October 2018 - In This Issue:
Worship Services
Sunday Worship
8:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary
9:15 am Adult Education
9:30 am  Children's  Sunday School

Holy Communion
Communion is served at both services every Sunday.
Lutheran Church of the Cross
28253 Meadow Drive
Evergreen, CO 80439
PO Box 2800
Evergreen, CO 80437-2800

P - 303-674-4130
F - 303-670-7987

Church Office Hours
Tues thru Fri - 9:00am - 2:00pm

Church e-mail

Church Website
Church Staff
Pastor - Philip Reimers
Ministers - All of our People
Volunteer Youth Director - Elizabeth Reimers
Music Director - Patrick Stone
Choir Director - Elinore Quander
Office Manager - Stephanie Park
Council Members
Nonie Willisch - President
Mark Selman - Vice-President
Mike Lofing  - Treasurer
Sara Esau - Secretary
Open  - Business Manager
Claire O'Brien - Education
Gloria Owens - Evangelism
Open -  Activities
Jill Hansen - O utreach/Missions
Paul Mohrmann - Prop & Grounds
Open  - Stewardship
Vicki Thompson - Worship & Music
Open - Youth & Family

Welcome Visitors
We want to welcome last month's visitors. Thank you for worshiping with us!

   Sign up to sponsor flowers on the chart posted in the Fellowship Hall or talk to Stephanie in the church office.  The cost is $30 for two bouquets and you get to take them home following the last service!  Thank you for helping make the sanctuary beautiful during our Sunday services.
Saints Alive!
"We have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all our saints..." Col. 1:4
We give thanks for all people who have helped support our life together as a community of faith!

Prayer Requests
Please remember to check the Prayer Request page on the back of the Sunday bulletin and contact the church office to update any prayer requests!
Pastor's Message
13 "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed. Daniel 7:13-14

Over 500 years before Jesus was born Daniel had this grand vision of Jesus coming and the difference it would make. Now 2000 years later we are still living in and living out the meaning and purpose of that amazing truth.

While we live in a rapidly changing culture we have some great advantages over the people of Daniel's time who were trying to navigate the tremendous challenges of their time. Our greatest advantage is that our vision and mission are clear. To continue to grow in our relationship with God and to be a part of God's work in the world. Therefore, our role is listening to God and to be wise in seeking how to best remain faithful to God's call on our lives.

The last several weeks we have been having great conversations between services about our identity as a church, our hopes for the future, and possibilities of working together with other Christians in our community. While it would be fair to say there are some fears, many questions, and at times disagreement of what that might look like; it would be equally fair to say there has been respectful conversation, insightful reflection, and overall a spirit of hopefulness and desire to do our best to be a part of God's work on earth.

A few things we invite everyone to do as we continue to discern how to be faithful. First, fill out the survey provided by the strategic visioning committee. Second, continue to dream, share your ideas, and have conversations about what God might be doing. Third, as ideas and directions present themselves be open to participation and even better offering your gifts to further the work and vision. Finally, continue to seek God in prayer. Pray for wisdom and direction. Pray for strength and passion. Pray that Jesus be powerfully known in Evergreen and the world.

It is a challenging and exciting time in our lives but never forget. "His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and His Kingdom is one that will never be destroyed!"

Pastor Philip Reimers

Take and Bake Pies for Sale
The Pie Ladies have pies available for you to take  & bake. Get yours for  $10 before they're all gone.  Proceeds go to fund mission work locally &  internationally. See Sondra, Pat or Jill for a pie  today. Thanks for your support!

ChristAid Banquet
Marcee Martin
Join us at the ChristAid Annual Banquet. This is an authentic African experience with a meal, message, and live auction. 
Friday, October 26, at the Waterstone Community Church in Littleton. Church of the Cross has two tables of 8, your only cost is an item or basket to be entered into the auction. Program and dinner begins at 6:30 but come early to see some amazing items for bidding. Take a flyer with a map in the lobby today and sign up soon. See Marcee Martin for more info.

Gloria Owens

Portions of the prayer walk have been updated with a small p o rtion to be completed. The Property Commit tee under the direction of Paul Mohrmann is working  to complete the  prayer walk before snowfall. In addition to the prayer walk a booklet has been printed to assist those interested in praying and walking. It will be available soon.
Love Offering
Each month we will highlight an outreach or special ministry. Loose cash offerings and designated offerings will be given directly to those ministry opportunities.
In September we collected
for Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity
October Love Offering
Lutheran Family Services Refugees Program- LFS Refugees Programs offers support to people who are forced to flee their countries of origin because of a well-founded fear of persecution due to race, religion, nationality or membership in a particular social or political group.

