Pictured from left: 2021 UNT North Stars Chelsea Bassett, Angie Cartwright, Desiree Padron, Rick Reidy, Sofia Nehal ('21), and Eric Giles. Read about all of this year's winners in the Fall 2021 issue of the North Texan.
A Message from Vice Provost Holly M. Hutchins

Greetings Mean Green Colleagues,

October is here and we are full-fledged into our fall semester. I continue learning more about the good work of our faculty some of whom are recognized in our banner as North Stars!

As we welcome a record number of students (more than 42,000), our faculty are experiencing a diverse array of student academic and mental well-being needs. We are seeing an increase in referrals to Counseling and Testing Services and to the Dean of Students from our faculty and students. As a mother whose daughter has neurodivergent learning needs, our family has learned different approaches to support her learning. It was not easy at first, but we found that some small intentional changes helped us support the varied ways in which she learns. President Smatresk highlighted some resources to support our neurodivergent students earlier this year, and I encourage you to explore these as you work to create an inclusive learning environment for all students. As I reflect on Brené Brown’s words – “It is not about being right, but getting it right” – I reflect on UNT’s valuing of a collective growth mindset.

I also am excited to usher in our 2021-2022 Anti-Bias and Cultural Awareness (ABCA) Program. You will find an engaging array of training opportunities to extend your knowledge and skills in creating a culture of belonging. I want to recognize Dr. Angie Cartwright’s (Faculty Director, Faculty Success) leadership in curating a dynamic slate of speakers this fall. We’ve made changes in the ABCA program to make it easier for you to participate. It is now an annual program which gives full-time faculty and academic staff more time to complete their mandatory training.

Please consider nominating your colleagues or yourself for one of UNT's many faculty awards. These important distinctions recognize excellence in mentoring, research, service, teaching, and community engagement. Please let us recognize how your Mean Green light shines across the impact you make with your students, colleagues, and in our community.

Finally, as I reflect on the tough year we’ve had and what is still before us, I hope you make some space for restoration and taking care of yourself. As a student reminded me one day, “Both yes and no are complete sentences!”
So, here is to you saying yes to those things and spaces that nourish you. For some ideas on how to do that, please visit UNT’s National Center of Faculty Diversity and Development page to register for your free membership care of Faculty Success, IDEA, and President Smatresk to help you balance your wellness and productivity this semester.

Go Mean Green!
Holly M. Hutchins, Ph.D. (she/her)
Vice Provost for Faculty Success
Photo of UNT vice provost for faculty success Holly Hutchins against a green background
Upcoming Workshops, Trainings and Events
Click on an item below to learn more and register.
Be sure to check out the UNT calendar for more university events!
Save the Date for the 2022 Equity and Diversity Conference
March 23, 2022
Don't forget, the Equity and Diversity Conference Presented by Fidelity counts toward ABCA program requirements. The conference’s success relies upon the diverse mix of workshop presenters, topics and perspectives. Want to be a part of something great? Submit your workshop proposal by Nov. 14!
Salute to Faculty Excellence logo next to UNT McConnell Tower lit green against the night sky
2022 Salute to Faculty Excellence Awards
The 2022 Salute to Faculty Excellence Awards Celebration is scheduled for
Thursday, April 21, 2022. Submit your nominations now!
UNT International
Deadline: Friday, Oct. 29

Toulouse Graduate School
Deadline: Friday, Nov. 5

Center for Learning, Experimentation, Application and Research
Deadline: Friday, Nov. 12

