October 2, 2022:
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Respect Life Sunday
The Church of St. Mary :: 201 E. Illinois Lake Forest, IL 60045
Parish Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:00pm Monday - Friday
From the Desk of Fr. Mike Nacius, Pastor
-------As members of the Catholic Church we show respect for all human life. October is known as Respect Life Month where extra focus is given to life issues. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) website (www.usccb.org/) contains a wealth of information and resources. The website contains information about Scripture, daily readings, Church teachings, official statements of the USCCB, and many other links that provide information for one and all.
-------Scrolling through the website I discovered an Examination of Conscience in Light of Catholic Social Teaching. The examination is broken down into the following categories: Life and Dignity of the Human Person, Call to Family, Community and Participation, Rights and Responsibilities, Option for the Poor and Vulnerable, The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers, and Solidarity and Care for God’s Creation. Today I highlight the first four categories, next week I will share the remaining three categories with the parish. May we reflect on the Holy Spirit guiding us in our respect for all life as followers of Jesus. -
Examination of Conscience in Light of Catholic Social Teaching – Part 1
Life and Dignity of the Human Person
Do I respect the life and dignity of every human person from conception through natural death?
Do I recognize the face of Christ reflected in all others around me whatever their race, class, age, or abilities?
Do I work to protect the dignity of others when it is being threatened?
Am I committed to both protecting human life and to ensuring that every human being is able to live in dignity?
Call to Family, Community, and Participation
Do I try to make positive contributions in my family and in my community?
Are my beliefs, attitudes, and choices such that they strengthen or undermine the institution of the family?
Am I aware of problems facing my local community and involved in efforts to find solutions? Do I stay informed and make my voice heard when needed?
Do I support the efforts of poor persons to work for change in their neighborhoods and communities? Do my attitudes and interactions empower or disempower others?
Rights and Responsibilities
Do I recognize and respect the economic, social, political, and cultural rights of others?
Do I live in material comfort and excess while remaining insensitive to the needs of others whose rights are unfulfilled?
Do I take seriously my responsibility to ensure that the rights of persons in need are realized?
Do I urge those in power to implement programs and policies that give priority to the human dignity and rights of all, especially the vulnerable?
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
Do I give special attention to the needs of the poor and vulnerable in my community and in the world?
Am I disproportionately concerned for my own good at the expense of others?
Do I engage in service and advocacy work that protects the dignity of poor and vulnerable persons?
-------I am very happy to inform the parish that Pablo Janowicz will be enrolled by Bishop John Manz as a candidate for the diaconate through the Institute for Diaconal Studies/Mundelein Seminary on October 2, 2022. Candidacy is the first official recognition by the Church of the positive signs of his vocation to the diaconate, which must be confirmed in the next three years of formation—a period that includes spiritual formation and direction, theological reflection, pastoral ministry experiences, academic courses, human/personal development, field education, internships, and much more.
-------To get to this point in his formation, Pablo and his wife Ines, with other deacon candidate couples from the Archdiocese journeyed through a one-year period of discernment called the Aspirant Stage that included prayer and spiritual formation sessions, a comprehensive course on the Catechism of the Catholic Church, days of reflection on the deacon’s share in the bishop’s ministries of Word, Liturgy and Charity, monthly spiritual direction, and retreats during which he prayed and reflected, with his family, over his possible call to Holy Orders. Ines, in fulfilling her supportive role in the program wrote a letter to Cardinal Cupich that notes her free, informed consent to Pablo moving to the Candidate Stage.
-------Please keep Pablo and Ines Janowicz, their children and all those in formation, and their families in your prayers that they might continue to answer God’s call in their lives.
-------May God guide and bless us with hearts of charity and concern for our neighbor,
Calling all high school seniors!
College applications can be draining and isolating. It doesn't have to be that way! COR wants to offer you the time and space to work on college applications while also hanging out with other seniors who are in the same boat as you.
Interested? Scan the QR code and fill out the short interest form by Thursday, October 6.
