October 2020 Veterans Voice Newsletter
Message from the Director
Message from the Director - October 2020
Message from the Director
To my fellow veterans, families, and veteran advocates: Veterans Day is right around the corner and we are hard at work preparing Veterans Day observance plans, knowing that many in-person events throughout the State, including parades, have been cancelled. Like many of you, we are disappointed that we will not be able to celebrate in the historical fashion, but we are enthusiastic about creating an exciting, patriotic Veterans Day video that will be distributed statewide through our social media pages, website and this newsletter distribution list. An important event this month is our Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Educational Series, developed in partnership with the Perry Foundation and supported by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The first day of the event, Oct. 6, is for survivors and their supporters. If health care professionals attend the first day plus the additional two days, they can earn Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) under the "ethics" category. As it is sometimes difficult for these professionals to find "ethics" CEUs, consider letting your health care providers know about this course. Please visit the MST event page on our website to register. As of this writing, all residents and staff in our State Veterans Homes have recovered from COVID-19. We continue to adhere to all CDC guidelines to keep our staff and residents safe and healthy. If you go out in public, please continue to do your part to help limit community spread by wearing a face covering, physical distancing and washing your hands often. It will take the efforts of each of us to defeat this enemy in our battle against the virus.
Alexander Named Veteran of the Month for August and The Wild Whimsical Women are Veteran Supporter of the Month for August
We would like to congratulate Mr. Danny Alexander for being named Veteran of the Month (VOM) and Wild Whimsical Women being named Veteran Supporter of the Month (VSM) for August.
Please note: The August VOM and VSM were mistakenly left out of last month's newsletter. Our sincere apologies.
Allen Named Veteran of the Month for October and Morse Named Veteran Supporter of the Month for October
We congratulate Norman Allen for being named Veteran of the Month and Belinda Morse being named Veteran Supporter of the month of October.
Bob Crowell Was an Advocate for Both his Community and Veterans
By Steve Ranson, Nevada News Group
More than a half century ago, a young Navy ensign and Stanford University graduate raised his right hand, listened to the words to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, and said "I do."
Click here to read more |
Virtual Military Sexual Trauma (MST) Educational Series
"What is Military Sexual Trauma?"
Military sexual trauma (MST) is an issue that affects not only veterans but all our lives as it impacts relationships, work, health, and financial stability. As such, NDVS invites all Veterans, active duty, Nevada National Guard, Reserves, healthcare providers, community partners, and supporters to attend this free, three-part virtual series, exploring the identification, treatment, and mental health impacts of MST.
Send a Smile by uploading videos or pictures for veteran residents at the Southern and Northern Nevada State Veterans Homes. We will compile these files to run on the closed-circuit TV at the Homes for all to see. We will update as new files are uploaded, so there is no deadline.
Click here to read more |
 Health and Wellness
COVID-19 and Our State Veterans Homes
As of September 28, all residents and staff members at both State Veterans Homes have recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total number of recoveries to 47 at the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home (SNSVH) and 38 at the Northern Nevada State Veterans Home (NNSVH).
Click here to read more |
 Programs and Services
You Can Still File a Claim and Speak with a Veteran Service Officer
The Veteran Service Officers of NDVS are here to help! Veteran Service Offices can help with:
- VA Disability Claims and Appeals
- Requesting Military Records
- War Time Pensions
- VA Debt Issues and much more
Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemeteries
The COVID-19 pandemic is still impacting the way we and other veterans cemeteries across the country are conducting business.
Click here to read more
Women Veterans: Breast Cancer Awareness
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and if you are a woman, it's a good reminder schedule a mammogram.
 News You can Use
Message from TRICARE:
Starting on Jan. 1, 2021, TRICARE Select Group A retired beneficiaries must pay monthly enrollment fees in order to maintain their TRICARE health coverage. This is a change, and the first time this beneficiary group will pay enrollment fees.
Stars And Stripes Never Rest For Nation of Patriots
By Chuck N. Baker
(Las Vegas) - Local members of the countrywide Nation of Patriots organization completed their 2020 Patriot Tour last month with American flags flapping in the breeze on the backs of their motorcycles. The parade was joined by two automobiles, driven by patriots who wanted to be a part of what has become an annual procession of riders who carry a much larger from state to state.
Coast Guard Modernizes Communications
By Chuck N. Baker
(Nevada) - When most people mention the U.S. Coast Guard, they tend to think about patrol boats sailing the ocean safeguarding America's coast lines. They also tend to be surprised when they learn that Southern Nevada's desert is the home of no less than two Coast Guard Auxiliary flotillas.
Veterans, Veterinarians And ... CorVETTES!
by Chuck N. Baker
(Dateline, United States) - It seems that three major domestic groups have names revolving around the suffix "vets" - military veterans, doctors who treat animals (veterinarians), and classic automobile owners who are devoted to their Corvettes. There may be on occasion some confusion when all are used simultaneously in a single conversation.
Nellis / Creech Air Force Base - Adopt A Family Program
Job Postings on NDVS Website
Find job postings throughout Nevada from NDVS, Patriot Employer Program members and others, including security and nursing positions.
The Nevada Department of Education, Training and Rehabilitation explains how to file for unemployment in the State of Nevada.
 Always Remember
- Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- October 2 - Reserve Officers Association (RSO) Birthday (1922)
- October 11 - Ms. Veteran America Pageant
- October 13 - U.S. Navy Birthday
- October 18 through 28 - Military World Games
- October 26 - Day of the Deployed
- October 27 - Navy Day
- October 30 - Nevada Day Observed (1864)
NDVS is currently working on developing additional virtual events. Please remember to check our Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn pages to stay up, to date on our latest news. |