News from Town Hall

Hillsdale is very fortunate to have so many residents who willingly volunteer to serve on committees and boards and work to make our town an ever better place to live.

Members of the Hamlet Committee, who organized the very well attended Pumpkin Festival in the Hamlet Park, are also working to improve the Hamlet Park so it better serves the needs and interests of town residents.

New members are needed on the town's Planning Board. Would you be interested in volunteering?

Read on to learn more about the Hamlet Park project and the Planning Board.

Please stay safe, and do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Jill Sims
Deputy Supervisor
Hamlet Park Restoration Project to be Discussed at Public Meeting -- Your Input is Needed!
Do you visit Hillsdale’s Hamlet Park? Do you know what it offers? How could it better serve the community?

Hillsdale's Hamlet Committee is working to restore our small park southwest of the intersection of Routes 22 and 23 and behind the Sheriff’s sub-station. The town board recently approved the hiring of a firm to create a master plan. To make this successful, input is needed from residents.

Residents are invited to learn about this project to restore Hillsdale's Hamlet Park at a public meeting that will take place on Saturday October 24 from 2 to 4 pm at the Hilltop Barn at Roe Jan Park.

Representatives from The Chazen Companies, the landscape architecture firm contracted to create a master plan, will lead the public input meeting and will use the ideas to design a park that reflects the vision and needs of our residents.

All residents are also asked to complete an online survey about the park. Click below to access the survey. Please complete it by Wednesday the 21st to have your responses reflected in the presentation.

COVID protocols will be followed at the meeting. Please wear a face mask. Socially-distanced seating will be available.
Planning Board Has Open Positions
The Planning Board is one of the components of town government responsible for ensuring that proposed development comports with the Town's Zoning and Land Use Control Laws. The Planning Board is specifically charged with reviewing land use (site plans) to ensure adherence to guidelines set out by the town and other authorities for life safety, environmental compliance, and maintaining the rural character of the town. 

Click below for more information the Planning Board.
If you’re interested in being considered for the Planning Board, please send a letter of interest with your qualifications to Kathi Doolan. This is an unpaid position and each member is required to complete four hours of training each year and attend meetings regularly. The board meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:30. Meetings are currently on Zoom but will eventually again be in Town Hall.
Do You Have Business at Town Hall?
Hillsdale Town Hall continues to be open to the public by appointment only. A link to the Town Hall directory with scheduled hours and employee contact information is provided below. All town employees and visitors are required to wear a face covering. When you arrive at Town Hall, the doors will be locked. Please call the person you are scheduled to see to announce your arrival or knock on the front door.
Household Hazardous Waste Event
Columbia County’s annual Hazardous Waste Collection Day will be Saturday, October 31 at the county highway garage, 178 Route 23B in Greenport, from 8 am to 12 noon. There is no charge for county residents but proof of residency will be required.

This is your opportunity to get rid all those almost empty cans and bottles in your garage, basement and house that can’t just be tossed in the garbage. Among the items accepted on collection day are oil-based paints (no latex paints) stains, solvents, lighter fluid, antifreeze, swimming pool chemicals, weed killers, chemical fertilizers, furniture polish and oven cleaner. Click below for the full list of what is, and is not, accepted.
Absentee and Early Voting Information
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NYS Election Law was recently amended to allow EVERY VOTER who is eligible to vote in the November General Election to vote by absentee ballot. In other words, you may choose to vote by absentee ballot on the basis of “temporary illness or physical disability" or in-person. You do not need to be sick or infected with the COVID-19 virus. The risk of exposure to virus has been designated a sufficient basis to vote by absentee ballot.  

To vote absentee, download your absentee ballot application and return promptly to the Board of Elections (BOE) at 401 State Street, Hudson, NY 12534. October 27 is the last day to postmark application or letter of application for general election ballot. November 3 is the last day to postmark general election ballot by absentee. It must be received by the county board no later than November 10.

Early voting in Columbia County will be available on nine dates at 401 State Street in Hudson. Voting during early voting is the same as voting on Election Day. When you get to the early voting site, you will check in to vote, receive your ballot, and vote as any other election.

Every precaution will be taken to make voting at poll sites safe. All surfaces will be wiped down. Poll workers will be masked and will abide by social distancing rules. When voting in person, please wear a face mask and social distance. PPE will also be available on site. 

All votes cast during early voting will be included in the election night totals.