October 2021
October 11th: School Age Day
October 11th: Fundraiser Order Forms Due
October 22nd: School Age Day
October 25th - 29th: Spirit Week
October 26th: Pick up Fundraiser Orders
October 31st: Halloween

Saying Goodbye
As most of you know, October 1st is Marissa's last day with Katie's Kids. We wish her the best of luck in her new position at Metcalf. In the meantime, we are in the process of hiring a new assistant director. Please watch for future introductions as we welcome a new member to our Katie's Kids family.

Spirit Week
Our annual fall spirit week will be held the week of October 25th. Please watch for future communication about this fun event.

Fall Fundraiser
This year we are partnering with
Perfect Pastries
for our fall fundraising event. We are raising funds to purchase two new buggies.
Order forms are due on Oct. 11th
Products will be delivered to our school on Oct. 26th for pick up.
PLEASE NOTE: COVID-19 is still a risk in our community! We have had multiple incidents of people connected to either staff or students testing positive for COVID even after vaccination. Please help us protect our students and our staff by continuing to take precautions when out and about in the community. Take extra care while traveling outside of the community. And remember that mask use is still a requirement inside of our building by all people aged 2 years and older.

Hours of Operation:
Our hours of operation will continue to be 6:45am to 5:30 pm. All drop off and pick up procedures will remain the same.

  • DCFS is still requiring that all adults and children over the age of 2 wear a mask inside of our building. We understand that fully vaccinated individuals are not required to wear a mask. We do ask that adults be good role models and wear a mask at drop off and pick up as your child will continue to wear a mask.
  • If you are not feeling well or hold any COVID symptoms please arrange for someone else to drop of and pick up your child. This is to protect your family and the staff.
  • If you are in quarantine due to a potential exposure, please make arrangements for someone else to drop off and pick up your child.
School Age...
We are hosting a school age day on October 11th and October 22nd. Please notify a member of the leadership team if you would like your child(ren) to attend.
Getting Healthy...
At Katie's Kids Learning Center, we are committed to providing the best possible nutrition to you and your family. We hope you enjoy the following recipe:
Pumpkin Spice Granola
Ideas for home...
Pompom Hockey
This is a great activity that gets kids moving and works on sorting and classification skills.

Share your positive moments!
Do you have any positive moments you want to share about our staff? If so, we want to hear and share them! Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and submit.
Help spread the word of Katie's Kids!
Do you have a friend, neighbor, or colleague looking for care? For every family you refer to Katie's Kids we will apply a $50 credit to your account after the family has been with us for 90 days.
Connect to Our Class Page: 

Class Code: PQGXH

October's Book Recommendation
Here is a sweet book celebrating fall and friendship.

(tip: click on the photo above for a direct link to these books.)
Accredited by the National Accreditation Commission
Katie's Kids LLC I Website

Accredited by: National Accreditation Commission