Generating Excitement for the
Sport of Snowmobiling

October 2013 Newsletter

Contact Us

1600 E Century Ave, Ste. 3

Bismarck, ND 58503


701-328-5363 Fax

Upcoming Events:     

October 25-26: Show n Shine - Bismarck, ND

October 26: SND Board of Directors Meeting & Region 5 Trail Meeting at the Casselton City Hall - Casselton, ND

October 26-27 Dakota Outdoors Open House - Grand Forks, ND

November 1: Land Leases Due

November 1-3: Saskatchewan Snow Show - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

December 6-7: SND Convention - Grand Forks, ND (online registration open)

January 10-11, 2014: 5th Annual Pink Ribbon Riders ND Snow Run - Bottineau, ND

January 18, 2014: Beaver Valley Sno-Goer's Banquet - Linton, ND

February 8, 2014: State Ride - Walhalla, ND

February 15, 2014: International Ride

February 15, 2014: SnowJam - Mapleton, ND

The October 2013 e-newsletter includes information on the following:  Project Ride, Trail Signs, International Trail, Sno-Dak News Club Special, 35th Annual State Snowmobile Convention and Free Avalanche Classes.

Pink Ribbon Riders Fundraiser

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and consultant Jaime Lawler has agreed to donate 10% of the sales from this party to the Pink Ribbon Riders! Party closes October 30th.  Please help us in showing support for this great cause!  Every Monday is Monster Monday featuring different products at 75% off...

Order online at:

*Click the shop button after Pink Ribbon Riders at the top of the page!  


Project Ride

Renew or purchase an SND membership by December 31st and be eligible to win a vacation package to the Red River South Trail System.  Click here for more details!  Clubs win with Project Ride too...


Trail Signs

The snowmobile trail sign orders are in and can be scheduled to be picked up in Bismarck starting Monday, October 21st.  All orders that have not been picked up at the office will be delivered at the SND Convention on December 7th after the Trail Signing class at 1 p.m. 


International Trail

A new international snowmobile trail linking Saskatchewan and North Dakota is opening this winter.  The first of its kind trail connect the two systems at the Port of Carievale and allow snowmobilers from either side of the border access to thousands of miles of new trails.  An international ride to commemorate this trail opening will take place on February 15th.


Event Dates

SND has the opportunity to help the state snowmobile trails and clubs promote upcoming events scheduled for the 2013-2014 season.  Please provide the information to SND by December 1st and the information will be added to the ND Tourism's Partner Access website, the event flyer distributed at the 35th Annual State Snowmobile Convention and to assist the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department schedule enforcement.  Also, if you are aware of local weeknight rides throughout the season, please provide these dates as well.  The North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department is expanding the enforcement program to include additional activities outside of events.  This information will also be placed in the event section of and in the Sno-Dak News.


Sno-Dak News Club Special

SND is offering snowmobile clubs a special ad rate to help promote events.  The special is for a full color business card ad for $100!  For a list of Sno-Dak News deadlines please see the reminders section below.  Click here for more details!


35th Annual State Snowmobile Convention

The 35th Annual State Snowmobile Convention is scheduled for December 6th and 7th in Grand Forks, ND at the Howard Johnson Inn.  Call 701-772-7131 and mention the "ND Snowmobile Convention" to get a special room rate of $99/night!  Click here to register online!  Click here for a printable registration form!  The Early Bird Registration deadline is November 15th!  


Don't miss out:  Free Polaris Factory Tour and Free Kid Registration (17 & Younger)


Free Avalanche Classes

BRP offers free snowmobile avalanche classes this fall. instructs classes specifically for snowmobilers.  Learn how to avoid the most common mistakes, what equipment works best, human factors involved in avalanche accidents, how to rescue effectively, increase your chances of surviving an avalanche, evaluate terrain, avoid terrain traps, recognize points, analyze stability and increase your survival skills in the  mountains.




  1. SND Membership renewal is from September 1st to December 1st
  2. Local clubs can request SND Promotional Bags for events; all request must be received 2 weeks in advance  of the event date
  3. Land leases and updates are due November 1st
  4. Take a Friend Snowmobiling Contest due March 31st
  5. Sno-Dak News Space & Materials Deadlines for additional issues:
    1. December 2013:  November 1, 2013
    2. January 2014:  December 1, 2013
    3. February 2014:  January 1, 2014
    4. March 2014:  February 1, 2014
This message is brought to you by Snowmobile North Dakota and our international partners.