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October 11, 2017 issue of the DPSAC NEWS

In This Issue

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Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Building 31, Room 1B03
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday 


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@ 



Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

E-mail: facilityaccesscontrol@ 




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Coming NED Version 4.1 Supports Changes to  HHS and NIH Badge Policy

In a September 29, 2017 e-mail to NED Portal users, the NED Team announced that it will release NED version 4.1 over the weekend of October 27 with an October 30 "go-live' date. 

This revision supports important badging policy changes that impact the following populations at NIH:
    1. Foreign Nationals  
    2. NIH FTE - Special Government Employees (SGEs)
    3. Non-FDA Tenants and Volunteers (other than Special Volunteer) 
    4. FDA Tenants.
The e-mail, reproduced below, summarizes these changes in NED. It also lists several 'back end' system portal changes "that will be transparent to NED Portal users, but AOs/ATs should be aware of," said the NED team.
The NED team also released a 15-page " NED v4.1 Release Customer Guide" that details these changes, along with step-by-step instructions and supporting NED screen shots of sample revised tasks in NED to assist NED portal users.
The September 29, 2017 e-mail from the NED Team to NED Portal Users:
InsertThe NED team will deploy release v4.1 the weekend of October 27 with an October 30 go-live date.  The release includes support for changes to HHS and NIH badge policy and related NED system changes.
How will the v4.1 release affect NED Portal users?
Overall NED Portal functionality and look/feel will remain the same, but the release includes changes to align with the following policy changes:
  •   Foreign nationals living in the U.S. for three or more years will
      receive PIV badges with a blue stripe rather than RLA badges.
  •   NIH FTE - Special Government Employees (SGEs) who require
      both logical and physical access will receive RLA badges rather
      than NIH ID "legacy" badges.
  •   Non-FDA Tenants and Volunteers (other than Special Volunteer)
      will receive RLA badges rather than NIH ID "legacy" badges.
  •   NIH will no longer issue ID badges to FDA tenants.
NED v4.1 includes many "back end" system changes that will be transparent to NED Portal users, but AOs/ATs should be aware of the
following Portal changes: 
  •   Position information will be required for NIH FTE - SGEs, non-
      FDA Tenants, and Volunteers (other than Special Volunteer). 
  •   There will be a new required field ("NIH Facilities/IT Systems
      Access") for non-FDA Tenants and Volunteers (other than
      Special Volunteer).
  •   The existing duration field ("short-term/long-term") will be
      removed for NIH FTE - SGEs.
  •   The Portal will prevent AOs/ATs from requesting an ID badge
      when one is already pending for a person unless they choose to
      terminate the pending request.

For additional details, please refer to the NED v4.1 Release Customer Guide. The guide is also available on the NED SharePoint site.  

What might you need to do?
  • Join one of the NED v4.1 information sessions scheduled for October 12, and 17 where the NED team will discuss the upcoming changes in more detail, and present a live demo.
Note: On October 3, 2017 the NED team sent out invitations to NED Portal users to attend one of these sessions. If you did not receive an invitation and would like to attend, contact the NED team at: nedteam@mail.nih.gov.

Questions? Please contact the NED Team at nedteam@mail.nih.gov

NED Team

AO's Coordination of Badge Renewals for Foreign Nationals Can Help Ensure Uninterrupted Access to NIH Resources

When the NED team releases NED v.4.1 on October 30, 2017, foreign nationals who have lived in the U.S. for three years or longer will begin receiving a PIV card with a blue stripe instead of an RLA badge. DPSAC is advising all servicing AOs to coordinate with their foreign nationals when renewing their current RLA badges.

Why? When an AO submits a NED badge renewal task for a foreign national whose RLA badge is expiring, the individual's RLA badge will be revoked immediately after the AO approves/submits the badge renewal task. Once the RLA badge has been revoked, the individual is unable to use his/her badge to access any NIH facilities or the NIH network.

It will be important for AOs to coordinate the badge renewal process with the individual prior to submitting his/her badge renewal to ensure uninterrupted access to NIH campus facilities and the NIH IT Network.

DPSAC advises AOs to plan on scheduling badge renewals for a time when the badge holder is on one of the NIH campuses.

Once the AO has submitted the NED badge renewal task, the applicant can immediately visit DPSAC to enroll and be issued his or her new PIV card (with blue stripe). With the new badge in hand, the applicant will be able to enter NIH facilities and access the NIH IT network without any interruption of service.

Comparing pre- and post-October 30, 2017 badging policies and procedures for foreign nationals  

Current badging policy and procedure for foreign nationals

   If: The AO determines that the incoming foreign national will work at
        NIH short term (less than 6 months)
  • Short term foreign nationals will be fingerprinted and issued an RLA badge with an orange stripe. This badge expires in 6 months.
   If: the AO determines that the incoming foreign national will be at NIH
        long term (greater than six months),
  • Foreign nationals who plan to work at NIH longer than six months are issued an RLA badge with a 3-year lifecycle.
Badging policy for foreign nationals as of October 30, 2017

    If: The AO determines that the foreign national will be short term (less
         than 6 months)
  • Short term foreign nationals (less than 6 months) will be fingerprinted and issued an RLA badge that displays an orange stripe and a small blue box icon that serves to identify the badge holder as a foreign national. This RLA badge expires at 6 months.
    If: The AO determines that the foreign national will be working at NIH
         longer than six months       
  • If the individual has lived in the U.S. less than 3 years, the foreign national will be issued a 3-year RLA with orange stripe and a blue 'box' icon on the face of the badge. This icon serves as an identifier that the badge holder is a foreign national.
  • If the individual has lived in the U.S. more than 3 years, the foreign national will be issued an HHS ID Badge (PIV card) with blue stripe with a 5-year life cycle. Individuals eligible for a PIV card will be fingerprinted and will complete the appropriate e-QIP questionnaire and accompanying documentation.

