Small Grants Program
by Rukmini Miller
Grants Manager
Italian dance camp, organized by Satya Fanali,
supported by the Small Grants Program
First grants cycle
In early 2021, with a generous gift from the Oneness Project, Dances of Universal Peace International was able to create a Small Grants Program to provide financial support to DUP projects and events around the world. The first cycle of the DUPIN Small Grants Program officially opened on June 21, 2021 and accepted applications until the submission deadline of August 21, 2021.
During our first cycle, we received grant applications from DUP communities across the globe. Ten different countries and regions were represented in the applications as follows: Chile, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, Spain and the United States.
Criteria for grants
Applications for grants of up to $500 USD were accepted for online projects as well as in-person events. Our goals include: supporting trainings, camps and retreats that increase participation in the Dances; keeping the Dances alive online during the pandemic; contributing to projects that aim to be self-sustaining beyond an initial event or meeting; and encouraging the involvement of young people and “next generation” leaders and dancers.
Grants and the pandemic
Due to the ongoing pandemic, many in-person events have been postponed. However, a number of applications were submitted from regions where pandemic restrictions have been lifted and gatherings are legally allowed. We hope that a post-pandemic future will bring a return to many live, hand-holding events and an increase in the number of applications we receive. Our 4-member grants review committee was inspired by the creativity and diversity of this first cycle of grant applications. Our dedicated committee members are: myself, Khabir Christian Mayer-Glauninger from Germany, Roxana Nur Jahan Campos-Araya from Chile and Samra Aziza Nuri Sadikovic from Bosnia.
How we worked
Having agreed the criteria for grants with the IN Board, we set up an online application process and a database for sharing application details amongst the committee who are dispersed across several continents. We made sure that the application process and web page are available in 6 languages, as we want to offer grants internationally.
Linda Lindsay and Patsy Boyer from the Oneness Project were invaluable for sharing their expertise, insight and encouragement.
I conducted initial screenings of applications as they were received and followed up with applicants. This was one of my favorite parts of the process because it connected me with wonderful DUP family members throughout the world. I value these new relationships and I feel incredibly blessed to be part of such a loving, diverse and inspiring community.
Committee members independently reviewed and scored the applications in late August 2021. We then met via Zoom to discuss our scores and make our final decisions on which grants to fund. We approved thirteen applications for funding!
Small grants program in 2022
Given the fluid and erratic nature of the pandemic, on January 1, 2022, DUP IN will offer a second, “open-ended” grant cycle. Instead of a grant submission deadline, we will invite grant applications for projects/events throughout the year.
We will welcome applications for in-person and online projects/events.
Please keep in mind that grant funds will not be disbursed until recipients provide verification that in-person gatherings are being allowed in the locale/region where their project/event is taking place. Verification may be a notice from the local/regional health department or an online link to the government agency that oversees pandemic restrictions and regulations.
More details about the 2022 grant cycle will be available
before the end of this year.