Winter Is Coming!

Winter is coming, but MaineShare members are doing all they can to make sure Mainers have what they need to survive and thrive.

In this edition of our monthly newsletter, we are pleased to share with you inspiration, events, and updates from our member groups and from MaineShare.

Here in the MaineShare virtual office, we are working hard with our workplace partners to have a successful campaign during these unprecedented times. So far, the results are more promising than we expected, however, some workplaces and their employees have been incredibly hard hit by the pandemic. Our thoughts go out to them and their families and we are so grateful for their continued support when they, themselves are facing hard times.

We also launched a major website tune-up - check it out!  Thanks to board member, Jodie Lapchick, for her design influence and to our website beta testers for making this happen on a shoe-string and quickly.

We’re pleased to have a new “News & Events” section which we hope to build out over time. Right now, we are posting our newsletters there as well as our events & occasional news pieces. Check out our recent post on our two new board members and our new video about our network.

Now onto the inspiration from our member groups & if you are in a position to contribute to our work, we welcome any contribution - no matter the size.
 & support all of our 40+ member groups with one gift
Fall Events From Our Member Groups
Here are some great events coming up this fall. Celebrate with, learn from, and support these member group events!

In October, Hardy G*rls Healthy Wom*n launched their Ruckus Roundtables - new virtual community conversations bringing knowledge to action. Join for the next one on November 17 from 7-8pm via Zoom. This panel is on the topic of Sexual Harassment in the world and workplace - it will feature a movie screening (Nevertheless), reps from local partner organizations, and young activists in Maine. For more information, check out our website.
Other News From Our Members
Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine In the News

A shocking number of young Mainers lack basic knowledge about the Holocaust. A first-ever 50-state survey on Holocaust knowledge of American Millenials and Generation Z by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) revealed the breadth of the problem. Maine ranked fourth overall in the country in overall Holocaust knowledge, but only 32% of those young people ages 18-39 surveyed had a grasp of the basic facts.

"Shenna Bellows, the executive director of the Holocaust and Human Rights Center of Maine, says in an interview on Maine Public that while she was glad to see that a large majority of people felt that it was important to study the Holocaust, the report was a clear sign that more students need to receive education around the state."

HHRC has the tools to to ensure that every Maine student graduating from high school has received Holocaust education. Gerda Haas and the Holocaust survivors and allies who founded the HHRC 35 years ago did so with a mission to bring the lessons of the Holocaust to Maine schools to confront prejudice and hatred.
Maine Initiatives Announces New Grant

In October, Maine Initiatives announced $105,000 in grants to 16 organizations through the COVID-19 Community Care Fund. These organizations represent a community of activists and organizers who are turning the tide in the fight against systemic racism in our state. Learn more about their work HERE.
Bicycle Coalition of Maine Receives Co-Motion Tandem Bicycle from Maine Beer Company - Purchase your Raffle Ticket Today!

Maine Beer Company has doubled down on its commitment to better walking and biking in Maine, and has generously donated this awesome Co-Motion Tandem Bicycle to benefit the Bicycle Coalition of Maine. Raffle tickets are for sale until Thursday, November 19 and the winner will be drawn at noon on Friday, November 20 on Facebook Live.
By purchasing your tickets today you could double the fun of all your future rides and support the BCM's efforts to improve roads for biking and walking in Maine!

1 Ticket = $10
3 Tickets = $20
(Double the money, double the fun, & triple your chances!)

Not interested in the tandem? That's ok, we understand, sometimes you just want to walk or ride alone. That being said, there is nothing better than being part of a greater bicycling and walking community. Join the BCM and you'll be part of a statewide network of individuals committed to making Maine a better place to walk and bike. JOIN US!
A Research Report from the Maine Center for Economic Policy

In “Solving Maine’s Pandemic Revenue Crisis,” the Maine Center for Economic Policy examines the evidence and experience from state and federal responses to the Great Recession to chart a path forward for Maine’s pandemic recovery.

Click here to read the full research report.

Dr. Ira Mandel, a retired physician, “runs into a burning building to help people when everyone else is running in the opposite direction”.

Despite having no prior experience with drug addiction or recovery, he has dedicated over a decade to opening recovery residences along Maine’s Mid-Coast. In 2016, Ira founded the Mid-Coast Recovery Coalition (MCRC), “a nonprofit that supports individuals and families struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. In 2019, MaineShare member group, the Genesis Fund, provided $100,000 in loan capital to help with crucial renovations.

“It’s been a rough road to get to where we are,” Ira said, “and it was getting very exhausting; but, for the first time, we have a foothold, and we’re positioned now to fully realize our mission. We’re grateful for the support of the Genesis Fund and of the entire community.”

Click here to read the full article.
Now coming to you from the solar powered studios of WERU Community Radio!

In August, WERU completed its conversion to solar power for the radio station's studios and offices in East Orland. The organization's Board of Directors plans to pursue solar power for the radio transmitter on Blue Hill Mountain in the future. Let the sun shine!
Reminders from Previous Newsletter
November 12th - Sierra Club Maine’s Virtual Annual Celebration

This year's theme is “dinner and a movie.” All participants will be provided with a link to view “Tomorrow,” an inspiring documentary about what individuals around the world are doing to help fight current environmental problems. A panel discussion will follow from 6-7:30pm

Working to Ensure that Mainers with Disabilities Count in 2020 

Disability Rights Maine (DRM) is partnering with the US Census and allies on the ground in Maine, promoting Census engagement as part of our outreach work to underserved populations across the state. Additionally, DRM is working with allies to conduct voter engagement efforts targeted to educate and mobilize historically underrepresented people with disabilities in advance of the 2020 election.
Maine Equal Justice (MEJ), a legal aid and economic justice organization, is encouraging Maine people to support candidates who stand up for economic and racial justice in Maine.

MEJ works with volunteers who are members of our Equal Justice Partners Circle (EJPC) to register first time voters, provide information on how to request an absentee ballot, and to make a plan to vote! 

Allina Diaz, an EJPC member pictured right, explains why she is working to get-out-the-vote: 

There's so much we can do together if we elect leaders who listen and are accountable to us. That's why this week we must all get registered and make a plan to vote, because together we can show elected officials that they need to listen and act on our concerns.
Visit MEJ’s Vote 2020 site for tons of resources and to see Allina’s video message.
 & Help us support the work of these Innovators & Adaptors. Thank you!
This is just a small sampling of the critical work MaineShare members do to build a better Maine. Please join us in supporting and learning from the great work of ALL our member groups.

Best regards,
Brenda Peluso, Interim Director
On behalf of the The Board of MaineShare
MaineShare | 207-622-0105| |