Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling
October 2012 Newsletter

Contact Us


North Dakota

1600 E Century Ave, Suite 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:



27th, 2012: Show n Shine: Bismarck, ND

27th, 2012: Dakota Outdoors Arctic Cat Grand Opening - Grand Forks, ND



1st, 2012: December 2012 Sno-Dak News Materials Deadline

1st, 2012: Land Lease Deadline



1st, 2012: 34th Annual SND Convention - Rugby, ND

1st, 2012: Club Officer Form Deadline

1st, 2012: January 2013 Sno-Dak News Materials Deadline



1st, 2012: February 2013 Sno-Dak News Materials Deadline

11th & 12th, 2013: 4th Annual Pink Ribbon Riders ND Snow Run - Bottineau, ND



1st, 2012: March 2013 Sno-Dak News Materials Deadline

16th, 2013: SND State Ride - Fordville, ND


The October 2012 e-newsletter includes information on the following: 34th Annual SND Convention, Membership Rewards Program, SnowJam 2013 and the Pink Ribbon Riders fundraisers and registrations.


34th Annual SND Convention

The Northern Lights Trailblazers are hosting the 34th Annual SND Convention on November 30th - December 1st, 2012 in Rugby, ND, at the Northern Lights Inn/Dakota Farms Restaurant. For reservations contact 701-776-5776.


The annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st, 2012 from 9 - 11 a.m. SND would like to hear from its members regarding items of discussion for the meeting. Please contact SND by November 1st, 2012 to request topics for the annual meeting agenda.  





Membership Rewards Program

SND will once again host the Membership Rewards Program! Clubs have a chance to win a $500 grant to spend on the local state snowmobile trails, based on a 25 point system. This is a great opportunity to earn trail funds and increase club membership. The deadline to submit memberships and be eligible for the contest is February 1st, 2013.





October 2012 Pink Ribbon Riders Fundraisers

In honor of breast cancer awareness and our partners the Pink Ribbon Riders, SND has scheduled fundraisers to promote the organization and help the Patient Assistance program.

  • Thirty-One: October 1st - 20th, 2012.
  • Herbalife: October 1st - 31st, 2012
  • Pinup Program: October 1st - 31st, 2012

Don't forget to visit to register for the event on January 11th & 12th, 2013.  





"Flat Out Fun" - SnowJam 2013

Join the Rural Cass Snowmobile Club for our annual snowmobile bash, known as SnowJam 2013. SnowJam 2013 will be held Saturday, Jan 19. Headquarters for SnowJam this year is Hagge's Bar and Grill in Mapleton, ND.





  1. Please contact the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department with club event dates for enforcement and to schedule snowmobile safety classes.
    Event Contact: Erik Dietrich,, 701-328-5366
    Safety Class Contact: Matt Gardner,, 701-328-5384
  2. Learn more on How to submit High Resolution Photos!
  3. All new land leases and changes are due to SND by November 1, 2012. Remember to contact all of the clubs involved with the trail association. Please visit SND's website for a copy of the current North Dakota Parks & Recreation Department land lease. Please remember land leases can be signed to allow year round signage. This is allowed in wooded areas and if the landowner provides approval. It is not allowed where signs are visible from communities and near high traffic roadways.
  4. Don't forget to provide SND a Club Officer form by December 1st, 2012.
  5. Clubs and Trail Associations, SND is still looking for a 2013 Convention host. Contact SND if interested.
This message brought to you by a partnership
between the ACSA and Klim Technical Riding Gear.
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