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October 2013

Doors Open: 
Biltmore Hotel 
  2151 Laurelwood Road 
  Santa Clara, CA 95054 
Global Leadership Skills
Day of Event at the Door 
  $40 members 
  $50 guests 
Discount rate, register and pay using Paypal here 
  $35 members 
  $45 guests 


      Joyce Osland, Ph.D.
                                    Global Leadership
                                         Register Here


AFWA Silicon Valley Chapter welcomes Joyce Osland to speak to us about global leadership.

Joyce Osland, Ph.D. is the Lucas Endowed Professor of Global Leadership and the Executive Director of the Global Leadership Advancement Center at San Jose State University.  Joyce co-founded the Global Leadership Lab (GLLab) in the College of Business at San Jose State University and is an internationally known specialist in international management with over 90 publications, including Global Leadership: Research, Practice, and Development. Her primary focus is global leadership, cultural sensemaking, experiential learning, and repatriate knowledge transfer. Joyce is a senior partner of the Kozai Group, which develops instruments that measure global and intercultural competencies. 


* World Economic Forum's Human Capital Index 2013: Europe Dominates As The U.S. Lags Behind *
* World's Most Successful Countries Include Australia, New Zealand and Canada *
* The Dollar and the Debt Ceiling *

Julia Becklund


 Lucky 19, Happy 75 
As women, and members of the AFWA, we might consider the number 19 to be lucky.  


* In 1919 the 19th Amendment passed the House and the Senate, giving women the right to vote


* Nineteen years later a group of women got together and formed the American Society of Women Accountants (ASWA)





Of course, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony may not have thought of passage of the 19th Amendment as luck. Instead, like Douglas MacArthur, they may have felt that the best luck of all is the luck you make for yourself or, like Emily Dickenson that Luck is not chance, it's toil; fortune's expensive smile is earned.


But it is lucky for us. The 19th Amendment has afforded us more control over our lives; made them better. We are lucky to have the choices we do.


In 1938, the American Society of Women Accounts was formed. In 2012, deciding it was time for a change and a more modern approach we took a new brand: Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance (AFWA) with a tagline of "Connect. Advance. Lead." 

The mission of the Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance is to enable women in all accounting and related fields to achieve their full personal, professional and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.

Again, we benefit. We are lucky to have an organization like the AFWA as a resource to learn, keep up with changes, and connect with people who understand our daily challenges. 

As a 4 year member of the AFWA (I spent 18 months as a visitor prior to joining), I can report that the organization has contributed greatly to my own personal and professional development. I would love to hear from you any stories of how the AFWA has positively influenced your life.




2013 Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Annual Conference

October 20-23, 2013

Hyatt Regency, Indianapolis, IN

Don't miss this opportunity to network with other women in accounting and finance from across the country. Join us this fall in Indianapolis and learn from leading experts on ways to develop a variety of your skills. The Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Annual Conference will be loaded with opportunities for networking, leadership development, education and fun!

You should attend if you are...
  • Responsible for monitoring developments in accounting, taxation and finance
  • Responsible for the quality and profitability of your company or firm
  • Supervising and/or training accounting and finance staff
  • Interested in developing a network of outstanding professionals.
  • Ready to promote your company or product in today's marketplace
  • A beginner or veteran, with or without a degree, in private or public accounting, finance or academia

What will you learn at the Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Annual Conference?

  • The latest technical developments in accounting, auditing, finance, tax, management, leadership, government and industry, including e-commerce, and budgeting and accounting software applications
  • Motivational strategies that work
  • Methods for effective management of people and the marketplace
  • Effective means of identifying and responding to economic problems
  • Valuable leadership techniques
  • Means for achieving effective communication
  • Professional contacts in a variety of industries

 Click here for more information about the Annual Conference. 


Foundation FUNdraising Events 
at the Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Annual Conference  
October 20-23 2013 at Hyatt Regency, Indianapolis, Indiana



The 2013 Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance Annual Conference not only provides you with valuable education and networking opportunities - it is also a chance for you to take part in fun events that benefit the Foundation of Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance. Socialize with colleagues, enjoy Indianapolis, and engage in some friendly competition during events and activities that raise funds to support the mission of our Foundation.
The Foundation Silent Auction    

Throughout the conference, you will have the opportunity to bid competitively on items such as themed-baskets, electronics, hand-crafted items, and more! Then on Wednesday, the silent auction will close and winning bids will be announced during the Foundation FUNdraising Luncheon. All proceeds benefit the Foundation of Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance. 
Donate to the Silent Auction Today!   

Donations are being solicited for this important Foundation fundraiser. Items for the silent auction will be accepted from chapters, sponsors, exhibitors, firms or individuals. Donations should be valued at $100 or more. For more information, please read the Silent Auction-Raffle Donation Commitment Form. Please send your photos of your donation. These will be used in future publicity for the auction.


