Join or donate to the CPC CROP WALK Team!

Updates include:

  1. repairing the link to the button above--please join us in walking, and/or by giving to each of our walkers, if you are able. Check back each week to see who has joined the team!
  2. next Sunday the 29th is one of our FIFTH SUNDAYS, so there will be children collecting Change for Change to help our youth buy Christmas Gifts for the Mission Waco Toy Store AND we will be singing HYMNS by REQUEST! Take a look this Sunday and choose your favorites. We will sing two verses of six hymns. Thanks to David Fleuriet for reminding me of this Worship Committee decision just before he retired (he stopped by before going to practice for choir--remember to greet him as he fills in for Phil this Sunday).
  3. A sign-up link for Advent Groups 12/3 and 12/10.
  4. an additional note to my pondering below is noted by asterisks.
Zoom to Church
Facebook Live Worship

Adult Sunday School--9:30 am

A Spirit of Thanksgiving (1 Thessalonians 1:1–10)

Jay's Class meets in the PARLOR

Pastor's Class meets in the Genesis Room and on Zoom


The One Who Calls Us by Name

with Guest Musician, David Fleuriet

in-person at 9191 Woodway Drive

and online using the buttons above.

Isaiah 2:4

And God shall judge

among the nations

and shall rebuke many people;

and they shall beat their swords

into plowshares,

and their spears

into pruning hooks;

nation shall not lift up sword

against nation,

neither shall they learn war anymore.

Eternal God, you know our history of complicated conflicts, tense polarization, and situations so politicized that we are afraid to say or pray anything. Yet we know you grieve the violence of war and condemn acts of terrorism. We know you grieve the suffering of Jews and Palestinians. We proclaim our prayers for peace, diplomacy, and faithful negotiations!

Lord, hear our prayer.

Living Christ, we groan in grief over the news of warfare and terror continueing in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, in Ukraine, Russia, and many other parts of the world. Pave a path toward peace in these conflicts. Protect the innocent and change the hearts of those in power. Be with all who suffer. Offer new possibilities to those who feel trapped. Soften the hearts of the oppressors, the captors, the militants, the politicians and the nations. Awaken us all to our common humanity and our common home on this, your earth, we pray. Lord, hear our prayer.

Spirit of Peace, blow through the wilderness of hearts, hardened by generations of tension, propaganda, and strife. Stir us from apathy. Fill us with Wisdom, Compassion, and Faith. Connect us to the loving hearts of families and communities striving only to live and serve you freely, no matter the seas or the walls that disconnect us. We are all yours, Lord. Hear us and guide us, we pray. Amen.

We Need Your Help

We are collecting Halloween Candy! We have a donation bin set up in the Narthex, and we need A LOT of candy for our TRUNK or TREAT on 10/29. Please buy a giant bag and help us treat lots of kids and families to a good time that night. Please also consider signing up to come decorate your trunk and hand out treats to our neighbors.

Please also reserve your parking spot for handing out candy by responding here or signing up in the Narthex!

We are also collecting family photos! Our annual All Saints' Day celebration is coming. This year we would like to celebrate the saints who have been with us, and those who are with us now, by celebrating our families. Amy will be collecting pictures--there are many ways to get them to her (email, text, physical, just ask!). We will use these pictures to help remind us of the great cloud of witnesses that surround us in faith. And for the potluck after worship--find your favorite family recipes and share them with us!

Join our team of walkers for CROP WALK '23--or $upport them!

Please, everyone click through here to go to our team page, where you can join, and donate to the team and to individually registered team members. Please join as a team member and come walk with me. (I don't plan to walk the whole thing, so feel free to take the shortcut with me--SHOWING UP shows our support and we can still raise money to fight hunger!)

This year’s walk is set for Sunday, Nov. 12 at the Bledsoe Miller Pavilion (next to Doris D. Miller Park) at 300 North MLK Blvd. Registration begins at 2 p.m. Step-off is at 3 p.m. Ten lucky walkers will receive prizes that are carefully selected from the Hidden Treasures by Caritas stores.

CROP Hunger Walks have been held for 54 years in more than 2,000 cities in the United States, involving hundreds of faith communities. Walkers participate to raise funds for people whose lives have been disrupted by the pandemic, armed conflict, and climate disasters. Closer to home, the funds will help people caught in the throes of unprecedented inflation. Help us help others!

