October 2018 news
Sampler just for you.

Our popular sampler collection of our fresh Asian Pears is now available. Shop online to indulge yourself with the flavors of the harvest with our Exclusive Variety Collection. This Fall season, we are introducing this sampler collection in a new box size and style: approximately five pounds of fruit, with three varieties.
Hand-selected and hand-packed, these tree-ripened pear varieties create the most delicious of Fall treats. Flavors of green apple, mango, starfruit, and melon - make each crisp, juicy bite, memorable. 

Looking for something special to  

pear sampler gift box

share for the Thanksgiving and winter holidays? This is a lovely, fresh taste to send to friends & family. 

To read more about our varieties...  
picking pears fall weather
Colors of Fall.
The long, wet Summer and Fall seem to have delayed the leaves turning vibrant colors on our pear trees. Still lush & green - the leaves freshly frame the sunshine faces of our pears. 

Typically, this time of year, the orchard trees are blazing with gold, bronze, yellow and maroon colors. 

We're not complaining, we're too busy enjoying the colors and tastes of our Asian Pears. Each chock full of the flavors of the Autumn season - regardless of the weather.

Flavor Flashback.
chili pear

One of our pear fans reminded us of a popular fresh pear recipe from a few seasons ago. We thought it would be fun to share it all over again! 

Asian Pear Chili - sweet & spicy for a chilly, Autumn day!

Click here to download our chili recipe -spicy, Subarashii style.