October 2018 DASNY News & Updates
DASNY Goes for Gold – Again!
It’s so nice, we’ve done it twice! DASNY’s headquarters in Albany has been recertified as LEED-EB (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – Existing Building) Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).

Having secured its initial Gold designation in 2012, DASNY’s headquarters in Albany is one of the first New York State government existing buildings to be LEED rated. The energy efficient improvements made to secure recertification reaffirm DASNY’s commitment to sustainable approaches and green initiatives. 

“DASNY helps clients throughout New York curb their energy usage and reduce operating costs,” said DASNY President & CEO Dr. Gerrard P. Bushell. “It is paramount that DASNY leads by example and makes its own positive commitment to energy saving practices. By operating as efficiently as possible, we will dramatically reduce DASNY’s energy usage and generate savings for the State.”

Improvements at DASNY’s headquarters at 515 Broadway included replacing interior lighting with innovative light fixtures to provide more light for building occupants, while reducing energy usage by approximately 30 percent. In addition, exterior lighting, including street lights, was replaced with energy efficient LED lights. 

DASNY educates and encourages clients to engage in continual improvement using tracking and user engagement strategies. Through ongoing processes focused on energy optimization, DASNY has saved more than $2.5 million in energy costs at its Albany headquarters since 2009.
2018 New York State MWBE Forum
DASNY had the privilege of being one of the featured presenters at the annual New York State MWBE Forum at the Empire State Plaza in Albany.

This year’s theme was “Grow with New
York State.”

During a special DASNY session on October 3, “Building New York,” Dr. Bushell had the opportunity to address those in attendance and talk about how DASNY is a leader in delivering on New York State’s MWBE contracting goals. 

“We are continually evolving so we may better provide for our clients and all New Yorkers,” said Dr. Bushell. “This is a process that began at the start of my tenure in 2015 when I became President and CEO of DASNY. This is not a job, it is a mission. I am focused on furthering DASNY's mission by delivering exceptional financial, design, and construction services.  And we have completed much at DASNY.”

Firms in attendance were able to learn how to do business with DASNY and hear about upcoming procurement opportunities. 

In addition, they had the opportunity to meet DASNY team members including: Managing Director of Construction Steve Curro, Managing Director of Public Finance and Portfolio Monitoring Portia Lee, Managing Senior Director of Construction Paul Koopman and Senior Director of Resource Acquisition | Opportunity Programs Michael Clay.
DASNY Wraps Up Successful First Nine Months of 2018 in Municipal Bond Market
The Bond Buyer and Reuters have once again cited DASNY as one of the top issuers in the nation. They reported that DASNY delivered issuances totaling $5.8 billion to the market. 

Highlights include $325 million for Columbia University to fund the design, construction, and renovation of science and health care facilities, as well as $593 million for New York University for arts education, advanced medical research, sports and recreation, and student housing facilities.

In addition, the Montefiore Health System issued $685 million in bonds through DASNY utilizing a hybrid tax-exempt, taxable financing structure. 

DASNY also sold $585.2 million on behalf of 56 New York State school districts, which was the largest pooled school districts issue in DASNY history.
Employment Opportunities

Want to be part of the DASNY team?
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply.
DASNY is currently searching for:

  • Senior Field Representative (Upstate Construction) New Paltz. The Senior Field Representative exercises independent judgment and makes high-level decisions while assisting the Project Manager or Senior Project Manager in all aspects of a construction project or projects and/or highly complex projects. Learn more.
  • Project Manager (Upstate Construction) Purchase. The Project Manager manages all aspects of construction projects, and oversees all functions necessary to provide value added services to customer agencies for full and modified service projects. Learn more.

DASNY is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer
committed to excellence and diversity.
Upcoming Events
  • Thursday, November 1 DASNY hosts MWBE Outreach event at CUNY Graduate Center from 5-7pm. Please RSVP to events@dasny.org by 5 PM on Monday, October 29, 2018 (Include: Name, title, company, email, phone, firm type, MWBE status). 

  • Thursday-Friday, November 8-9 – Come visit the DASNY booth at this year’s New York Library Association Annual Conference at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center!