Student Success
Photo of In High Places eagle statue on UNT campus

All faculty are encouraged to share information about the Ricco Ethics Award with their colleagues and students who are eligible to enter. Nicholas D. and Anna G. Ricco endowed these awards in 2011 to promote intellectual debate and discussion on ethics. This year, the first-place winners in both the undergraduate and graduate categories will receive $5,000. In most years there is also a substantial second-place award in the undergraduate category. Because award funds will be credited to the winners’ student accounts in the following fall semester, students who will graduate before fall 2022 should not apply.
Faculty and Employee Resource Groups
Looking for peer support, mentoring opportunities and other ways to get involved in faculty life at UNT? Check out our Faculty Resource Groups! FRGs play a key role in making UNT an inclusive community where all faculty feel valued and empowered to succeed. Many FRGs receive funding and support from Faculty Success and IDEA. You can explore our current FRGs here:

silhouettes of people filled in with a pride flag
New Employee Resource Group

IDEA also supports several Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to help all members of the UNT community — students, faculty, staff and alumni — have a voice on matters of diversity and inclusion. The UNT Gender & Sexuality Employee Resource Group is UNT's newest ERG, serving all UNT employees through intentional engagement, policy promotion and community building that is inclusive of all genders and sexualities. Their next meeting is Oct. 27 at 11:30 a.m.
Growth Mindset
Opportunity to Review Syllabus for Student Impressions 
Masked students taking notes in classroom lecture
Find out what kind of mindset messages your current syllabus communicates about student potential, belonging and equity in education. Participants’ syllabi will be anonymized and then evaluated for messages about instructor mindset and student belonging by at least three current UNT students. Feedback and rubric scores about support, care and clarity will be provided upon completion of the review. 

Send your current syllabus and/or any inquiries to [email protected] by Friday, Nov. 12.
International Affairs
International flags flying outside Marquis Hall during 2019 UNT flag parade
Winter Session 2022-2023 Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposals

The window to submit your proposal for a 2022-2023 Winter Session faculty-led study abroad program is Oct. 15, 2021 – Jan. 31, 2022. Want to learn more before you finalize your proposal? Register for the virtual Designing a New Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Workshop on Nov. 3 or Nov. 4.
Fulbright Faculty Spotlight
UNT headshots of Shobhana Chelliah and Julie Leventhal
Shobhana Chelliah, Distinguished Professor of linguistics and associate dean of research and development in the College of Information, and Julie Leventhal, principal lecturer in UNT’s Honors College, will be taking their Tier One research abroad in spring 2022 as Fulbright U.S. Scholars. Chelliah and Leventhal received their awards in 2020 but deferred their projects when international travel was suspended due to the pandemic.
In the News
Join UNT's partnership with the Inside-Out Prison Exchange program
Grounded in the belief that society is stronger when education is accessible, the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program allows higher education professors to teach classes inside prisons, bringing college students together with incarcerated students to learn in an equitable setting.

Haley Zettler, assistant professor of criminal justice, spoke with UNT News about her experience teaching with the Inside-Out program and her excitement about offering classes in the North Texas area. She encourages faculty from all disciplines to take advantage of the 2022 virtual trainings, which cost significantly less than in-person trainings that require lodging, food and transportation.
Haley Zettler
“For our students in criminal justice, giving them that actual experience during their academic careers to learn from people who have gone through the criminal justice system is really invaluable," Zettler says. "They’re learning way beyond what can be taught in a classroom. Ninety-five percent of the people who go to prison are returning to the community that they left. This is an opportunity to not only benefit the college students that are taking the classes, but our community as a whole.”
UNT Libraries
Call for Entries:
12th Biennial Artists' Book Competition
The UNT Libraries are calling on all artists to creatively interpret the book form through a work of original art. An artist’s book is a medium in which to convey artistic expression using the form and function of a book as the point of inspiration — a book that is a work of art in itself. Students, faculty and community members are all invited to submit an entry by Thursday, Nov. 18. Accepted entries will be displayed at the Greater Denton Arts Council’s Patterson-Appleton Arts Center in winter 2022.
Newsletter Suggestions
UNT Faculty Success team standing on the steps of the Hurley Administration Building
We want to hear from you!

Faculty Success oversees numerous programs designed to support faculty at all levels in their teaching, scholarly and leadership endeavors.

If you have questions for our team or news that you would like featured in our newsletter, we invite you to share it with us at [email protected]. You can also follow us on Twitter @UNTFacSuccess!