A collaborative new report on Ontario’s optional small business subclass is putting municipal partnerships on display.
Following the announcement of a new tax policy tool for municipalities in the 2020 Ontario budget, municipal representatives, municipal associations, select industry associations and MPAC worked together to create an objective summary of policy directions for small businesses that may be relevant to a municipality’s consideration of the new optional subclass.
 “The report is a thoughtful discussion of the issues, decision points and implementation considerations faced by municipalities considering whether to implement a small business property tax subclass,” says Casey Brendon, President of the Ontario Municipal Tax and Revenue Association (OMTRA).

“We were really pleased to work together with our sector partners to develop this resource to support the municipal sector,” says Donna Herridge, Executive Director, Municipal Finance Officers’ Association (MFOA). 
The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA), Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) and municipal representatives were also part of the working group that developed the report.

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