Tactical Basin Plan Public Hearings
Residents, local officials, and others are being asked to note that public hearings regarding the Missisquoi Bay Watershed Tactical Basin Plan will take place on three dates in October. The dates and times are as follows:

  • Tuesday, October 19; 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday, October 21; 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday, October 27; 4-6 PM

The October 19 session will be an in person meeting to be held in the Swanton Village Municipal Building. (Masking will be required.)

The October 21 session will be a virtual (or ‘online’ only) meeting. Details for participating can be found here.

A ‘hybrid’ format (which combines in person and online options) will be used on October 27. The in- person event will take place at the Westfield Community Center. Information about the virtual session can be found at the link shown above.

Tactical Basin Plans are created to protect and restore a basin’s rivers, lakes and wetlands and to ensure the sustained ecological health and community’s use by meeting or exceeding water quality standards. 

The plans integrate watershed modeling, water quality monitoring, pollution source assessments, and public input. They document geographically specific actions and help ensure that state and federal funds are used where they can have the greatest benefit.

The Vermont Clean Water Act requires the development and adoption of Tactical Basin Plans for each of Vermont’s river basins on a five-year cycle. A public hearing on the TBP for the Lamoille basin was conducted on October 14.

NRPC Regional Commissioner Richard Noel Honored by the Town of Highgate
NRPC Regional Commissioner and Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) member Richard Noel was honored by the Town of Highgate with the dedication of bridge B25 on Machia Road in his honor. At the dedication ceremony on August 28, 2021, Selectboard Chair Sharon Bousquet noted the town’s appreciation to Richard for his commitment to getting the existing deficient bridge replaced. Vice-Chair Kyle Lothian presented the sign that will be posted at the bridge. The TAC first ranked the bridge as a high priority in 2010 and the bridge was accepted into the VTrans Town Highgate Bridge Program—a program that rehabilitates or replaces town-owned bridges with spans over 20 feet—in 2014. Construction on the new bridge was completed in 2019.

Webinar- Act 171: Selecting Forest Blocks & Habitat Connectors for Your Town Plan

Monday, October 18, 2021 7:00pm - 8:00pm 

Act 171 requires towns to identify and protect forest blocks and habitat connectors. But what exactly does that mean? And how do you figure out which blocks and connectors are most valuable to wildlife and your community? Join the Community Wildlife Program at Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to learn a step-by-step selection process. We'll explain the background science and help towns select areas to prioritize that meet Act 171 requirements and make sense for their community.  

Jens Hilke, Conservation Planner, VT Fish & Wildlife Department 
Andy Wood, Conservation Planner, VT Fish & Wildlife Department 

Climate Catalysts Leadership Program
The Climate Catalysts Leadership Program supports the power of individuals and their communities to achieve transformational climate economy progress. This program brings together a cohort of Vermonters for a year-long process focused on building peer connections, strengthening leadership skills and providing project development support. Participants work on implementation of a local climate-related project as a focus of their program participation. The goal is to move projects from concept to reality while investing in people who provide multi-faceted service to their communities. Cohorts include a mix of new, emerging, and experienced leaders from a variety of large and small communities who have ideas for projects that are both ambitious and achievable. Through monthly online and occasion in-person gatherings, participants receive training, peer connections, and consultative support as they develop and implement their projects. Applications are due October 29th. Learn more here, and apply by clicking here.

Bylaw Modernization Grants
The Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has $500,000 available to grant to municipalities for land use, development, and zoning bylaw updates. This one time bylaw funding is a great opportunity for municipalities to make targeted updates to their bylaw to promote housing choice and affordability, or address more comprehensive changes to do the same. Changes that promote housing choice and affordability are varied and can include dimensional standards and density, allowed uses, parking standards, housing types including accessory dwellings and streamlining the development review process. For more information, click here to see the program description.

Applications to the bylaw modernization grant are due November 15, 2021. If you would like assistance preparing a grant application or advice about a project idea, please contact Emily Klofft at [email protected] or Greta Brunswick at GBrunswic[email protected].
NRPC is Hiring!
Assistant Planner for Energy and Climate

The Northwest Regional Planning Commission is seeking a person highly motivated to address climate change and Vermont’s clean energy goals, for a new position of Assistant Planner for Climate and Energy. The planner will help our municipalities implement projects from their adopted energy plans and will help to further regional and local strategies in the state’s Comprehensive Energy Plan and Climate Action Plan.

The ideal candidate has an interest in and commitment to energy and climate issues, a base of knowledge, and related experience that will ensure success. A college degree is preferred but not required. This is a temporary position funded primarily by a special allocation from the legislature for one year and is expected to continue for an additional two years.

More information is available at www.nrcpvt.com/employment. Please send resume and three references by to Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT, 05478, or email [email protected]. Interviews will begin in late October. This position will remain open until filled.
AmeriCorps VISTA- Community Development and Communications Specialist

The Northwest Regional Planning Commission is seeking an AmeriCorps VISTA. The VISTA member’s service will have a multi-faceted approach to alleviating poverty through a diversity of projects. These projects include: Supporting a region-wide affordable housing initiative, exploring sustainable grant opportunities related to community health, poverty, and affordable housing; implementing the Northwest Regional Plan by managing a data software that assesses the impact of the plan on poverty alleviation and related issues; supporting staff to write municipal plans with a focus on economic, housing, health, and hunger issues; providing outreach and assistance in communications for NRPC projects; participating in the regional Hunger Council meetings and events; and other administrative tasks connected to the VISTA’s project areas. Service on these projects will further the missions of both VISTA and NRPC. Please send resume and three references by to Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director, Northwest Regional Planning Commission, 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT, 05478, or email [email protected].

Northwest Regional Planning Commission
Address: 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT 05478
Phone: 802.524.5958 Fax: 802.527.2948 Website: www.nrpcvt.com