COR Fall Retreat 2022 - October 14-16
The 2022 COR Fall Retreat is open to all high school freshmen through seniors. Fall Retreat is a great opportunity to meet other high schoolers, create bonds, and grow in faith! This retreat is also a great first step for juniors and seniors hoping to go on a Kairos retreat before graduation! The retreat will be held October 14-16 at Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus. Click HERE for information and registration.
Children's Worship Bulletin for October 2, 2022:
SCHEDULE: Saturday, October 1 - Sunday, October 9, 2022
Saturday, October 1, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 8:00am: School Parents' Association 5K Fun Run
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
Sunday, October 2, 2022:
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 6:00pm: COR Youth Ministry - PC
Monday, October 3, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 11:00am: Guild Rosary - Church
Tuesday, October 4, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 4:00pm: Blessing of the Animals - St. Mary's Green
+ 7:00pm: Handbell Choir - CCR
Wednesday, October 5, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 9:15am: Guild Board Meeting - PCCR
+ 5:00pm - 7:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction - Church
+ 6:45pm: RCIA - PCLR
Thursday, October 6, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 7:00pm: Bible Study - PCCR
+ 7:00pm: Adult Choir - Church
Friday, October 7, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
Saturday, October 8, 2022:
+ 7:30am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS with Rosary & Private Prayer after Mass until 8:30am
+ 8:00am: Confession - Church
+ 8:00am: School Parents' Association 5K Fun Run
+ 5:00pm: Livestream & PUBLIC Mass
Sunday, October 9, 2022:
+ 8:00am: PUBLIC MASS
+ 10:00am: Livestream & PUBLIC MASS
+ 12:00pm: PUBLIC MASS
+ 6:00pm: COR Youth Ministry - PC
Plenary Indulgence
The Apostolic Penitentiary, a branch of the Vatican offices which focuses on mercy and the forgiveness of sins, issued a decree granting a Plenary Indulgence during this extraordinary time. To see some of the ways we can still participate in the life of grace and the life of the Church during the Covid-19 pandemic please click here.
To find ways to volunteer within our community and to seek assistance from the parish please click here.
Here is a List of Places You may watch Mass on TV, Radio or Online:
- Online:
Church of St. Mary Livestream can be found on our Facebook Page. View past celebrated Masses or join us for a current Livestream Mass according to the schedule in this newsletter.
- DirecTV Channel 370
- Dish Network Channel 261
- Verizon Fios Channel 285
- XFinity Channel 33, 291, 1668
Relevant Radio:
- 1:00 pm ET / 10:00 am PT.
These Masses will be broadcast live on your local station, on the Relevant Radio® app, at relevantradio.com, and on my Father Rocky Facebook page so you can tune in from wherever you are. The Mass will be rebroadcast each evening at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT on your local station.
To read the Daily Scripture readings you may go to usccb.org and select "Daily Reading" at the top left menu.
III Daniel Heldak and Jessica Bodeman
I Eric Bromschwig and Katie Darraugh
I Michael Keane and Stephanie Mardjetko
Please remember in your prayers those who are sick, especially:
Brooke Bloom
Carmie Caluag
Joan Dolan
Jim Ferguson
Mary Dale Houston
Christian Jenko
James Krueger
Caroline Lyczko
Carolina Martinez
Bob Matthei
Nancy McCaughey
Kit O'Brien
Eileen O’Keefe
Sheila Uy Rayner
Dominick Roberti
John Sternberg
Andrew Twyman
This new sick list began on September 1 and will continue through November.
If you would like to add a family member to the Prayers for the Sick, please call our Parish Office at: 847.234.0205.
Please remember in your prayers those who have gone to their eternal rest with Our Lord,
Janet McCue
Kevin Sutherland
(husband of Stephanie Sutherland; brother of Kathleen [Douglas] Cassidy)
Kathleen McKeon
Mass Intentions will be prayed for during a private or public daily Mass.
