“It’s not enough for us to know, we must do”
- Smith Guillaume Lamothe, NCLS 2021
Network members' voices bring good news and share highlights from
around our community.
Community Transformers for Maternal Health Care
She-Tara Smith, Doula, VVN Peer Lactation Scholar and Breastfeeding Coalition Member, was featured in the Boston Globe. Learn more about the role of Doulas to support just and equitable maternal and child health.
Thank you for making the 2021 National Community Leadership Summit an incredible success. With over 400 registered attendees from across the US and 12 countries we will continue our call to action and to remember, honor, and restore with poetry and history, social innovations and connections, participatory tools and strategies, wisdom and storytelling.
Are you interested in joining the Steering Committee for next years summit?
As we prepare for the November 2021 Elections we continue to ask the question: What can we all do to elevate collective leadership so that all children can flourish? Let's work to build a society that truly values community leadership.
Network Events
Connect with Vital Village Network at these upcoming events. Click
event to RSVP or learn more.
The Social Justice Mediation Institute is a six-day training where participants learn mediation skills to reduce conflict and address power and privilege.
Graduates are certified social justice mediators and complete a 6-month service-learning pathway.
The Institute begins December 3rd
November 5th 5:30-7:00pm
The Mental Health Youth Forum is a space for young people to discuss health and engage with peers to promote wellbeing and resilience. Join us for music, conversation and connections.
Thursdays from 3:30-4:00pm
Join us November 18th for the next Boston Breastfeeding Coalition Meeting
Join a virtual Breastfeeding Support Group, Baby Cafe, or contact the Warmline
by email or call: 857-301-8259
Community Events
Join Vital Village Network partners and other community organizations at these upcoming events. Click event to RSVP or learn more.
MassArt presents Nikole Hannah-Jones: Examining Slavery's Modern Legacy
Join MassArt Museum for a special presentation from Nikole Hannah-Jones on Slavery's Modern Legacy
COVID-19 Forum 4 Kids
Join Pediatricians Dr Gloaria White-Hammond and Dr. Peter Barrant for a question and answer session on the COVID-19 vaccine for children 5-11 years old.
Boston Opportunity Agenda: Parent Leadership Learning Series
Are you a parent leader? Do you work with parent leaders? Do you want to learn more about parent leaders? Join us to create a broader network of support for parent leaders
Cory Johnson Program for the Men's Recovery Online Support Group
Connect and reflect with other men. Topics include trauma, addiction, loss–whatever is on your mind is welcome here.
The Boston Foundation- The First 1,000 Days Forum
Join the Boston Foundation for a discussion about the First 1,000 Days program, a novel intervention that works across early-life systems to prevent obesity, promote healthy routines and behaviors, and reduce health disparities among young children and their families
We Got Us Project - Community Conversations
Community Conversation with Housing=Health, National Union of the Homeless, and Boston Health Care for the Homeless to discuss the effects of Homelessness on Health in the COVID-19 Era.
Check out job, volunteer, and grant opportunities available in our
Seeking a highly qualified leader who is invested in the mission of Haley House and in the communities served.
The USES Early Childhood Education Teams are hiring for several positions, including a sign-on bonus.
The The Dorchester Food Co-op (DFC) is now seeking to hire a General Manager (GM) with the experience and leadership to open a member-owned cooperative grocery store in a mixed income and racially diverse neighborhood.
The Youth ages 14-21 years old who are poets, rappers, singers, dancers and multimedia artists should apply to receive free studio time, live performance training and $12.75/hr. Contact via email for more information.
Boston Saves is looking for Family Champions to work with specific BPS schools. Receive $450 in gift cards for 6 hrs of outreach work in your school community. Learn more here
The City of Boston is looking for 10 Boston residents with professional or lived experiences with mental health to design a community-led mental health response. Receive a $1200 monetary stipend for your work on the Design Group. Translation services available so you can request your preferred language. Learn more here
Boston Ujima Project is seeking two investment research interns to join and support Ujima’s Fund Management Team
Resource Connector
Learn more about resources relevant to children and families in our community from our community.
Connections and Healing:
The Wellness Idea Bank is a comprehensive and community-driven guide for those in the Greater Boston Area that helps collect events, ideas, and resources for supporting wellness and social connections. This seasonal edition highlights resources focused on the transition back to school for families.
The Community Advocacy Program provides support to survivors of intimate partner violence remotely; carefully and safely providing crisis intervention, safety planning guidance, emotional support, referrals to community resources and advocacy via hotline. Visit CAP's website to find a list of phone numbers in six different languages.
For Children and Caregivers and Educators:
Healthy Families Massachusetts, a family support program proven to reduce child abuse and neglect, has expanded access for first-time parents 23 years old and younger beginning in pregnancy
Scoop on the Stats
Explore data related to voting rates across the United States
Although 1 in 5 children are diagnosed with a mental, emotional, or behavioral health condition and only 20% receive care.
Help Children Heal & Thrive
Mental health concerns have risen among children and teenagers by 25-30% during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Sharing Technology
Explore technology related to child and family well-being.
The UPDATED Abundance Boston Food Access App 3.0.2 is now available! Abundance empowers Boston residents to easily access affordable, high-quality food resources. Download the FREE app today!
The COVID-19 Resource Map now has updated addresses and hours of over 90 locations in Boston currently provide free breakfast, lunch or dinner for youth, and 10 free community fridges open to the public 24/7.
Subscribe today! Text KIDS to 844-806-0616 to receive 3 free text messages on community resources, wellness, and events each week.
We Did it Together!
Collective actions and investments.
Our Mission
Vital Village is a network of residents and agencies committed to maximizing child, family, and community wellbeing.
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Share with Us
Have an event, job opportunity, or resource to share with the network?
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