The E-pistle of Sunday, October 15th, 2023
The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
7:30AM in Emmanuel Chapel
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
10:00AM in the Nave & Livestreamed
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The Cathedral Church of St. Luke
in the
City of Portland
and the
Episcopal Diocese of Maine
Whoever you are,
and wherever you may be on the journey of the spirit,
The Episcopal Church welcomes you.
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Welcome to St. Luke’s Cathedral
We are a community of faith with ancient worship and modern thought, catholic traditions and progressive theology. We proclaim a Biblical perspective for thinking people, a respect for reason, science, and a diversity of perspective. This empowers compassion and care for both the wider community and one another. Our commitment to welcome and inclusion is central to our mission modeled on the Kingdom of God and proclaimed by Jesus Christ.
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The altar flowers are given to the glory of god by John & Georgia Bancroft
in gratitude for the work of the St. Luke’s Flower Guild
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Sunday Morning Service Participants
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The Rev. George Stevens, Interim Dean
The Rev. Christopher Worthley, Assisting Clergy
The Rev. Rebecca A. Grant, Deacon
The Rev. Anne C. Fowler, Assisting Clergy
Music Leader & Organist
Christian M. Clough, Canon for Liturgy & Music
Sam Allen
Prayers Leader
Jonathan Radtke
Peter Bingham, Chester Bishop, Deb Marcoux, Gail Swanton
Head Verger
Eleanor Roberts
John Hennessy
Lucy Pride
Live Streaming
Jack Swanton, Sam Allen
The Healing Team
Peter Carleton, Judd Hume
Contributing Ministries
The Cathedral Choir, Acolytes, Vergers, The Flower Guild, The Altar Guild, The Kneeler Guild, The Healing Team
Music copyrights granted under #A-713087. Sources: The Hymnal 1982, Lift Every Voice and Sing II, Wonder, Love, and Praise, Voices Found, My Heart Sings Out, The Saint Helena Psalter, The Book of Common Prayer,, Enriching our Worship, The Holy Bible (NRSV).
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Published by the Episcopal Diocese of Maine
11 October 2023
The Episcopal Church in Maine joins our voice with people of other faiths, and no faiths, to lament and denounce the violence in the Holy Land.
- We condemn Hamas’s heinous attack against Israel and innocent civilians
- We pray for an end to this senseless and inhumane violence
- We pray for leaders throughout the world to work together so that there is peace between Israel and Palestine
Because of the Prince of Peace, I am faithfully yours,
The Right Reverend Thomas J. Brown
Bishop of Maine
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A Prayer from the Archbishop of Jerusalem: Hosam Naoum
O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land.
Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land.
While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
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Happening at the Cathedral Today | |
Introduction for
Stewardship Activity During Today’s Offering
As you walk into the nave this morning, our dedicated team of ushers will hand out your service leaflet along with a colorful note card and a small pencil.
As the cathedral embarks on our stewardship season of 2024 we would like to invite all who are present to write on your notecard what you are grateful for and how you have experienced God’s blessings in your life.
During the service today, we will take an opportunity as a congregation to mindfully answer this question together.
During the offertory, we invite you to place your card in the collection plate.
Please keep your answers anonymous as the note cards will be displayed on the center table in the upper hall during coffee hour.
They will later be incorporated into a physical art form as our embodiment of gratitude as a community.
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Linda Carleton Book Discussion To be held Today!
A discussion with Linda Carleton regarding any topics from her recent memoir, "All God, If God There Be" will be today Sunday, October 15th from 11:45AM-1:00PM in the Chapter Room.
For more information, contact Linda Carleton.
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Roots of Jesus Study Group |
Sunday Mornings|8:45-9:45AM
Location: The Chapter Room
Contact: The Rev. Dr. Bob Hanson at 207-405-8250.
Join us in the Chapter Room from 8:45–9:45 AM on Sunday mornings. Bob Hanson, Biblical scholar, linguist and theologian, leads our group. For more information call Bob at (207) 405- 8250. Activity units are distributed for each session. Assigned readings are from the Biblical books under consideration. The journey is a joyous one.
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Please Host a Diocesan Choir Participant Fri. 10/20 to Sat. 10/21.
Some members of the diocese will be coming to the cathedral to sing for Diocesan Convocation and are looking for a place to sleep following a Friday evening rehearsal.
Requirements are minimal, as they will only be with you from 9 PM Friday until about 8 AM Saturday. Please contact Canon for Liturgy & Music, Christian Clough you are available to help. Thank you!
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Seeking Acolytes to Serve During Diocesan Convocation Service
The cathedral is seeking volunteers who would like to serve as acolytes during the Diocesan Convocation service next Saturday, October 21. We are currently seeking volunteers to serve in the roles of bearing banners and torches. Prior to the service, head Verger Eleanor Roberts will assist in instructing you during a walkthrough rehearsal at 9:30AM.
If interested please contact the parish office.
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Come to Convocation at the Cathedral on October 21
published by the Episcopal Diocese of Maine
What is Convocation? Convocation is a diocese-wide time to celebrate being “Together: With God, In Call, For Mission”!
The celebration will take place at the Cathedral of St. Luke on Saturday, October 21.
THIS IS FOR THE WHOLE DIOCESE and is not limited to clergy and delegates to convention.
From 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. there will be time for fellowship and learning about diocesan ministries while you enjoy morning refreshments. Eucharist will begin at 10:30 a.m., and we expect it will conclude by noon. Find details here.
The Celebratory Eucharist will feature a Diocesan Choir. (You can sign up to sing in the choir here.)
Bishop Brown's sermon will also be his annual convention address and will share highlights from the Diocesan Listening Sessions held in the spring.
Registration is free and open now! To help us plan, please let us know if you are coming, how many people you plan to bring, and if you need childcare by October 15.