Saturday, October 1, 2022:
7:30am: Cornelia “Neeley” Van Der Bosch; Janet K. MacNaughton;
---------Special Intention for T.J. & Mary Ackert
5:00pm: George Krause; Aldo Raganelli; Ann & Carl Deckmeyer & Bob Pommer
Sunday, October 2, 2022:
8:00am: Daniel Dressel; Cimarrusti-Neverka Family; Loretta Nacius
10:00am: John Kraynak; James Jacksack; Lucy Cardile
Noon: Margaret Davidson; Liane Klingler; Anita Caputo; People of St. Mary’s
Monday, October 3, 2022:
7:30am: Joseph Morahan; Dr. Edward Kiwala; Peter Gillespie
Tuesday, October 4, 2022:
7:30am: Betty Milite; Frank & Ann Cimarrusti; Rosemary Sheahen
Wednesday, October 5, 2022:
7:30am: Joan Geldermann; Jeffrey Chicoine;Catherine Kieruzel
Thursday, October 6, 2022:
7:30am: Karoyla Crouch; Susan Wittig; James Kelly
Friday, October 7, 2022:
7:30am: Tom Geldermann; Austin Vanden Heuvel ;Rosemary Sheahen
Saturday, October 8, 2022:
7:30am:Austin Vanden Heuvel;St. Mary’s Rosary Group 48th Anniversary;
---------Special Intention for Peter & Nancy Skoglund
5:00pm: Ann O’Connell; Ryan Stoll; Mary “Buffy” Rock
Sunday, October 9, 2022:
8:00am: Donald Craigmile; Cimarrusti-Valentino Family; Loretta Nacius
10:00am: Dan Dressel; Richard Steck; Alison Haghighat
Noon: Anne & Ted Clifford; Jacqueline Roberti; Deanna Dudley; People of St. Mary’s
If you would like to request a special Mass Intention, please email our Parish Receptionists at: receptionist@churchofstmary.org and they will kindly assist you!
“For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control.” ---- 2 TIMOTHY 1:7
Many of us compartmentalize our Faith, we bring it out only when we attend Mass or when we attend a parish event. Being a good steward requires discipline and striving to put God first in everything, all the time. The next time you are at a neighborhood party, at work or out shopping, would your actions signal to others that you are a good and faithful servant of our Lord?
Sunday Collection-------------------------------------------Actual----------------Budgeted------Surplus/(Shortfall)
September 25, 2022-------------------- ---------------------- $33,159------------ -- $25,000 ----------- (-$8,159
Total Sunday Collections Fiscal 2023 YTD----------- $293,754---------------$325,000---------------($31,246)
Total Sharing Collection Fiscal 2023 YTD ------ $21,590-
We are grateful for the outpouring of support from parishioners while we navigate financially. Thank you for continuing to support your parish as well as our sharing parish, Most Blessed Trinity. Thank you for mailing your contribution to the Parish Office or scheduling your online donation. Offertory basket will be made available during Sunday Public Masses as well for your offering.
Ways To Give
+ Drop in the Offertory Basket during Public Mass at the end of Mass
+ Mail Your Contribution:
----- Church of St. Mary
----- c/o Business Office
-----201 E. Illinois
-----Lake Forest, IL 60045
+ Online Giving:
Schedule your recurring donations via our online Giving safe and secure portal, GiveCentral Go to: Church of St. Mary GiveCentral or click the image to the left.
Thank you!
Church of St. Mary Website
Bookmark our parish website for information on all parish ministries, events, contact information, and more!
Information on our Mass Schedule, Sacraments, School, Religious Education, Youth Ministry, Guild of St. Mary, Liturgical Ministries, Bible Study, RCIA, Bulletins, Gospel Reading Podcasts, Homily Podcasts, and more can all be found on our webpage.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook Page to get notices on viewing Livestreamed Mass! Prior recorded Masses can also be watched via our Facebook Page.
Like the Church of St. Mary Facebook page to see regular updates from popular Catholic pages such as the Archdiocese of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, and the USCCB. See news from the School of St. Mary, Guild of St. Mary, Religious Education Program, Youth Ministry, and upcoming events at our parish!
The Church of St. Mary has a YouTube channel! Once we have 1000k subscribers, we can stream live! Look for the black and white image of the Church of St. Mary when searching for the channel or click on either image here to go straight there! Don't forget to subscribe!