
Board Highlights are timely recaps of School Board meetings. They are emailed to staff, parents, and interested community members before the official minutes are approved and posted. 


Links to pertinent memos and presentations from the Board packet are highlighted in green. Board packets are posted the day before regularly scheduled Board meetings.


Meeting podcasts, packets, and Board information can be accessed using the links on the left. 

Barry Rodgers, Director of Innovation, Teaching and Learning,  provided an overview of the PARCC , MAP, and ISA(Illinois Science) Assessments. Dave Kanne, Principal at Carleton Washburne School shared results from the New Trier Township Eighth Grade Preparedness Survey which is intended to replace the New Trier Freshman Perception Survey. This data is used in conjunction with other measures to assess student progress and inform decision-making. The spring 2018 PARCC participation rate increased to 92% and D36 students are demonstrating strong performance. The MAP Assessment was administered three times in 2017-2018. Students are performing at an overall average above the 92nd percentile nationwide (with grade 8 at the 94th percentile in ELA and 97th percentile in Math nationwide). Mr. Rodgers also provided a preview of the new Illinois State Report Card (to be released on October 31),  with summative designations provided by school, highly dependent on student growth on PARCC and participation rates.  

Regular Meeti ng 

Kristen Hertel, Board President, welcomed all in attendance. She noted that after a several year process that has included several iterations, tonight the Board looks forward to approving an Educational Master Facility Plan, one that is based on our community's values and feedback.

She recognized D36 building Principals and Assistant Principals in light of National Principals Month and thanked them for the commitment they have toward supporting our students, families and teachers.  

Trisha Kocanda,
Superintendent, acknowledged that there was a very positive parent/teacher conference session this month. She noted that due to the partnership of the Winnekta Public Schools Foudation, educator Dr. Robert Dillon provided professional learning to staff and presented a WPI session to parents along with the District's Learning Design Team.



On October 23, 2018 the School Board unanimously approved a long-range Educational Master Facilities Plan (EMFP) and set in motion actions leading to an April 2, 2019 referendum.

Kristen Hertel, School Board President, recognized the many merits of the EMFP, most notably, "the need to provide teachers and students with environments that afford them the best opportunity to reach their highest potential," while reiterating the intentional commitment to fiscal stewardship through the development of the first strategic "road map" for D36 facilities in over 20 years. The Board confirmed working sessions over the next 8 weeks to define a Phase I Facilities Plan that upholds the integrity of the long-range vision. Key components of the EMFP are detailed here.

President Hertel, along with fellow Board members also recognized the diligence and patience required of the 18-month process noting the urgency to establish balanced enrollment amongst the three elementary schools through a revision of attendance boundaries and returning kindergarten students to Crow Island in a timely and sensitive manner. Through extensive engagement, community input, and sincere gratitude for the work of the Core Team, the Board commended the collective efforts and the importance of community feedback indicating key facility priorities, funding support, and readiness to address the needs of Winnetka schools. Key survey-poll results are found here.

Brad Goldstein, Chief Financial Officer, provided a broad perspective on financial impacts related to District debt capacity, potential use of Fund Balance to offset borrowing, modeling and analysis of the five-year operational budget, and potential tax impacts related to a range of borrowing scenarios. The Board expressed a priority to maintain conservative financial practices and parameters for funding mechanisms in tandem with their goal to define the Phase I Facilities Plan in coming weeks.

Concluding the update, Trisha Kocanda, Superintendent, provided considerations for emerging components of the Phase I Facilities Plan based on key elements for modernization level, classrooms, multipurpose/cafeterias, kinetic wellness and baseline needs at each building. The Board requested a preliminary framework for their work on November 12 with recommended project "bundles" ranging between $80 million and $109 million.

A facilities plan must be adopted by the Board with ballot resolutions approved no later than January 14, 2019 in order to meet required deadlines for an April 2, 2019 election. The District's planning timeline can be found here.

For comprehensive planning information, upcoming meeting dates, and FAQs please visit .

Informational Memos

This monthly update highlights progress toward the Reaching All Learners goals in the District's five-year Strategic Plan (2015-2020).  Highlights this month include: Hosted WPI Session on the IEP process, established Tier I prototype classroom spaces and coordinated School Board visits, and established working guidelines for interventions in reading and math.

The District has a longstanding commitment to parent education.  Information was shared regarding the fall schedule for WPI sessions, along with alignment to District strategic goals.

The Consent Agenda and the following Action Items were approved:

1. Educational Master Facility Plan
2. Sale of District Vehicle

The Complete Board Packet for the October 23, 2018, School Board Meeting, containing all Memos and Presentations is here.
Upcoming Regular Meeting Dates

November 27, 2018
December 18, 2018
January 29, 2019

Regular meetings are open to the public and will be held at Hubbard Woods School from August 2018 through June 2019. Regular meetings begin at 7:15 p.m. Work sessions are also open to the public and may be scheduled at the discretion of the Board. Discussion topics and times for work sessions will be posted on the District website 24 hours in advance.
The Winnetka Public Schools community empowers every student to flourish in an innovative, experiential environment. We support and challenge all learners to actively engage in continual growth and achievement to make a meaningful difference in the world.  
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