Note: all short-term individuals (less than 6 months) will be subject to a fingerprint check. Long-term staff (greater than 6 months) will be fingerprinted and must complete the appropriate e-QIP questionnaire and accompanying documentation for a full background investigation.    


Return Summer Student RLA Badges to DPSAC

DPSAC would like to remind AOs that Summer student RLA Badges should have been returned to the DPSAC Office, Attention, Alex Salah, Building 31, Room 1B03, by October 2, 2017. All Summer student badges expired on September 30, 2017.

These badges are federal property and need to be collected and returned immediately to DPSAC once the Summer student has completed his/her time at NIH. 
NIH Adds Badging Service Centers for Out-of-State Applicants

NIH has added four remote field offices to its list of out-of-state badging centers. These additions now give out-of-state individuals who are unable to easily travel to DPSAC badging facilities in Bethesda or other nearby satellite offices a choice of 14 enrollment and badge issuance centers around the country that offer full badging services.

The field offices, administered by the HHS Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals (OMHA) are located in: Miami (FL), Cleveland (OH), Salt Lake City (UT) and Irvine (CA). DPSAC will need to coordinate the appointments at these four additional locations.

Click here to view the locations of all PSC and OMHA badging centers as well as the guidelines for obtaining HHS ID Badge Enrollment, Issuance and Maintenance services at these out-of-state offices.

Helpful Tips

Do not lend your ID badge to anyone!
lending out your ID badge is prohibited. The issuance of ID badges is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification. To do so is a criminal offense!

ALT cards -- should be returned to the IC ALT card coordinator
- NOT to the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC).

All Building 31 badging services -- Enrollment, Badge Issuance and Customer Service -- now offered at a single, convenient location in 1B03. 
All badging services in Building 31 are available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. DPSAC also offers Enrollment and Badging services in the South Lobby of the Clinical Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Administrative Officers (AOs) who wish to obtain sponsor authority --
must complete the sponsor training (see: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Training/Pages/administrators.aspx) and e-mail a copy of your signed certificate to the NIH HSPD-12 Program Office at hspd12@od.nih.gov. Upon receipt of the certificate, the Program Office will authorize the AO as a Sponsor.

Note: ONLY individuals with an Administrative Officer role in NED are eligible to be HHS ID Badge/PIV Card Sponsors.

ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: taffetr@mail.nih.gov. Your request should include:  
  • the new operator's name
  • his/her Institute or Center (IC)
  • his/her NED number
  • the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number
  • the hours of operation of the Lifecycle Work Station
Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to HHSIdentityAdmins@deloitte.com to complete the approval process, add the name(s) to the LWS operator roster, and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.

Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman, newmanl@mail.nih.gov, and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).

If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with DPSAC, located in Building 31, Room 1B03 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.

If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your local badge issuance office. You can find contact information for all badge issuance offices at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/ser/dpsac/Pages/contactinfo.aspx.

Know someone who should be reading DPSAC News? -- have the person contact Lanny Newman, newmanl@mail.nih.gov, and ask to be put on the mailing list.   

NED Training -- FY 2018 Schedule 
Description: This course provides an overview of the NED Portal and the NIH business functions it supports from the perspective of a NED Portal user with the Administrative Officer (AO) or Administrative Technician (AT) role.

Upon completing the course, students will have a solid working knowledge of the NED Portal and be able to perform the following tasks: Register/Activate, Update, Modify, Transfer, Badge Renewal, and Deactivate.

The course will also familiarize students with other aspects of the NED Portal so they can: set their primary SAC coverage using Preferences; determine the status of a person's ID badge and/or network account request; look up and view information in a person's NED record; and, utilize NED reporting capabilities.
Intended Audience: New or relatively inexperienced NED Portal users with the AO or AT role.
Prerequisites: Basic personal computer skills and experience with web-based computer applications.
Reasonable Accommodations/Interpreting Services: For deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals requiring interpreting services, please enter your request online in the Interpreting Services System at least five (5) days before the start of the class.

If you want to make a request, or have any questions regarding this service, you may contact the Office of Research Services, Division of Amenities and Transportation Services, Interpreting Team at (301-402-8180). Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in any of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) Training courses should let CIT Training know at least 5 days prior to the class.
How to Register: To register for one of the classes listed below, go to: http://training.cit.nih.gov/class_details.aspx?cId=NIHCIT-GN142.   

NIH badging statistics from HHS as of September 29, 2017   

Sponsored: 37,216   Enrolled: 36,632   Issued: 35,176*
*This figure represents 95.0% of individuals who have been sponsored.

Percentages may not add up to 100%, as they are rounded to the nearest percent.  
Note: the Department reports weekly on the number of individuals who have been sponsored, enrolled and issued new HHS ID Badges for each OPDIV.
DPSAC News reports the latest Departmental figures for NIH in the first issue published for that month.

A biweekly e-newsletter from the National Institutes of Health, Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH administers "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
Office of Management
Office of Research Services
Division of Personnel Security and Access Control