Republican Women of Simi Valley & Moorpark
President's Message
By: Pam Campeau
While sitting at Republican Headquarters, a middle aged woman walked in and very nicely asked, with a baffled look, "tell me why people want Trump as president. I don't get it." She called herself a liberal Democrat. Now my definition of a liberal Democrat certainly wasn't this woman. She asked her questions and answered ours, politely and respectfully, and the five of us calmly conversed. Did she walk out as a converted Democrat? Well, no. Nothing changed. But my real point is that it surprised me that there are Democrats who do converse through civil and positive discussions. Maybe it can happen with our loved ones and friends and neighbors with different political opinions. And who knows, you may even convert someone.
If you find yourself in this same position, use the facts. Republicans always do. President Trump jump-started America's economy, protected the American homeland by enforcing immigration laws, is promoting fair and reciprocal trade by putting America first, rebuilt our military, crushed ISIS, removed red tape and ended unnecessary regulations, partnered and worked with local law enforcement to protect American communities, reversed years of policies that locked up American energy and restricted our ability to sell to other countries, followed up on his promise to work to drain the swamp and create more transparency, repealed Obamacare individual mandate, expanded plan choices, and increased competition to bring down costs for consumers, along with a very long list of other accomplishments during his first term.
Election Day is almost here. Complete and drop off your ballot as soon as possible or visit a polling location October 31, November 1 or 2 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., or election day, November 3, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Stay well and stay strong!
A special thanks to Peggy Sadler who hosted our September membership meeting plus our Chips and Chats, Ann Duran who coordinated and picked up our meals, and Bonnie Graeve who coordinated the rsvp's so well. And to all of our Board of Directors who helped make it a nice and comfortable evening for everyone. And thanks to those who attended and also supported us by participating in the Opportunity Drawing. Since all of our fundraisers were canceled this year, your extra support is welcome to continue to keep SVMRWF vital and strong and a safe place for like-minded people to participate.
On facebook? Like us on Simi Valley/Moorpark Republican Women Federated. The more hits the better! And check out the SVMRWF Website and tell your friends! It's a great resource.

"We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his action."-Ronald Reagan
One month to election day and lots to do!
· Republican Headquarters still needs volunteers. The public continues to stream into Headquarters and we need volunteers to help them with candidate and voter information. Three or four hours a week is the only requirement. Easy and fun. And you are making a positive impact in our community!
· Elva Cooper is asking for volunteers to help her at the voter registration table. The more registrations, the more votes!
· Mike Garcia and other candidates are still seeking contributions (campaign materials are expensive!) and walkers! Christie Smith volunteers may soon be knocking at your door.
· Take a 30 minute training course on the Sidekick calling program for Mike Garcia.
· Join the Election Integrity Project and poll watch.
Contact [email protected] for further info and questions.
September Legislative Update by V.P. Legislation Elaine Freeman
elaine freeman_b
SB 145 (Wiener)  You may recall a report earlier on this bill which deals with sex offender registration. The details are that if there is same sex behavior with one adult and a minor registering as a sex offender would not be required. What the bill does is expand discretion for judges, in certain cases, to exempt mandatory sex offender registration. Here is the theory. California law treats cases of statutory rape differently. In the case where there is a young adult and a minor (different sex) a judge has discretion whether to place the person convicted of statutory rape on the sex offender registry. The judge does not have any discretion when the case involves same sex.  SB 145 eliminates automatic sex offender registration for young adults who have same sex with a minor. The judge would make the decision just as they do now in cases involving different sex. The bill states that if there is 10 year or less difference in age this law would apply. SB 145 applies only to cases involving minors between the ages of 14-17 and an offender with a 10 year range.  It still remains illegal under California law for any adult to have sex with a minor. The Governor signed this bill.
In a recent article by the Jarvis Taxpayers Association about the State budget process, it clearly spelled out the problem (based on what party you are) that the budget process has. In 2010, California voters passed Prop 25.  It perverted the budget process in three ways. First, since that time, dozens of bills have been designated as budget related that has nothing to do with the budget. A bill may have some token appropriation for a nominal amount say $1,000 in a weak effort to say it is budget related but deals with policy. Second abuse by the majority party, has been to use the “trailer bill” label to avoid constitutional requirements for legislation that would otherwise require a two thirds vote for general fund appropriations and the general application of the urgency clause for bills to take effect immediately. And third, has succeeded in redefining an on time budget for purposes of getting their paychecks. This has led to the bizarre situation of legislation identified as budget bills being enacted nearly a year after the June 15 deadline.  I mention this process because it is very difficult to track what is happening. Bills are introduced in the beginning of the session per the process but after the budget deadline in June, these trailer bills follow. These trailer bills deal with policy and has never been through the committee or public review process. Without another ballot measure to change the process, we all as taxpayers have a very hard time to follow what is happening with our dollars.
SOMETHING TO WATCHGov. Newson signed a bill, AB 3121, to establish a nine person task force to study reparation proposals for more than 2 million African Americans in California. The bill directs the task force to study California’s complicity in slavery and develop proposals for redressing generations of discriminatory policies and practices that followed.
ON THE BALLOT MEASURES, just remember there are only two to vote “yes”. They are Propositions 20 (law enforcement) and Proposition 22 (Business). Tell your friends and family. The ballot measures can be confusing, but thanks to CFRW analysts, we have all the information we need.
Any questions, please e-mail at [email protected]
Corresponding Secretary, Carol Sherman
Carol Sherman
As Corresponding Secretary on the Board of Directors, it gives me great opportunity to send our members "thinking of you cards" that show we do care about you. To share our thoughts and prayers. Cards are sent throughout the year for many reasons, SVMRWF members who are no longer with us, family loss, illness, surgeries, hospitalizations. Keep in touch by contacting me at [email protected]
Member and volunteer Carol Sherman (Hdqtrs. and RVC) with the help of David, a volunteer at RVC, repositions Keith Mashburn's election sign.  Thank you to all of our new volunteers!
Members Lea Williams, Pam Campeau, and Paula Marie Young (Garcia campaign) proudly pose under the newly hung banner to prepare for the official Simi Valley GOP Republican Headquarters opening.
Headquarters shows members and volunteers Pam Campeau and Linda Kaden-Ihnat post final preparations
Pam Campeau - President
Vacant - VP Programs
Pat Bonnell -  VP Ways & Means
Char Jackowitcz - Membership 
Elaine Freeman -  VP Legislation
Ann Duran - Treasurer
Christina Lindsey Orta - Recording Secretary
Carol Sherman - Corresponding Secretary

On Facebook? Link to Simi Valley Moorpark Republican Women to Like
Check out our Website at svmrwf and tell us what you think!