The Communicator

October 2021 Volume 39 Issue 10


Sunday Service

Join us Sunday, October 3rd, at 10:30AM via zoom or listen to audio only at Our sermon title this week is Unity. Is it Possible?


Planned Parenthood is our Community Sharing Partner for October 2021

The mission of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida is to provide affordable access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care and accurate health information through patient care, education and advocacy.

UUCFM Reopening Considerations


The Board thanks you all for the support you have shown for our difficult decision to postpone the return of in-person worship services. While we have no particular date in mind for a future reopening, we have agreed to monitor the following "risk level" for Lee County. We are currently at "Very High Risk," and will consider in-person worship when we reach "Medium Risk."  

Here is a link to the methodology:

Yours in Growth,

Lane Cook


​UUCFM Board of Trustees, or 239-222-9406.



Please note that the next board meeting will be held on October 12th at 5:00 PM via Zoom. Here is the Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

To Members and Friends of UUCFM


We would love to find out how you are feeding your spirit and finding hope during the pandemic. We hope to hear from many of you as it's been a long time since we have been together.

If you send your write-up to Board member Karen J. Brown at, she will have them printed in the Weekly E-News. A few sentences would be perfect.  We'd love to have your name published, but you can be anonymous. These short stories of hope will also be available on the website. Thanks in advance.  

Are you interested in becoming a Worship Associate?

The UUCFM Worship Team is looking for a few new Worship Associates.  Are you interested in participating in planning and leading worship and the opportunity to learn more about being a UU?

If you are interested, please contact Mary Cline Golbitz at or Albie Johnson at for more information about the application and training process.


Pastoral Care Associates Offering Self-Care Workshops

Your Pastoral Care Associates will be offering a series of self-care workshops online this fall.  The exact times will be determined based on responses of those interested. The workshops may include simple healthy lifestyle practices, meditation, simple yoga and more.

If you are interested in being a participant or have something you would like to offer please contact Mary Cline Golbitz at


The Bill Brewer Family Gardens is readying for a start of a new and fruitful year.  


We have two Master Gardeners and a third is in training, so we will have plenty of informational classes and on site assistance. We are also anticipating some seed donations and low cost vegetable plant starts for renters.


We are working with the SWFL RESET Center and FGCU on making compost;  some beds have already been gifted with this super healthy soil.  We hope to have more students assist with our Food Bank beds.  Some beds will grow greens for St. Martin de Porres Outreach on Palm Beach Blvd, and some for the South Fort Myers Food Bank.  Volunteers are greatly appreciated.


We are keeping prices the same, $85 for a 4 x 8 bed with automatic watering, $75 without.  Our year is from October 15th to the following September 15th.

Please contact garden manager Bonnie Jean Clancy 

at if you would be interested in renting a bed.

Welcome Home!
That's what the Membership and Stewardship Committees hope to say to you at an outdoor event Sunday, November 14th at about 1 PM at our wonderful campus. Let's have lunch together! For safety, we ask that you bring your own lunch and we will provide bottled water and individual ice cream treats for dessert. This is a great time to see improvements to our campus, meet and greet friends, and enjoy each other's company. We are still in the planning stages, but the main thing is we want to see you in person. Mark your calendar and look for future updates.

Thank You for 11 Years of Dedicated Service!

Volunteering in the UUCFM office on Tuesdays for years has afforded me the privilege to work with our Office Manager, Jill Carville. She has always been a delightful colleague. Her temperament is very even keeled; she is quite intelligent; very conscientious; loyal to our organization and patient when we members call with our many questions. She is in charge of posting checks and cash donations and other bookkeeping duties which really stress her out because she hates working with numbers.

When her daughter, Alison, was three years old the family relocated here from the Boston area. UUCFM was the second church that Jill visited and she found a liberal home to raise her two children.

Over the years Jill has held several volunteer jobs; Board Member, RE Teacher, Dish Washer, and more. She was the drum accompanist in the UUCFM band. For a while on Sundays she led a drumming class which was quite successful, well attended, and appreciated by us pagans. Jill volunteered in the sound room for 15 years. Her son, Evan, a high school senior, and her daughter, Allie, are currently on the AV tech team.

Jill served 2 years in the Army in the 1980s. After scoring high on a language aptitude test, she was sent to foreign language school in California where she studied to be a radio voice interceptor. She enjoyed her years in the service.

She and Mike married in 1990 when they decided to have children. Evan was born 14 years after Allie. During those in-between years, Jill and Mike were foster parents to several special needs children, which shows what a big heart they have.

It has been my privilege to get to know Jill. Many times I have asked for her advice and opinions—she is very insightful. Last Tuesday I was expressing my dismay that the high school majorettes, flag squads and cheerleaders were wearing increasingly smaller outfits. Jill told me that recently a women‘s beach volley ball team refused to wear bikinis, choosing to wear shorts instead, at an Olympic competition. She continues to amaze me with good information.

I told Jill I wanted her to proofread my article so that I was sure I didn‘t tell anything she (very private person) would not want me to share. She said, "Well, you may not want to tell about that nude pool party that I attended and, of course, I was not in the nude.“ And, of course, I could not resist telling you.

