
Yesterday, I joined Governor Cooper in recognizing October 14th as Indigenous People's Day . In his proclamation, Governor Cooper stated, "American Indians, who have inhabited this continent since long before their first contact with English settlers, shared their knowledge of the land and its resources, and have continued to play a vital role in the development of the local communities, the state of North Carolina, and the nation...despite this relationship, there are disparities in the fair treatment of our American Indian tribes, and insufficient acknowledgement of the historic destruction of our indigenous cultures."

I spent the evening yesterday attending a celebration of indigenous culture in Apex. If you did not find time yesterday to acknowledge indigenous history in North Carolina, I invite you to take a moment today to join the State of North Carolina and the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs in recognizing the contributions of indigenous peoples to the development of our state and this nation.

Please note that the General Assembly will not be in session this week. I look forward to being back in session soon so that our legislative body can work together and pass legislation budget that works for everyone in North Carolina.

As always, please let me know if my office can be of any assistance to you.

Representative Julie von Haefen
Third Thursday Office Hours: October 17th
Rep. von Haefen will hold office hours on  Thursday, October 17th from 9AM-11AM  at Chanticleer Cafe & Bakery in Cary.

Address: 6490 Tryon Rd, Cary, NC 27518

Stop by anytime between 9AM & 11AM to share your thoughts or ask questions!
Election Security Town Hall
Please join us for a town hall on Election Security this October 27th!

Joining us are Mr. Tomas Lopez , Executive Director at Democracy NC, Ms. Allison Riggs , Senior Attorney for Voting Rights at Southern Coalition for Social Justice, and Mr. Bob Phillips , Executive Director at NC Common Cause.

  • Date & Time: Sunday, October 27th from 4:30PM-6PM
  • Location: Apex Town Council Chambers, 73 Hunter Street, Apex, NC 27502
Municipal Candidate Forums
Fuquay Varina Forum
Join the Fuquay-Varina Chamber of Commerce and the League of Women Voters at a forum for the candidates running for Fuquay-Varina mayor and town commissioner seats.

When: October 23, 2019 at 6:00pm
Where: Fuquay-Varina Arts Center

All interested voters are encouraged to attend!
Youth Legislative Assembly Applications
Youth Legislative Assembly (YLA) is a State program that has been in existence for over 49 years. This program replicates a legislative atmosphere of geographic diversity similar to our legislature.

YLA is a superb opportunity for any young person looking to learn more about the role of government and public service in our daily lives. For more information about YLA, please visit the application link below.

  • YLA Date: April 3-5, 2020

  • First Application Deadline: December 31st, 2019

  • Applicants must be grades 9-12 and be 14-18 years old. 

  • Registration fees range from $230-$280

If you, or someone you know, is interested in receiving a scholarship to attend YLA, please contact
Office Updates
ERA NC Alliance Annual Meeting
I was so honored to receive the 2018-2019 ERA Champion Award from the  ERA NC Alliance

“The ERA Champion Award is presented to persons who demonstrate superior leadership in advocating for the ideals of equality and justice for women. Advocates are dedicated to the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and make exceptional contributions to achieve its passage.”

Thank you to the Board and all the members of the Alliance for this recognition. I’m so proud to be partners with you in the fight for equal rights in our state!
RLGH Against Gun Violence
It was a beautiful day to Rally Against Gun Violence! 170+ Raleigh businesses signed on to support this fundraiser for Moms Demand Action! Trophy Brewing issued a special Pilsner called “Unchecked” and is donating part of the proceeds.

I was happy to speak on background checks and pending gun legislation in the General Assembly. We need to keep fighting to end gun violence in our state and country.
"Impact of Privatizing Public Schools: A Crisis in the Making"
Last weekend, I attended “Impact of Privatizing Public Schools: A Crisis in the Making” hosted by Public Schools First NC at NC State University. I was grateful to learn from panels of education experts, advocates and policy makers about how privatization is affecting our education system.

It is so important for lawmakers to continue our education on the issues that affect our communities most. I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn about data that clearly shows how privatizing public education affects our students and our communities.
Wake Girls Lead: Day of the Girl!
I was very excited to present at Wake Young Women's Leadership Academy for their Day of the Girl celebration!

I hope my presentation called “Dare To Run” encouraged and inspired these young women to get involved in politics or advocacy and maybe run for office someday! 
Heritage Girls Visit the
General Assembly!
I loved talking to the American Heritage Girls last week during their visit to the General Assembly!

I encouraged them to make sure girls and women are represented at every level of government and have a seat at the table wherever decisions are being made. We need future leaders like them! Thank you for coming to the legislature!
El Collectivo's Annual State Meeting
Thank you to El Collectivo NC for inviting me to speak at your annual state meeting last weekend which was held in Cary! I was happy to share a panel with Reps.  Graig Meyer R ep. Allison Dahle, Sen. Mike Woodard, & my legislative assistant Hudson McCormick to discuss the legislative process, the NC General Assembly and how to be an effective advocate.

El Collectivo NC is a coalition of grassroots advocate groups across the state who work for immigrant justice and to increase the collective power of directly impacted communities. It was so wonderful to share a morning with them in District 36!
NC Council For Women Briefing on Health and Wellness
Earlier this month, I hosted the NC Council for Women at the General Assembly to provide a briefing on their report, “The Status of Women in NC: Health and Wellness.” Executive Director Mary Williams-Stover presented a summary of findings, some of which were disheartening.
NC was given a “D” and ranks 40/50 on the Institute for Women’s Policy Research Health and Well-being index. Our rates of infant mortality are 11th highest in the nation and and are higher than the national average. Black infant mortality rates are even higher, with 12 deaths for every 1000 live births. 13% of women in NC are uninsured. 1 in 3 women in our state experience intimate partner or sexual violence in their lifetime.

The  NC Council For Women and Youth Involvement  made several policy recommendations, including closing the insurance coverage gap, increasing women’s economic security through raising the minimum wage and paid family leave, and increasing funding for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
District Events
Click the links for more details about each event!
Did you Know?
North Carolina is home to the tallest sand dunes on the Atlantic Coast! The Jockey Ridge Sand Dunes are located in Dare County and can reach up to 100 feet tall.