cooper who throughout the summer did whatever was asked with a smile.

Please be on the lookout for an announcement next spring about the start-up of the league. I hope everyone has a wonderful winter and hope to see you all next spring.                                                                      ~  Wendy Merriott.

Men's & Mixed Golf

Sept 2 Mixed Golf

Closest to pin~ 

Ladies #4 no winner carryover 

Mens #5 Bill Marriott 

First place - Charlie wright/ Pat Standeven

Second place- Terry Contois/Carl Dolk

Third place- Mike Belford/Ed Pollington

Sept 9 Mixed

Closest to pin ~

Ladies no winner carryover 

Mens no winner carryover 

First place - Joyce Brown/ Charlie wright

Second place - Bob Burke/ Norma Cooper

             John McAllister/Frank Elam

Third place -  Carl Dolk/Rick McCullough


Mens Golf Sept 6

Closest to pin 5 Gerry Seaton

          Pin 8 no winner carryover 

First - Bob Bogardis

Second - Ken Taylor

Third - John Kennedy 

Sept 13 called off due to weather

Sept 20 2022 championship game 

Closest to pin #3 mike Belford

             #8 Ken Taylor

First place - Charlie wright low gross

Second place - Mike Belford low gross

First place - Jeff Handilsepger

Second place - Jerry Robinson

Thanks for everyone’s support and help with the scrambles. It was a very good year for golf we started early in May and as long as course is open and weather holds up we will continue to play. Have to give Shawn Parr and his groundskeepers a big thankyou for the excellent condition of the course. I have been here since 1984 and the course has never looked as good! Again, thanks Shawn terrific job well done.

Canada Day scramble raised 100lbs of food for the local Foodbank

July Scramble for Georgian bay Hospice we raised $ 

August Scramble for the Parkinson’s foundation we raised $500 

So a big thank you for your donations


If you know anyone that would like to come out to play please bring them out. Beginners are more than welcome to play. We try not to take it seriously, just try to have fun and meet your neighbours.

You can always get the hold of me at rlagan@rogers

Again thanks to everyone for making it a great year

Rick McCullough 

Hometown Sponsored 

Halloween Dinner & Dance

Monday, October 10

As you count your blessings on this Thanksgiving Day, remember how extremely lucky we all are to live in Country Meadows and have neighbours who care for and

enjoy each other. 

Have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving 

with your family and close friends.