COVID and respiratory virus policy change:
In conjunction with the health department, Hamden Public Schools and Saint Rita School will be adopting the new COVID policy.
If your child tests positive for COVID, they should stay home for 24 hours.
If they do not present with a fever , they can return to school after 24 hours. Wearing a mask for 5 days is advised as there is still a high transmission rate.
If they develop a fever, they should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine. They can then return to school and it is advised that they wear a mask for 5 days.
If during the 5 day mask period they develop a fever, the clock resets. They should remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medicine. Returning to school with a mask for 5 days is advised.
Medication in school:
If your child requires medication in school, the medication must be brought in by a parent along with a Medication Administration in School
completed by the pediatrician.
Cough drops brought into school must stay in the nurse's office.
Any OTC medication should not be sent into school with your child (Advil, Tylenol, midol, allergy medicine, etc...) If your child requires any OTC medicine while at school they can go to the nurses office and a parent will be called to bring the medicine into school and administer it to their child.
PreSchool Flu Shots:
All Pre school students are required to get a flu vaccine before we leave for Christmas break. Please send in a note from the doctor after your child receives their flu shot.
7th Grade Physicals:
All students entering 7th grade must have a physical dated after May 31st of the 5th grade year. They are also required to have a tetanus booster and meningitis vaccine. If your child is in the 6th grade now, physicals for 7th grade can be sent into the health office at any time during this school year. Any physical dated after May 31, 2024 will be accepted.
Nut allergies in the classroom:
If your child is in a classroom with a student with a severe nut allergy, your child's teacher will have informed you that any foods containing nuts should only be eaten in the cafeteria. Please do not send in a snack with nut ingredients. Thank you for helping us to keep all of our students safe.
Please reach out to me at any time during the school year with any health questions or concerns.