Serving this Fall

Elders of the Month

Jay Bryngelson--October

Melissa Rhoden--November

Thad Scott--December



Meg Bierwirth and David Groman-October

Rich and Judy Riley-November

David Groman and Thad Scott-December


Jude and Onum Onu-October



David Jackson 10/22

June Bryngelson 10/29

David Rodgers 11/5

Meg Bierwirth 11/12

Hope Johnston 11/19

Matt Bierwirth 11/26

We are looking for individuals, couples and families to help lead the Advent Wreath liturgies for worship December 3-January 7th!

To volunteer your service as ushers, candlelighters, or liturgists, contact Meg B.

To volunteer to serve on Session, contact Thad S.

View from an Elder...

As Judith and I were setting up in the chilly morning air, we were thinking of how hot it was last year even in the early morning. Interestingly the weather was not the only thing I found to be a little different. Last year’s Out on the Brazos event was well attended but there was almost an air of capriciousness with the participants, not necessarily in a negative way, but you could tell they were not accustomed to being totally accepted in a spiritual environment. We had conversations about what our (CPC) belief was and they shared how they felt as well. It was almost like each of us were testing the waters. Other than some fallacious media coverage, I believe it was a positive experience for all who participated. I felt that this year’s Out on the Brazos had a more relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. There were many more churches represented which was a very positive sign. As I reflected on the day’s conversation’s, I realized how I was uplifted and felt renewed by the conversations that we had with everyone.

Our conversations broadened, explorations of faith had a humanizing effect, no labels for anyone, just love. The singular difference, for me, from last year was how many people made a point of stopping and thanked us for being there! Young and old and parents who literally were not able to speak (their son had recently acknowledged his true self) because there was a place where their child could go and worship God and be accepted as a child of God. 

“Love Your Neighbor As Yourself”, second only to “Love God with all your Heart, Mind and Soul”, so simple, why so hard?

Love is Love

Amy Payne

Birthday Joys!

Richard Riley  10/21

Matt Bierwirth  10/23

Patricia Tolbert  10/27

Charles Tolbert  10/30

Pat Wall 11/4

Bill Clifton and Vikram Deivanayagam 11/6

Witten Williams 11/22

Note: We have several new members and families, and new staff members---we don't want to miss anyone.

If you have a birthday in the coming months, please let us know!


Prayer Concerns

Recently Requested Prayers:

Prayers of Concern for Ann Parrish who will be needing a bypass surgery soon;

for Vicki and Bruce Kabat returning from caring for her mother in Missouri, and for her mother to acclimate and come to enjoy her new living community;

for Connor's Granny Helen who is recovering from shoulder surgery;

and for Jane Guthrie, who has been placed in hospice care.

Prayers of Thanks for Rev. Ron Holmes and Angel Reed,

our guest preacher and musician last Sunday!

Prayers of thanks for the arrival of Victor and Angela in Kentucky,

of joy for Victor's first day of work at U of L last week,

and for their finding and moving in to a new home...

but also of concern as Victor fell off of the moving pod and injured himself.

Prayers of Joy for the Blessing Bags that are being distributed out of car windows across our area. We got a call in the church office asking if we were the church providing them and thanking us!


 Ongoing Prayer Concerns:

Nancy C at the Brazos; Joyce F at the Blake;

Jane G at St. Elizabeth’s; Margaret P at The Monarch in Richardson;

Victor's mom and Betty C at Wesley Woods;

Rosemary D at home in Waco;

Michael M and Luna P, children fighting Cancer;

for victims of war around the world, but especially now in Russia and Ukraine,

in Gaza, Israel and West Bank,

for victims of recent storms, hurricanes, earthquakes and fires,

though gone from news coverage, their struggles continue;

for all struggling with grief, isolation, or despair;

for those without resources to stay sheltered, fed, and safe;

for our pets, friends and loved ones who bring us love and joy;

for our church and extended family.

for the Matthew 25 movement--

seeking just and vibrant community in Christ,

and always, for Christ’s Peace!

From the Worship Committee

We would like to welcome Derick and Melody Etale. We are excited to have them worship with us and love hearing the choir practice under Derick's leadership!