Men's Bible Study
Our Men's Bible Study is scheduled for the  first and  third Thursday  of the month. 

Conta ct Mike Lofing with any questions - mllofing@gmail.com

Thursday, October 4  - 6:30 am
Thursday, October 18 - 6:30 am

Please join us in the church fellowship hall.
Women's Bible Study
Women's Bible Study Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall. The study is Sermon on the Mount, by Jen Wilkin.  Contact Eunice Bollinger for more information -
Service Helpers Needed
We are always looking for helpers for Altar Guild, Sacrament Assistants, Ushers, Coffee Hour, Sunday School and Children's Church. If you'd like to share your gifts in any of these categories please speak to Suzanne Pecoraro.
Reloadable Grocery Cards
We have joined the Reward Programs with King Soopers AND Safeway! We have $5 reloadable grocery gift cards here at LCC! Just reload it and use it for all of your groceries! 5% of the sales at King Soopers and 4% at Safeway will be donated to LCC! We have already earned OVER $800 from King Soopers - just from buying our groceries!! So don't forget to reload your card! Contact Stephanie in the office for more information or to pick up your very own shopping card!
Happy Birthday!
10/02    Hope Bergren
10/03    Wendy Barnes
10/05    Roger Tullberg
10/06    Deanna Weisenborn
10/08    Vicki Thompson
10/09    Russ Houston
10/10    Brad Giles
10/11    Matt Erholtz
10/13    Nate Porada
10/15    Sandy DiBernardo
10/16    Addy Leinen
10/18    Hanna Holt
10/21    Cheryl Touryan
10/25    Mildred Olson
10/26    Rita Powers
10/27    Aden Pashman

Happy Anniversary!
10/07  George & Donna Wortman
10/24  Jim & Rosemary Neville

October Service Helpers
Suzanne Pecoraro

Praise God & Sing!  
New members are welcome! Practices are  Wednesdays   at  6:30 and Sundays at noon. Please join  us  a t ei t her or both! 
LCC Library
Linda Mohrmann

If you missed the performance of the Amani Children's Choir or would like to relive the experience, here's your chance. Two CDs have been gifted to the library. Check them out and delight in the joyful music of those lovely children.
As always, you are appreciated for your donations to the LCC library and for taking advantage of all it has to offer. We need good teen books to add to our library so if you have any that could be donated we would be most appreciative.

Happy reading!

Featured Book found in the War Room on the fireplace.
Prayer Warriors
Gloria Owens

With the upcoming holidays we need others to rise up for the next three months (October, November, December) to pray one day a week.  Between Cheryl and I we will be traveling during the holidays.  We are praying one or two would consider praying on Wednesday afternoons at 2 pm.  Christ says where two or three are gathered there am I.  Between travels, Cheryl or I will be here along with whoever will volunteer to be with us.  Prayers to our Almighty Father are more powerful when 2-3 gather.  If you are willing to commit even to one month, call Gloria Owens at 602-568-7677 or email gloriaowens@centurylink.net.  Please consider to join us!
Let's Go Hiking!
If you are interested in participating in occasional, moderately difficult,
3 - 6 mile hikes, please contact Jill Hansen at jeff-jill@msn.com to be put on the email list. 

Youth Group
Contact Elizabeth Reimers for more information abou t Wild  Wednesdays! 

And join us every Sunday at 9:30 as we share breakfast and catch up with the Holy Spirit with Pancakes and Prayers!
Alternative Gift Fair
The Alternative Gift Fair will be held on November 10 and 11 this year and Church of the Cross is a sponsoring Congregation!  The Volunteer Registration Sign Up is OPEN! It is a lot of fun volunteering and allows for the vendors to keep all of their profits for their charities!  Choose where you would like to volunteer at www.gifttwice.org Deanna Weisenborn is our Bake Sale Coordinator, and will help to organize all of the baked goods made by LCC to bring to the AGF Bake Sale!  The Bake Sale funds the expenses such as advertising and credit card fees for the fair that exceed the amount given by sponsoring congregations. 

Operation Christmas Child
Jill Hansen
Operation Christmas Child is kicking off this month and we're excited to start watching the boxes coming in. Please pick up your boxes from under the tables in the hall outside of the Sanctuary and grab a brochure for suggestions of what to put in your boxes. No toothpaste or cand y is allowed this year. We're hoping to break 100 on boxes collected this year, but we need your help to do it. The final due date to turn in your boxes is November 18th . Any questions can be dir ected to Kailyn or Aden Pashman, youth Co-chairs, Chari Pashman or Jill Hansen . Let's spread the good news together.   
Mission Statement:

As people of Church of the Cross,
we proclaim the Love of Jesus Christ in all we do for the Glory of God.