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Celebration of the ministry of The Rev. Anne Fowler
& the work of former Junior Warden Claire Hammen
to Occur on Sunday October 22nd
On October 22nd, the cathedral community will recognize the ministry of The Rev. Anne C. Fowler at the cathedral during the interim period in clergy leadership.
The Rev. Fowler will be transitioning away from her role as assisting clergy at the cathedral and returning as a parishioner.
Furthermore, the cathedral community will recognize the work of former junior warden, Claire Hammen, for her numerous years of dedicated leadership.
Please join us on October 22nd as we thank both the Rev. Fowler & Claire Hammen for their service to the cathedral.
The Coffee Hour following the 10:00AM service will be held to celebrate the work of both Claire Hammen and the Rev. Fowler.
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St. Elizabeth's Pantry Coat Drive
As we gear up for colder temperatures, St. Elizabeth’s is launching its annual coat and boot drive. Many of our neighbors come from warmer climates and don’t have the necessary clothing for fall and winter in Maine.
Large and Extra-Large sized coats for both men and women are most needed, but coats and boots of all sizes are welcome. Items should be in clean, good condition.
Monetary donations may also be made for the purchase of new coats and boots for our neighbors.
Financial contributions can be mailed to: St. Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center PO Box 4036 Portland, ME 04101 or visit here.
Celebration of the ministry of The Rev. Anne Fowler
& the work of former Junior Warden Claire Hammen
to Occur on Sunday October 22nd
On October 22nd, the cathedral community will recognize the ministry of The Rev. Anne C. Fowler at the cathedral during the interim period in clergy leadership.
The Rev. Fowler will be transitioning away from her role as assisting clergy at the cathedral and returning as a parishioner.
Furthermore, the cathedral community will recognize the work of former junior warden, Claire Hammen, for her numerous years of dedicated leadership.
Please join us on October 22nd as we thank both the Rev. Fowler & Claire Hammen for their service to the cathedral.
The Coffee Hour following the 10:00AM service will be held to celebrate the work of both Claire Hammen and the Rev. Fowler.
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St. Elizabeth's Pantry to Host Benefit Concert on November 18th
at Trinity Episcopal Church in Portland
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St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry -
Looking for Housing for a Volunteer
Bernardo is a loyal volunteer at the Pantry and needs a 1 bedroom or studio apartment, or a room in a house to rent. He speaks very good English and is an asylum seeker from Angola where he taught physics and math.
He is also a petroleum engineer. General Assistance will pay his rent (about $1,200/month) until he gets his work permit and a job.
He is responsible, hard working, and happy to help out with yard work or chores around the house if applicable.
Please contact Anne Jacobs for more information.
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Luke’s Garden Meeting to Be Held on October 22nd
This month’s meeting of Luke’s Garden LGBTQIA+ group will be taking place on October 22nd at noon in the Lower Hall. This meeting will consist of planning for next steps for the upcoming year. With any questions please contact Orion Williams
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Seeking Input for the Sunday 5:15 pm Service
We are seeking input from parishioners interested in restarting the Sunday 5:15 pm service in the chapel.
A working group is forming to explore how we might form this service, possibly using lay leadership.
One option is to launch a time limited series of 5:15 services starting in the Sundays following Epiphany, and reassess whether continuing into the new year is feasible.
We are hoping this group will consider options, ask questions and explore ideas together on how to proceed. If you have thoughts or are interested in joining in, please contact Tim Wilkins.
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Environmental Action Tip from St. Luke’s Public Policy & Environmental Action Team (PPEAT)
The Lambeth Call on the Environment and Sustainable Development provides a theological rationale for why creation care is a global mission imperative. It also outlines some bold commitments in tackling the environmental crisis, including just financing, community resilience building, advocacy, biodiversity restoration and promoting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Visit here for more information.
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Ongoing Opportunities & Announcements | |
Coffee Hour
For the time being, Liz Griffin and Gail Kesich are managing the Coffee Hour schedule. If you have any questions or would like to sign up to host, please contact Gail Kesich or Liz Griffin.
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Help the Cathedral With Recycling
As Portland does not pick-up recycling for businesses we are looking for volunteers to take home the paper we gather in blue bins and add them to parishioner's recycling bins at their homes (We do however recycle cardboard and compost both of which have been a very successful campaigns). If you would like to help please contact Sarah Braik or Tim Wilkins. Thanks for your help.
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Join the Young and The Restless
We are St. Luke’s 20s-30s-year-old ministry. We are an active group at the cathedral which also gets together outside of the church.
Join us as we go hiking, ice skating, play trivia, or just enjoy each other’s company! If you are new to us, welcome! We meet every Tuesday at Maine Beer Company in Freeport for Trivia from 6-8.
Other events happen sporadically throughout the month, however trivia is a great opportunity to meet us if you’re joining us for the first time. Contact Shana Rose to stay up to date with group activities and information.
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Join Luke's Garden
Luke's Garden is the cathedral's LGBTQIA+ group which meets every 2nd Sunday of the month following coffee hour.
All are welcome!
For additional information contact Orion Williams
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Access Your Realm Profile
The Cathedral’s new online database, Realm, is a useful tool for parishioners to manage their contact and pledging information.
Realm helps our community by improving our record keeping in a more streamlined fashion.
When joining Realm you can sign-up to be a part of the online directory in the database.
To activate your Realm profile please contact our financial administrator Nina Andersen.
Nina will assist you with the few steps necessary to access your profile.
We look forward to sharing this exciting new technology with you!
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Weekly Ministries
The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.
Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.
The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist is offered every week in Emmanuel Chapel in-person and on Zoom.
Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry
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Physical Address:
143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101
Parking Available at:
134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101
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