We would also like to thank Vicky Wolfe for preparing a beautiful communion table for World Communion Sunday. We appreciate all of the people who shared scripture with us in different languages, reminding us that we are all God's children. 

We are looking forward to rolling out the Baptismal Scroll in celebrating All Saints' Day on November 5th. Thanks to Vicky Wolfe, who is busily working to add our eight newest members! Please be aware that the scroll may have a "do not touch" sign while parts of the scroll are removed for these additions.

Mark your calendars to set aside time to come up to the Sanctuary and Narthex to decorate for Christmas on Saturday, December 2 at 10:00am. 

If you would like to join our committee, we would love to have you join us on the first Wednesday of the month (11/1) at 7:00 in the choir room. 

Pastoral Ponderings....

I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.

John 13:34

Love one another. That is our Calling.

And our model for that love is the way Jesus Christ has loved us.

What does Love look like? First Thessalonians tells us that when we accept the message of the Gospel through the Holy Spirit, we become imitators of the disciples and of the Lord (1 Thes 1:6). It also mentions JOY--that we accepted the message with joy in spite of great suffering, and held fast to our new gospel beliefs faithfully....and that this faithfulness, this joy amidst suffering, became and will become known around the world.

Think about the role models you have followed. One of my first was coach Pam Poston. I was a child, so I didn't understand what Cancer was, but I knew that she lost her hair, that she lost a lot of weight, that she missed a lot of school, but that she still showed up at our soccer and kickball games. She still came to our choir and band concerts. She still ran with us in the Capitol 10K. She still danced with us (disco was all the rage) and shared her joy with us.

Monday night after the Woodway council meeting, a parent came up and shared how meaningful it has been to take walks with his remaining children on our campus, where they spend time at the crosses, and in the memorial garden "with the little boy", learning that even when there is suffering and death, joy can be found in the beauty of life. He had no idea that he was speaking into just where we are liturgically--recognizing the joy that grows, almost exclusively, through the soil of adversity.

"That is Faith--faith in ourselves and faith in God to help us overcome so that we can make the world a better place" (GJ Gordy in today's d365 devotional).

*And what a better place the world is with Hymn #824 in our purple hymnals! While visiting with David and Derick before practice this afternoon, we noted the text under this hymn. "There Is a Place of Quiet Rest" or "Near to the Heart of God" was written by a Presbyterian campus minister in Missouri in response to the tragic death of two young nieces. "By distilling such personal grief into the shared assurances of faith, these words have brought comfort to many" (GTG 824 notes). What a witness to our true joy in the faith!*

When things in our lives are tough, when our own personal belief and faith are questioned, ridiculed, or threatened, whether by foe or by circumstance, still we have faith...still we show love.

May the love we show one another, and the love we proclaim to our neighbors, be a model of faith for those who still suffer, and become a pillar of confidence, an inner strength given through the mercy and care of our ever-loving God!

Grace and Peace,


Mark Your Calendars

10/18---Christian Ed meeting about Sunday School after choir

10/21---Faith & Belonging Conference at UBC (ONE ticket left)

10/22--Dave Fleuriet is guest pianist

10/23-27 Judith at Mo-Ranch

10/23--Senior Center 9:30-12:30 fellowship, activities, lunch, chair yoga

10/24--PW at 12:30 and Supper Club at 6 (Chili's)

10/26--Quilt Waco

10/29--CHANGE for CHANGE offering (youth will shop in November) and HYMN SING (be sure to look for your favorite hymns and be ready to make your requests during the announcements before Worship.)

and Trunk or Treat (arrivals/set-up 5:15-5:45) 6-7:30

10/30--Senior Center refreshments, crafts, games, lunch, stretching

11/1---Worship Meeting after bell practice

11/2--Possible Start Day--Thursday Senior Center 9:30-12:30!!

Come for fellowship, refreshments, crafts, games, and a hot meal!

11/5---All Saint's Celebration and Potluck

11/6 and 9--Senior Center 9:30-12:30

11/12-CROP Walk at 3pm

11/13 and 16--Senior Center 9:30-12:30

12/3 and 10--Advent Groups meet for study, fellowship, and food!

Click on the words above to sign your household up

for participation. Please note if you would be interested

in an earlier (3-5) or later (5-7) meeting time (or in hosting).

12/17--Christmas Caroling in the church neighborhood,

followed by a Chili Potluck Dinner.

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