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 Wheatlands Calendar
Southshore Calendar

October 2018 Newsletter
Important  Updates
Landscaping: Services done in September

  • Weekly mowing, trimming, and edging of turf areas.
  • Chemical application to weeds in turf, native, beds and hard surfaces.
  • Mowing of native areas throughout the community has started but not complete.
  • Irrigation inspections and repairs.
  • Trash removal.
  • Misc. pruning of traffic sight line obstructions requested by City of Aurora.
  • Pruning of trees and shrubs.
  • Commencement of dead tree removal and replacements to be completed by end of next week.

Useful Information
To report a code violation please contact the City of
Aurora : 303.739.7000

Street lights and poles are the responsibility of Xcel Energy, the District only maintains the street lights in the clubhouse parking lot. You can reach them at :  800-895-1999
Upcoming Events

Friday, October 5th
6-10 pm at the Lakehouse
Movie: Despicable Me

Thursday, October 11th
6-10 pm @ the Clubhouse

Park Update

The community park at Wheatlands Parkway and South Jamestown Way is continuing to move forward.  We submitted the plans to the city of Aurora planning committee last month and the city gave us feedback on the park design. 

We have submitted for second review this week and are waiting to hear back from them.  The next step is to go through public works review.  The city asked that we complete the planning step before submitting to public works which did set our timeframe back.  Once we submit it to public works it is a 6-8 week process. 

After we have received approval from public works we can start the bidding process for building the park.  Since we had these delays, we are realistically looking at the park starting construction towards the beginning of the year.   

We can't wait for the community to enjoy the park and appreciate your patience as we continue to move forward with the project.

For more images and details of the park please Click Here

Clubhouse Rental Paperwork
The Clubhouse is available for residents of Wheatland's to rent. The cost is $75 for the first three hours (and a three hour minimum is required), and $25 per hour after that. You can access the paperwork here: Clubhouse Rental Paperwork.
Wheatlands Community Directory

Non-Emergency - Police
Irrigation 24 hour service

720-870-9297, 720-870-2221 (Operated by the YMCA)

Water & Sewer Service

Police Representative - Officer Cassell 303-627-3172
Public Works Department 303-739-7300

City of Aurora 303-326-8200

SNOW REMOVAL (District Property)
YMCA and Coxlandscaping
*Homeowners are responsible for sidewalks and driveways

Waste Management Company

Management Company Contacts
Lori Walker - Community Manager

Secondary contact number:
Lakehouse at Southshore

Office Address:
6601S. Wheatlands Parkway
Aurora, CO 80016

October Office Hours: 
9am-1pm @ the Lakehouse
27151 E Lakeview Dr.
Aurora, CO 80016

Office phone: 720.870.9297
email: Wheatlandsdistrict@denverymca.org

October Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9am-1pm
Monday-Thursday 4-8pm
@ The Lakehouse 
27151 E Lakeview Dr. Aurora, CO 80016

Community & Management Corner
District Managers Corner:

The updated resident guidelines manual is here: Guidelines

Payment Options:

Each owner in the community is responsible for paying the monthly operations fee ($65). American Conservation and Billing Solutions is the new billing company that is being used. If you have any questions or concerns AmCoBi can be reached at 877-410-0167 x2 or ClientCare@AmCoBi.com


The Wheatlands community has a great website that you can use to see minutes from meetings, look at meeting agendas, get up to date community information and documents and much more, please take a moment to go out to www.wheatlandsmetro.org. (new website to launch on Nov. 1)


The YMCA manages the pool, clubhouse, park reservations for the community and is in charge of all communication and oversight of the property. If you have any questions in regards to these items, please contact them at 720-870-9297 or 720-870-2221 .  If you are unsure of who can help you, please contact management (YMCA) and we will get you to the correct individuals.

Covenant Enforcement

  The Wheatlands Metropolitan Board has awarded the contract to 
AMI - Advanced Management. They will be taking over covenant enforcement and Architectural Design Review. To contact AMI you can call them at 303-351-5411 or email them at wheatlands@amihoa.com.
You can also visit their website at www.amihoa.com
Kids Night Out at The Lakehouse
Kids will have game s and crafts with dinner provided, and will get to watch a movie in our movie theater. Parents can relax with the night off. $15 for 1st child $10 for additional children. 6:00 pm-10:00 pm. Please register by Wednesday prior to event. Register on the YMCA website. Call 720-870-2221 with any questions.

October 5th
   Movie: Despicable Me

New Programs at the YMCA Youth Center at Southlands Shopping Center

Come check out some of our new programs offered at the YMCA Youth Center!
(For more information on any of these programs please call the youth center at 720.274.5759


Our Teen Center comes with a pool table, foosball, Nintendo Wii and X Box and many different craft opportu-nities and games, there is never a dull moment. Cost Free; any themed nights will cost $4


Southlands Shopping Center and the Aurora YMCA is here to help you! Drop the kids off at the YMCA Teen Center where Kids can participate in activities and crafts as you indulge yourself with everything Southlands has to offer! Please provide a small snack for your child. Open Mondays and Wednes-days10am-1pm, Thursday's 5-8pm. Ages: Potty trained - 10 years. Fee: $7 per child.


 Ages 11-18
Develop Leadership Skills
Youth-led community service pro-jects
 Bi-monthly meetings - Wednesdays 6:00 - 7:00pm at Southlands Teen Center

Warm Up Wednesday

 Planned weekly activities to get some movement and exercise for kids ages potty trained-10 yrs old.


 Three-day, intensive, state wide, mock-government program
 Grades 7-12
 Hands on Experience
 Teachers curriculum support
Full Access to Colorado State
YMCA Programs

In addition to family activities at Southshore, the YMCA runs programs that benefit the entire Aurora Community.

Y Sports
Spring sports registration is now open! For more info:
Billy Merryman - Sports Coordinator

Y Leaders
A new program for the Aurora Family YMCA. Youth 11-18 can join at no cost to plan and take part in Saturday service opportunities. Please attend our Wednesday meetings or contact Shai Baca  for more information. sbaca @denverymca.org 
Youth in Government
Join youth from throughout the state at our premier model government program. High school aged students will write and debate bills, argue state supreme court cases or take part in our press and lobbyist programs. The only group with access to the state Capitol building in this capacity.   Click here to find out more!

Reach & Rise Mentoring
What is Reach and Rise?
  • Reach and Rise is a free group mentoring program of the YMCA, established to provide young people in our community with positive and peer relationships.
  • 2 adult mentors are matched with a group of 6 youth
  • The group will meet once a week for 2 hours.
  • The program cycle runs for 8 weeks during the summer and 16 weeks during the fall and spring.
  • Mentors are meant to serve as role models, friends, and confidants. They're another source of support for your child. They are not meant to take the role of a parent, babysitter, or financier.
For more information contact:
Shai Baca

Southlands Shopping Center Events

Southlands Cub Club is for children ages 3 to 10. Members get special discounts at Southlands retailers and YMCA programs, monthly events, a club newsletter and during your child's birth month, they receive a special birthday surprise. Joining is easy. Click here to enroll, then come to the Southlands Management Office during business hours to pick up your child's membership card and welcome goodie bag. Cub Club registration will also be available at every Sounds of Southlands concert and Movies on Main Street this summer. 

Next Cub Club Event:

When: Thursday, October 18th

Where: Southlands Townsquare
Sign Up HERE

Wheatlands Metropolitan District

visit us online at www.wheatlandsmetro.org

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, October 11th at 6:00 pm