The Amazing Foundation Race Fundraiser

Monday, October 21 at 7:00 pm 


This year we are hosting our 2nd annual Amazing Foundation Race! This is not your ordinary race - running is not required but is allowed. Participants will wind through the course, which is set throughout the hotel. For bonus points, go on a scavenger photo hunt in the surrounding city streets. Bring your camera to document your photo finds. You will experience a combination of mental, physical, and sometimes silly challenges! Form your own team or let us assign you to one. There will be prizes for the winning teams. Your $40 participation fee will benefit the Foundation of Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance. Take the challenge and begin your training for the AMAZING FOUNDATION RACE in INDIANAPOLIS!


Diamond Celebration Event  

During the conference, culminating at lunch on Wednesday, October 23 at Noon
The Foundation invites you to be part of the celebration! We will be hosting a special Diamond Celebration during the Foundation Luncheon on Wednesday. The Diamond Celebration will honor the 75th anniversary of the Accounting and Financial Women's Alliance. Reserve your spot now for only $75. Each participant will receive a special "diamond"... one very lucky participant will receive a diamond necklace worth more than $1,400! Reservations are limited to 75, so reserve your diamond spot today by sending an email to or contacting a Foundation Board Member. Can't attend the conference but you still want to celebrate? You can send a proxy to attend for you and pick up your "diamond". "Diamonds" will be distributed during Wednesday's luncheon. Click here for a sneak peek!


Chapter Diamond Challenge  

Chapters also have the opportunity to join in the 75th anniversary celebrations. Any chapter that makes a $75 or more contribution to the Foundation by the end of our fiscal year, June 30, 2014, will receive an electronic "badge" to place on their website. The "badge" will recognize the chapter as a Foundation Diamond Sponsor. Bring your chapter's contribution to the conference or mail it in.


Game of Skill  

During the conference, culminating at lunch on Wednesday, October 23 at Noon
For a mere $10, you can participate in an activity that requires great "skill". Go to the Foundation Table to join in the fun. The top five "experts" will receive their awards at the Foundation luncheon. Hint: Think Minute-to-win-it.


Throughout the conference  

We will accept your donation whether you use cash, checks or credit cards. Each person making a donation will receive the latest in fashion bracelets. Wear yours during the conference and you will receive points in the mobile app game.Read more here about the app.


The Foundations Travelers Book-Magazine Exchange   

If you are finished with the book or magazine (no completed crossword puzzle books, please) from your travel to Indianapolis and are looking for some new reading material for the trip home, please visit the Foundation Tables to do an exchange. If you don't have a book or magazine to exchange, stop by to pick up some reading for your trip home and make a small donation to the Foundation. Read more here.


All of these Events Benefit the Mission of the Foundation of Accounting & Financial Women's Alliance.   

The Foundation was created in 2004 to promote and advance education, career development and leadership in finance and accounting. The Foundation is a philanthropic 501(c)(3) organization. For more information, visit our website or send email to


 Click here for more information about the Foundation of AFWA


Employment Law Update
Speaker: Jeanine DeBacker

Last month Jeanine DeBacker presented "What's Cooking in California Employment Law?" where she informed members and guests of proposed and new updates for 2014 California legislation, discussed noteworthy cases in 2013, and helped answer our questions while keeping us engaged. Click Here to read Jeanine's California Employment Law Blog 

OCTOBER NEWSAccountability

World Economic Forum's Human Capital Index 2013: Europe Dominates As The U.S. Lags Behind 
The Huffington Post
October 2013

When it comes to investing in people, Europe is way ahead of the curve.


That's the conclusion of a new report by the World Economic Forum (WEF)measuring the long-term economic potential each country derives from its labor force. As economies around the world deal with shifting demographics, from an aging workforce to rampant youth unemployment, a nation's ability to make the most of its human capital becomes increasingly important. <Read More>

World's Most Successful Countries 
Include Australia, New Zealand and Canada
from International Business Times
October 2013

The World Economic Forum, for the first time, released its list of the most successful countries in the world in terms of maximising the long-term economic potential of their respective labour forces, the Human Capital Index.


The Human Capital Index ranks countries on their ability to develop and deploy healthy, educated and able workers through four essential factors - Education, Health and Wellness, Workforce and Employment and Enabling Environment. <Read More>

The Dollar and the Debt Ceiling
from World Economic Forum
October 2013

The dollar is the world's go-to currency. But for how much longer? Will the dollar's status as the only true global currency be irreparably damaged by the battle in the US Congress over raising the federal government's debt ceiling? Is the dollar's "exorbitant privilege" as the world's main reserve currency truly at risk?


