At a special meeting on September 7, the Virginia State Bar Council voted on two actions, one regarding the approval of a new executive director for the Bar, and the other regarding meetings and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act.
The Supreme Court of Virginia approved the recommendation of the VSB Council to appoint Cameron M. Rountree as the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Virginia State Bar on September 8.
On September 19, the Supreme Court of Virginia approved Legal Ethics Opinions 1897 and 1898, effective immediately. The Court also approved amendments to the Rules of the Court, Part One, Rule 1:5 regarding Counsel and Parties Appearing Without Counsel, effective November 13, 2022.
The VSB seeks public comment on Legal Ethics Opinion 1893, a proposed advisory on representing children and “next friends” as plaintiffs in personal injury cases.
The VSB seeks public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Supreme Court of Virginia, Part 6, Section IV, Paragraph 13 (“Paragraph 13”) regarding the clarification of the term “shall,” which appears 482 times in Paragraph 13.
Volunteers are needed to serve on VSB boards and committees. All appointments will be for the terms specified, beginning on July 1, 2023.
The Hon. Stephen R. McCullough succeeded Chief Justice S. Bernard Goodwyn as the Justice Co-Chair of the Virginia Access to Justice Commission, effective September 1, 2022, for a term of three years.
Active Lawyers in the 18th Circuit: Please remember to vote for your representative on Bar Council before the October 6 deadline. Questions about your ballot? Please contact Andrew Aarbitell at Intelliscan.
Please be aware that all active lawyers must complete 12 hours of MCLE, including 2 hours in ethics/professionalism and 4 hours from live, interactive programs by October 31.
SURVEY: Active lawyers were emailed to weigh in on whether they would prefer to have dues, CLE hours, and insurance status due on the same day (July 31) as it was in the past, or to continue with the current process of having different due dates for compliance. In the new scenario, there would still be a time period between completing CLE hours and reporting them. If you missed the email and you are an active lawyer, take the survey now.
Paul Andrew Murphy, license suspended, effective September 16, 2022.
S.W. Dawson, public reprimand, effective September 21, 2022.
Private discipline: 2 private reprimands, 5 private admonitions
Pro Bono / Access to Justice
- October 19 in Virginia Beach
Virtual or in-person options and 6.0 hours FREE CLE
- Pro Bono Awards Dinner & Celebration emceed by VSB President Stephanie E. Grana
- Keynote address by Justice Stephen R. McCullough
Register and support pro bono in the Commonwealth.
Nunley was selected based on his annual pro bono work ranging from 600–1,100 hours in the four years since the VSB began collecting pro bono reports. He will receive the award at the Pro Bono Conference.
We are hiring a Deputy Executive Director, an Assistant Bar Counsel, and a Director of Information Technology.
The VSB offers excellent state benefits and the opportunity to serve the people of Virginia while improving the legal profession and the justice system.
Several local and specialty bars have a variety of CLE opportunities available across the Commonwealth before the October 31 CLE deadline. See the full list here.
Thursday, October 20, 12–1:30 pm
Webinar CLE, sponsored by the Local Government Law Section
1.5 hours live/interactive CLE pending
Must be a member of the VSB to register.
Thursday, October 13
University of Mary Washington
AWARD NOMINATIONS: Nominate a lawyer for the:
Please take a moment to consider nominating a respected peer for these prestigious awards.
SAVE THE DATE: Back in person, plan to attend the 53rd Criminal Law Seminar: February 3 in Charlottesville and February 10 in Williamsburg.
Join us in celebrating the lawyers who give both time and money to helping make Equal Justice Under Law more than an aspiration. Learn the ways you can make an enormous impact in a short amount of time through pro bono.
Virginia Lawyer reaches almost all 50,000 VSB lawyers, judges, and law schools in Virginia and across the country. Contact Dee Norman for more information on advertising your firm, your services, or your law school.
🎃 Quiz: Is a pumpkin a vegetable?*
*No. A pumpkin is a fruit because it grows from a flower.
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