
4-H Staff Updates

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October 2022

The following updates are for California 4-H staff only. View as Webpage

National 4-H Week

National 4-H Week

October 2-8, 2022


Get all the posters and social media post materials on the Brand Toolkit. If you are holding events this week, this is a good post to use, both as a post and as a story in Instagram and Facebook. Also invite your 4-H'ers to share their favorite 3 things about 4-H to your story!

Promote your 4-H Week activities!

Encourage your 4-H'ers to share their favorite things about 4-H on social media!

Tractor Supply Paper Clover

Tractor Supply Paper Clover

October 5-16, 2022

A reminder that you are allowed to set up a display in your local Tractor Supply store - please contact your local store manager to make arrangements.

Donate Online

For those who don't have a local Tractor Supply store, you can encourage people to donate online. Online donations will go to California 4-H, not individual counties, but they will still support 4-H camp and leadership opportunities for youth. Get the social media resources on the Brand Toolkit.

4-H Activity Tracker

4-H Activity Tracker

Need a quick and simple way to capture your 4-H activities? Thanks to Alameda County 4-H member Harini Muthu and her Emerald Star project, there’s an app for that!

As her Emerald Star project, Alameda County, 4-H member Harini Muthu created an app to make it easier for California 4-H'ers to capture their 4-H activities for their record books! The app is free and available on both the Apple and Google stores.

Record Book Evaluations

Due Date Reminders- State Record Book Competition 

By September 30, 2022: Member completes Intent to Submit Form.

By October 14, 2022: Member completes online Cover Page. The Cover Page will ask the member to provide a link to the record book so it must be “Competition Ready” at the time of submission. 

By October 14, 2022Evaluator’s application deadline

November 4, 2022Evaluator Orientation

Please follow all steps found on the State Record Book Competition webpage.

State Record Book Evaluators Needed

Evaluators Needed! 

State Record Book Competition will be conducted electronically during the month of November.

Evaluators can be 4-H Adult Volunteers or 4-H Members who are at least 16 years old. For teens, this counts as an event you judged in your own rank achievements! 

Attendance is required at a final calibration meeting, in-person, December 3, 2022, UCANR, Davis, 10 am – 2 pm. (Travel expenses are reimbursed, lunch provided). 

Evaluator application deadline: October 14, 2022

4-H Policy Updates

4-H Annual Financial Reporting System launch:

The revised platform has been made accessible for County 4-H personnel and 4-H Units to sign-in and enter their 2021-2022 annual financial reports. 

The due dates to submit financial reporting data have been extended for County 4-H personnel to November 30, 2022. 

If there are any system errors personnel need to report or issues with county sign-in, please submit a help request via:

2022-2023 4-H Enrollment Fees Invoicing Process and Dates:

The resources have been revised for 2022-2023 year. 4-H personnel should ensure that enrollment funds are available in the county’s designated “L” account. The 1st installment invoices will be sent out and recharges will post as of February 15th, but not earlier.

2022-2023 4-H Program Fees Invoicing Process & FAQ

2022-23 4-H Program Fee Recharge Form - Template fillable pdf

4-H Policy reminders: 

4-H Charter Request Form and Process Updates: 

The 4-H Charter Request Form and 4-H Charter Request Process document have been updated. Key changes to the process include:

·         A provisional unit will be created in 4-H Online during the charter request and review, in order to allow unit membership to self-enroll directly into the new unit in 4-H Online.  

4-H Best Practice for publicly posting 4-H club & VMO meeting information:

In order to prioritize the safety of 4-H youth participants at 4-H club and VMO meetings, which are not open to the public, a reasonable level of information can be publicly posted. One example: Date, time, and city or zip but not the exact address of the location. 4-H leaders who may be listed as a contact for more information should also be aware to contact information being posted, e.g, email address, cell phone, etc. to ensure they agree to this being shared publicly. 

Please contact 4-H Analyst, Whitney Bell for additional questions about any of these items.

4-H Online Updates & Reminders

4-H Online Unit Information

In 4-H Online, units have information that can be completed/edited by county staff on the Units Details page. The information collected includes the contact information, where the 4-H unit is meeting, and address information. As a reminder, county staff are encouraged to annually check-in and confirm these details with 4-H units and make any edits to 4-H Online unit profiles.

Volunteer Enrollment Coordinators

While 4-H Online is intended as a self-enrollment system, some counites may wish to utilize 4-H Adult Volunteers to assist staff and families in the enrollment and approval (of youth) process. These volunteers are referred to as Volunteer Enrollment Coordinators or VECs. If you are interested in utilizing VECs in your county, please see the For Staff: VEC Overview and VEC2 Agreement documents found in the Volunteer Enrollment Coordinator Document section of the staff 4-H Online Resource page.

Years in 4-H

There are a several considerations about the Years in 4-H data stored in 4-H Online. A new helpsheet, Years in 4-H FAQ, will help staff understand the data in the enrollment system. This helpsheet can be located on the 4-H Online Staff Resource page and embedded in the resource portion of the Members, Participation, Enrollments, Custom Reports, and Rollover sections of the County Manager Guide.

For questions, please submit via the4-H Online Help Request.

Share with your county: 

California 4-H Updates Newsletter, October 2022

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