We had a lot of wins last week in athletics. We enjoyed watching all the Tiger teams playing. Playoffs are around the corner for several groups, and we look forward to them advancing.
Middle School will have Sweetheart Night at their game on Tuesday night, and High School will have the Homecoming game on Wednesday! Friday night the MHS Varsity Volleyball Team will have Senior night to honor the senior players.
Progress reports go out on Thursday.
Please remember that the District is closed this Monday in observance of Columbus Day. I hope all the staff and students enjoy the extra day off, all of you are working hard, and you deserve it!
The District has started the process of putting together a long-term planning committee. We will use this committee to determine future needs and continue to help our students and staff succeed. The administrative team is also examining the current schedule we are using because of Covid-19. Please check our website and social media outlets this week for any changes.
If your student is struggling with the on-line platform, we encourage you to contact your campus principal.
Please remember to social distance and wear a mask at all athletic contests. We want all the Tiger teams to have a full season. We wanted to thank everyone for their patience in these difficult times also.
It's always a great day to be a TIGER!