October 2023



2 Bill Gray

4 Chris Weber

10 Tom Ristvey

15 Tom Ambrass

21 Lori Gallagher

21 Richard Matas

23 Bill Boros


19 Pat & Sue Donnelly

21 Gary & Kinta Alizzeo

25 Alan & Robbie Fusetti

28 Gene & Kathy Soriano

October Hors d'oeuvre Gathering

Saturday, October 7th @ 5:00pm

Bring a dish to share and enjoy the company


The party season finished on September 9th with a classic low country boil. With the help from a few extra hands and pots (especially Gary and Kinta's mega pot and help cooking!) It was a awesome boil! The dessert table was amazing. It goes without saying there are many hands on deck or porch that make these parties successful. But I am very grateful for all of the appetizers, desserts, kitchen help, grounds prep, decorating, party prep, clean up - not to party goers and porch dancers! Thank you, I am always awed by this club's enthusiasm and willingness to help.

The Fall Work party is Sunday October 29th starting at 9 am. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for all. If you plan on making a soup or dessert, please let me know at 330-307-6769 or attyspc@earthlink.net

Don't forget that starting after the Fall Work Party, the monthly Hors d'oeuvre Party on the first Saturday of every month will begin at 5 pm instead of 6 pm.

Stay tuned for next year's party dates. If you have any ideas for party themes or suggestions for improvements for next year, please let me know.

Susan Porter Collins


The Fall Work party is Sunday October 29th starting at 9 am. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided for all. If you plan on making a soup or dessert, please Susan Porter know at 330-307-6769



PCC Sailing School welcomes new boat!

We are so excited to welcome this beautiful Lightning to our PCC Sailing School fleet! She will be a great addition to our small boat class - stable, spacious and responsive. This is a racing class boat and responds well to even a light breeze. We can’t wait to give her some new lines and a little bit of TLC, and get her out on the water!

Pictures are from our "sea trials" by a couple of our instructors :)

P15 in need of a new home (lake)!

Our Precision 15 has served us well over the past few years, but with our school growing and fleet changing, it's now for sale! She is a very simple boat to rig and sail, and is good for beginners or kids. All hardware is in excellent condition, and the boat comes with main, jib, all lines and fins, and an aluminum trailer. She is sail ready!

We are asking $1500. The sale of this boat will directly benefit the sailing school and will help offset the cost of our recently purchased Lightning.

Contact: Lidia Gray 724-967-1910 szarak2000@yahoo.com

Scot refurb project

This winter, we are planning to refurbish an older Flying Scot which was purchased by the sailing school and is in need of balsa repair. Although it's not a difficult project, it's messy and time consuming. For obvious reasons, this will be done in the the off season (we're busy sailing and teaching in the summer!) - but we are in need of a shed/warehouse/garage or any other building to rent to get the work done.

The building needs to have lights and heat (for fiberglass work) and ideally is within an hour drive from Jamestown. We estimate several weeks worth of work.

If you know of any place where we could rent some space this winter, please reach out to Lidia: 724-967-1910 or szarak2000@yahoo.com

Please respect private and school equipment

We have received several complaints about private equipment being used without the owner's permission. Just a reminder - all equipment on the rack pictured below is private. If you'd like to use any of it, please know who it belongs to and ask permission before using.

There are several club owned kayaks / canoes that are available for general use. Those are labeled with a PCC sticker. As long as you are using stickered equipment, no need to ask. Please be sure to rinse kayaks/canoes after each use, and always follow life jacket use requirements.

Additionally, school sailboats are available to our members at no extra charge, however you must request a sign off by one of our instructors before taking any boats out, including the Sunfish. Life jackets are required on any school equipment. Please clean/rinse boats and make sure sails are dry before stroing them in the shed.



Input to our monthly newsletter is encouraged and greatly appreciated! Please email articles and photos to Heather at jager6@zoominternet.net or text photos to 814-795-7135 by the 25th of each month.

Board of Directors

Bill Gray

Sue Porter

VP/Social Chair



Michelle Bish




Menno Jager




Ron Gallagher

Harbor Master



Dale Lewis

Buildings & Grounds



Ross Cummings

Racing Liaison



Ex-Officio Board Members

Kathy Soriano




Ron Gallagher
Assistant Caretaker

Lidia Gray

PR/Sailing School



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