To be sure, the purveyors of dollar doom and gloom have cried wolf before. When the subprime-mortgage crisis hit, it was widely predicted that the dollar would suffer. In fact, the greenback strengthened as investors seeking a safe haven rushed into US Treasury bonds. A year later, when Lehman Brothers failed, the dollar benefited from the safe-haven effect yet again.


Data from the International Monetary Fund confirm that these shocks caused little (if any) decline in the dominance of the dollar in central banks' holdings of foreign-currency reserves. Likewise, data gathered by the Bank for International Settlements show that the dollar dominates global foreign-exchange transactions as much as it did in 2007. <Read More>




Chair: Tawnya Schwartz

There is an excellent line-up of programs for the Silicon Valley Chapter this year, and most of them qualify for CPE!  Check out the line-up as we have engaged some dynamic and outstanding speakers.

Global Leadership Skills 
Speaker: Joyce Osland

Obama Care
Speaker: Amrit Dhaliwal

2014 Tax Update
Speaker: TBD

Personal Identity Security
Speaker: TBD

Chair: Eileen Perry


  • All Levels of Accounting & Finance
  • Bookkeepers
  • Corporate Accounting Finance
  • Public Accounting
  • Management & Educators
  • Recruiters

If you would like to join the Silicon Valley Chapter of AFWA, follow the link to our National website.


Please feel free to complete the application or forward a copy to someone you think would benefit from joining our Chapter.




  • Prestigious status of professional affiliation
  • National contacts for networking and professional information
  • Forum for CPE
  • Scholarships
  • Leadership opportunities in supportive arena
  • Subscription to Accountability e-newsletter 
  • National and regional conferences at a discounted rate
  • Access to Career Center
  • Access to AFWA's LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter groups and National online membership directory
  • Discounted membership to the Institute for Management Accountants (IMA)
  • Discounted products and services through affiliation agreements
    • CPA review courses, CCH tax & accounting books, Long Term Care Insurance and Bank of America credit card.

Hospitality Chair: Amrit Dhaliwal
CPE Chair: Nicole Tran

Reservation and cancellation policy:Reservations or cancellations are requested by noon on the Friday preceding each meeting.  Email to reserve or cancel. The goal is an accurate count for the hotel.  Unreserved members (not guests) incur a surcharge of $5.00.


Reserved members or guests who are no-shows will be billed if not cancelled by noon the preceding Friday. We do want you to come to the meetings and reservations are helpful but if you have to cancel let us know beforehand to avoid incurring the cost of the meal. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARD PAYMENT AT THE DOOR.


Volunteers are always welcome at our monthly membership meetings. Lend a helping hand to make our monthly events and meetings even more interesting while building a great network and forming new relationships.


CPE credit is available for participating in any of our qualified programs.  See Nicole for more details in person at the meeting or email her at NICOLETRANNT@GMAIL.COM.

Chair: Edronda Guiriba

We have changed our newsletter! Like the new look? Be sure to send us some feedback.

The newsletter is prepared and distributed on a monthly basis.  Visit our web site at  If this Chapter does not have your e-mail address, please contact Edronda at


We encourage our membership to submit articles of interest for our monthly newsletter.  Please make your submission under the following criteria...

  • Prepared as a Microsoft Word document
  • Photos in JPEG format
  • captions are okay, no imbedded text, please
  • 600 words or less


July 23, 2013 Board meeting. From left to right: Eileen Perry, Edronda Guiriba, Amrit Dhaliwal, Julia Becklund, Sabrina Pacheco (back), Nicole Letellier, Sue Stokke, Nicole Sheets, Nicole Tran, Monika Miles. Missing: Tawnya Schwartz


Julia Becklund


Nicole Letellier


Nicole Sheets


Sabrina Pacheco

Past President:

Sue Stokke

Hospitality Chair:

Amrit Dhaliwal

CPE Compliance:

Nicole Tran

Newsletter Editor:

Edronda Guiriba

Membership Chair:

Eileen Perry

Program Chair:

Tawnya Schwartz


Scholarship Chair:

Monika Miles





Click here for more info about the Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors. 

There are four sponsor levels of contribution established for the scholarship fund.
Sponsorship up to $150.00  
Sponsorship up to $300.00 
Sponsorship up to $500.00 
Sponsorship over $500.00 
Sponsor letter and form available. 
Share the information! 
See Monika Miles for more details. 
 Founded in 1938, AFWA/ASWA provides women in accounting and finance the leadership, education and networking opportunities needed to achieve their career goals. Celebrating 75 years as the only organization that solely represents the interest of women in the entire accounting and finance community. The organization's mission is to enable women in all accounting and related fields to achieve their full personal,
professional and economic potential and to contribute to the future development of their profession.