Here's What's Happening October 12, 2022 | |
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Artist Sandra Koberlein Heping Salem County Humane Society With Fundraiser - Paint Your Own Pet Party
All proceeds donated to Salem County Humane Society!
Want to paint an original work of art of your beloved fur baby (or any animal)?
Join us for a one-of-a-kind paint night!
Step-by-step instructions will guide you in creating a whimsical keepsake.
- Independent at Spirits Distillery will host the evening to benefit the Salem County Humane Society.
- Sandra Koberlein, certified k-12 art teacher, is donating time to walk you through the steps in creating a unique masterpiece!
- Upon registration, you will be asked to send a photo of your lil loved buddy.
- A canvas will be prepared and ready to go when you arrive!
- All you need to do is show up and have fun!
When: Wed. Nov 2nd 6-8pm
doors open at 5:30 to set up and order a yummy cocktail if you wish!
Where: Independent Spirits Distillery
Cost: $40 pp All supplies included!
To register, email Sandra at
Attach a photo of the pet you plan on painting. The bigger the photo, the better!
Custom Cocktails offered at $12.50 Soda & water $2 Hot dogs $3
Feel free to bring your own non-alcoholic beverages and snacks
No outside alcohol permitted!
Artists under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Independent Spirits Distillery Kerry Thompsen, proprietor
131 Davidson Rd. Woolwich Township, NJ 08085
Sandra Koberlein Artist / Artist Educator
167 Lighthouse Rd. Pennsville, NJ 08070
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We Welcome Our Newest Member - hearts4hounds |
For More Information about hearts4hounds Click HERE
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Meals On Wheels Hiring for Head Chef |
Meals on Wheels is seeking a qualified head chef to create meals. Apply here or email
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For More Information about Ralston Click HERE
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Welcoming Elizabeth Stevenson | |
The Barnyard Bash at Coombs Barnyard |
This year's Barnyard Bash will be an open house style! Come to the Barnyard on Sunday October 2, 9, 16, 23 or 30 between the hours of 1pm-4 pm for a hayride, pumpkin picking, barrel train rides, visit with our Barnyard Animals and our 2022 CORN MAZE!! It will take about 2 hours to complete all the activities. Cost is $20/child and includes the hayride, corn maze, animal visits, pumpkin, decorating kit and barrel train rides. Cost is $10/adult and includes wagon ride, animal visit and corn maze.
Tickets can be purchased at the door. Cash and credit card accepted. Additional Pumpkins are available for purchase.
Amanda Coombs
Coombs Barnyard
20 Route 77
Elmer, NJ 08318
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Cream Valley Custard Serves Up Special Holiday Treats |
We closed up for the season last week and I am already getting things going for the offseason. I will be doing holiday treats starting with Halloween. I am doing specialty ice cream cakes, ice cream sandwiches, and more! People can either follow the link on our facebook page to place an order or call 856-769-0600 to leave a message! I have included a few pictures below. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you in advance!
Regan Wilson
Cream Valley Custard
Ph 856-769-0600
Cell 856-723-3532
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The Maze at Coombs Barnyard |
MAZE opens at 6:30 pm! Last entrance to the maze will be 8:30 pm. Every Friday AND Saturday from 9/23 to 10/29. Tickets can be purchased at the door.
Please be sure to bring a FLASHLIGHT! It's going to be dark out there! Cost is TBD. Food and Pumpkins will be available for sale at the event. Maze will take 30-45 minutes to complete. This year's corn maze theme is to LIVE SIMPLY!
Amanda Coombs
Coombs Barnyard
20 Route 77
Elmer, NJ 08318
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American Red Cross Blood Drive Locations |
Upcoming American Red Cross blood drives in Salem County with available appointments include:
Tuesday 10/18/2022 12 - 5 p.m. at the Pedricktown Industrial Complex EAC Building 545, 76 Porcupine Road, Pedricktown 08067
Thursday 10/20/2022 2 - 7 p.m. at the Salem County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 6, 693 South Broadway, Pennsville 08070
Tuesday 10/25/2022 2 - 7 p.m. at the Sharptown United Methodist Church, 3 Chapel Street, Pilesgrove 08098
Wednesday 11/2/2022 2 - 7 p.m. at the Catholic Community of the Holy Spirit, 2 Lamplighter Drive, Woodstown 08098
To make an appointment to donate blood, go to and enter the zip code of the desired donation location.
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SCC Glass Education Center News |
SCC Glass Education Center
Saturday and Sunday, October 15 and 16
"Arts In Bloom" Open House, Workshops, and Glass Sale!
Salem Community College (SCC) welcomes the public to the Samuel and Jean Jones Glass Education Center this Saturday and Sunday, October 16 and 17, for Salem County's "Arts in Bloom", Fall Glass Sale, and Glass Workshops.
Both Saturday and Sunday will include a glass sale featuring handmade glass created by the center's talented students! Items available include pumpkins, flowers, jewelry, vases, paperweights, and other handmade glass gift items. The sale will run from 10am to 5pm both days. Admission is free to the Glass Education Center and the sale. While visiting the center, guests may tour the Glass Education Center, and see glassmaking in action!
As a part of Arts in Bloom we will be hosting a "Dig Into Art" project (while supplies last). Details about our "Stained Glass" Votive Holders can be found below.