Wishing you love, healing light and happiness. I certainly hope to remain your friend,

Helen Dixon

My Last Newsletter

The Bad News- I am leaving you as your Office Manager. My family's business is taking off and I am needed to help with it. This is a very exciting opportunity for me and my family and I look forward to it very much.

The Good News- I am not leaving you as a UUCFM member and friend. After a short break I hope to be back as a regular member, and continue my friendship with all of you. UUCFM has always been my second home, whether as an employee, board member, or just a member.

I have enjoyed working here immensely over the past 11 years. I have to say it has been one of my favorite jobs ever. I loved meeting and getting to know each and every member who's come here. The working conditions have been awesome, and arriving at this wonderful campus every day, seeing the nature and the wildlife- there's never been a more beautiful place to work.

I hope the new Office Manager fits right in and can bring new energy to the position. UUCFM deserves the best! 

I'd like to thank a few special people- Helen Dixon, Pati Maier, and the other office volunteers that I've worked with over the years- I would have never made it through the week without them. I'd also like to thank our Building Supervisor, Mickey Kellam, who has been the best co-worker ever. Thank you to Rev. Allison Farnum and Genelle Grant for being two of the kindest, fairest, and most wonderful supervisors I've ever had.

Thank you all. I have really enjoyed being your Office Manager and it's very hard to go. Please keep in touch! My email is

Love you,

Jill Carville


This is my favorite memory of UUCFM- Beatles Sunday!

Social Issues Book Group


We will read POST TRAUMATIC SLAVE SYNDROME; AMERICA'S LEGACY OF ENDURING INJURY AND HEALING by Dr. Joy DeGruy. We will begin on Wednesday, October 6th at 1pm-2:30. Questions, contact

Monday Book Group

The UUCFM Monday Book Club will meet at 1 pm via Zoom on October 4th to discuss Ch. 11 & 12 of Humankind: A Hopeful History. If you’re joining for the first time, please email Mary Studer at to get the Zoom link. 

Mindfulness Opportunities


We welcome you to join either of our two online sitting practices each week. We practice mindfulness and discuss a reading. If you don’t have the books, you're still welcome to sit with us.


The Monday Sangha meets at 6:30-7:45 p.m. and is discussing Standing at the Edge by Joan Halifax. Contact for details. 


The Wednesday sangha meets between 10:00-11:30 a.m. in coordination with Caloosahatchee Mindfulness. It’s discussing Say What You Mean: A Mindful Approach to Nonviolent Communication by Oren Jay Sofer. Contact Helen Leddy for more information:

For Sale

2003 Deck Boat, 21’ $5000. 100% goes to UUCFM. Call Hank Flandysz for fun test drive. 239-877-8339.


60th Anniversary Pave the Way Fundraiser

Our goal is 100 commemorative bricks at $100 per brick for $10,000 for our General Budget. Our Endowment Fund will pay production costs so each $100 goes right to the Budget.

Each 4" X 8" brick can be engraved with up to 3 lines of 13 characters/spaces on each line. Examples of donated bricks are UU quotes, memorials, names & sayings, such as:

She loved and was loved. Nancy Letts

Service is our Law. Go Forth!

Remembering (name, birth-death)

Albie & Mary, Lay Ministers, Thank You

To donate a brick: Contact, 812-332-3450 or, 239-633-4989.

Opening Night at the MACC

This year the Gulf Coast Chamber Orchestra opens its 2021-2022 season here at the MACC Center at UUCFM with the works of award winning female composers Joan Tower, Vivian Fung, Libby Larson and Florence Beatrice Price. Come listen to historic works by celebrated female composers.

OCTOBER 9 | 7:30 PM

Joan Tower Sixth Fanfare for the Uncommon Woman

Libby Larsen Solo Symphony No. 5

Vivian Fung Dust Devils

Florence Price Symphony No. 1

For more info and for tickets, visit


October Birthdays

Oct 12 Karen Feinen  

Oct 14 Vanda Barnes 

Oct 15 Ted Brown

Oct 16 Pati Maier

Oct 17 Holley Rauen

Oct 18 Doc Gatto 

Oct 18 Jane Petrarca

Oct 23 Ruth Fotovat   

Oct 27 Sima Robbins

Oct 30 Peter Golbitz 

Oct 30 Sue Magee


Amazon Smile donates to UUCFM when you do your online shopping by following this special link


Want to Become a Member?

If you are interested in becoming a new member of UUCFM, please email

Board of Trustees


President Lane Cook

President Elect Mary Studer

Secretary Ruth King Fotovat

Treasurer Pati Maier

VP Worship Lesley Peterson

VP Operations Genelle Grant

VP Programming Karen J. Brown

VP Membership Toni Latino

VP Stewardship Nancy Hutchins


Lay Minister Albie Johnson

Lay Minister Mary Cline Golbitz

Director of Music Suellen Kipp

Office Manager

Building Supervisor  Mickey Kellam

Teacher  Liza Kellam

Please send all newsletter articles by Wednesday at noon for publication in Thursday's newsletter. Send articles to


13411 Shire Lane

Fort Myers, FL 33912 


Office Hours: TBA

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