Issue 10 | October 28 2021
Cosmology of Light Newsletter
Hello, this newsletter focuses on a foundation for technology development based on a Cosmology of Light.

In a Cosmology of Light, quanta are perceived as a bridge-mechanism between deeper information ordered by dynamics of antecedent layers of light and the observable layer where light travels at speed c. Such a perception of quanta and light gives rise to alternative possibilities of quantum computation, and subsequently to its output, perceived as genetic-type information. These foundational layers also then influence the conceptualization of AI, and finally the field of transhumanism that is in part based on each of these three layers.

If you wish to explore the light framework and associated concepts in greater detail please either signup for a live dialog, or reach out to me directly.

Best Wishes,
Foundations for Future Technology Development
Over the last few years, I have elaborated implications for the development of technology, based on a Cosmology of Light interpretation of light and quanta. This has been grounded as a series of four books focused on quantum computation, genetics, AI, and transhumanism.

I perceive a causal relationship between each of these layers, with quantum computation creating genetic-type information, and with AI and transhumanism being dependent on these.

In such a view the fundamental technology "stack" changes and will proceed radically differently than a possible technology stack based on the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. I have summarized thoughts for future technology development in the following post:
Some Background and Links to the Books
The four books were recently released as hardcover editions and can be found on Amazon (in addition to Kindle and Google Books).

An overview of these books is summarized in the following post:

The Amazon links to the books follow:
Join the Unified Theory Series
Sign up for sessions on Eventbrite
The following dialogs continue the series begun last month on a Unified Theory.

The dialog on post-human Fourfold Emergence will take place on November 5, Please register here.

The dialog on November 19, will summarize aspects of a Unified Theory as based on a Cosmology of Light. Please register here.

Please note that these dialogs will be recorded and will likely be posted on youtube.