Additionally the glass center will be running hands-on workshops on Sunday. Limited space remains so sign up today! No glass experience is necessary, but please note minimum age requirements. Registration for our workshops can be found on our website at
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Salem County Historical Society Opens New Exhibit
Step Into Our Canvas: 200 Years of Salem County Art Opens October 14
The Salem County Historical Society is opening an art exhibit featuring Salem County artwork including artists recognized locally, regionally, and nationally for their skills. Ranging from the late 18th century to the present day, the subject matter includes portraits, landscapes, structures, still lifes, illustrations, and many more in a variety of mediums. This new exhibit of the Historical Society’s visual art collection aims to perpetuate Salem County’s heritage and enhance awareness and appreciation of its artistic roots. Some of the artists to be included are:
George Grier Bassett
George Washington Conarroe
John M. Dunn
Lucy Holme
Ron LeHew
Morris Hall Pancoast
Amelia Rumsey Patterson
George W. Pettit
And More!
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October 24 Get to Know Your Candidates Forum |
October 24 - 5:30 pm
At Salem Community College's Davidow Auditorim
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
Join us in person at Salem Community College's Davidow Auditorium to meet the Candidates and hear their platform.
Confirming Participating Candidates Include:
Salem County Board of Commissioners
Nelson Carney, Jr.
Charles V. Hassler
Cordy Taylor
Daniel Timmerman
United States Congress
Tim Alexander
Jefferson Van Drew
This event is free and organized by The Chamber's Government Relations & Economic Development Committee.
Please RSVP to or by calling 856-351-2245
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October 28 Annual Leadership Breakfast - Leading With Empathy |
October 28 - 8:30 am
Salem County Vo-Tech
880 Woodstown Rd (Rt 45)
Woodstown, NJ 08098
$25 per person
Sponsored by Salem Community College
Presented by Mike Gorman, Ed.D., President of Salem Community College and Kim Gattuso, Owner & General Manager, Dry Guys Basement Systems
Empathy has always been a critical skill for leaders, but it is taking on a new level of priority in today’s times. Far from a soft approach, it can drive significant business results for your company.
New research demonstrates the importance of empathy in everything from innovation to employee retention. Great leadership requires a fine balance of skills to create the conditions for employee engagement, happiness, and performance. Empathy tops the list of what today’s leaders must get right.
Full gourmet hot breakfast catered by the Salem County Vocational Technical School’s Culinary Arts Students.
To RSVP With Payment Click HERE The following businesses have already responded with their intention to attend:
Dry Guys
Mr Handyman
City of Salem
Classic Touch Embroidery
Quality Homes NJ
Ross Enterprises
Salem Community College
Salem Health & Wellness
South Jersey Gas
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October 28 - Salem City's Annual Walking Ghost Tour | |
Mt Zion Baptist Church Celebrates 135th Anniversary | For Sponsorship and Patron Information Click HERE | |
November 4 Appel Farm Seek Vendors |
Seeking Vendors and Sponsors for Healthy HeARTS Fest!
Appel Farm Arts & Music Center is hosting Healthy HeARTS Festival which is a fall festival to celebrate arts and wellness on Saturday, November 5 from 10am-4pm. This event will be kicking off our new series of free Environmental Arts and Wellness programs that will continue throughout the year. This day begins with a 5k race & 1 mile walk where folks will be able to explore our beautiful campus. Throughout the day, we're featuring local organizations and wellness-related businesses, crafters, food trucks, local wine and beer, creative arts workshops, sustainable art-making and live music. For more information, see our event website,
We're particularly interested in providing the opportunity for our local medical and wellness businesses and organizations to promote themselves and share their work with our community here in Elmer. If you are interested in having a vendor space, or becoming a sponsor for this event, please contact Katharine Baer at
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November 16 - Chamber Business After Hours Networking at Appel Farm |
November 16, 2022
5pm - 6:30 pm
At Appel Farm
457 Shirley Road
Elmer, NJ 08318
Custom Wine Glass Marbling Experiential Networking Hosted by Appel Farm
Join us for light food and drinks, networking, and custom wine glass marbling art. Participants will receive a complimentary Appel Farm wine glass to take home - but first, you can use your creativity and make it your own!
Pictured is an example of what we'll be creating.
To ensure adequate refreshments and art projects for everyone, please RSVP your intention to attend at 856-351-2245 or
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November 18 IN PERSON Business Education Seminar "Your Business & Tomorrow. Are They Compatible?" |
November 18 - 8am - 10am at Salem Community College - Tillis Hall Room 123
Join us live and in person for an interactive exercise in evaluation & planning for your business. Co-presented by Mike Gorman, EdD, President, Salem Community College & M. Ryan Gorman, CEO, Coldwell Banker Real Estate, LLC.
FREE thanks to a grant from Atlantic City Electric
Salem Community College
Tillis Hall Room 123 (Board Room)
460 Hollywood Avenue
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
To register, contact
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December 3 Salem City's Yuletide Tour - 35th Year | |
December 7 Save the Date - Chamber Annual Distinguished Citizen of the Year Banquet Honoring Lee Ware |
December 7, 2022
5:30 pm
$60 per person
The Grove at Centerton
Tickets are available now and may be purchased at Click HERE
Sponsorships are also available, all Sponsorships include event tickets. To download the Sponsor form Click HERE
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