October 2022
Reflections on My First Months
by Bab Freiberg, Executive Director
First I want to express what a joy and privilege it is to be Ashby Village’s Executive Director. I am thrilled to belong to a community of passionate, talented, generous, and caring villagers – members, volunteers, staff, and other supporters – who are changing the paradigm of aging. I am also grateful for the outpouring of support I receive daily to help lift AV to greater heights and impact. Keep those offers coming!

A huge shout out to staff for their dedication, experience, care, and the love they bring to their work.

I spent much of my first two months on a listening tour, learning from villagers about our history, growth, opportunities, and challenges. One paramount issue in every conversation was the evolving needs of members. I'd like to share my initial thoughts on this important topic.
News You Can Use
National Anti-Ageism Campaign Presses Card Makers to Reframe
Janine Vanderburg from Changing the Narrative addresses the Greeting Card Association about ending mean and stereotypical birthday cards. (Tip: find better card options here and here!)
Cognitive Rehab May Help Older Adults Clear COVID-Related Brain Fog
Kaiser Health News reports that cognitive experts are seeing promising results among older people with post-COVID language, information processing, memory, and visual-spatial orientation challenges.
Ashby Village Salutes ...
Abby Raeside

Abby's path to Ashby Village took her to North Carolina and back to the Bay Area as the pandemic disrupted her life plans. But as she'll tell you, working with older people is where she's meant to be.

Growing up with older parents, Abby realized most of her age peers were cut off from older people. "That’s where I felt the most comfortable and where I was most needed,” Abby says.

“I’m hanging out, building friendships, helping reduce isolation. That’s what I love about volunteering with Ashby Village. There are so many different ways you can use your skills to help people.” 

Read more here about new Ashby Village volunteer Abby Raeside!
Get to Know the Program Leadership Team!
This Month: Meet Roberta Pressman! 

Roberta is the founder of the Healthier Aging team, part of the Member Support Leadership Group overseeing the Social Care and Connections teams, and is a member of Elder Action working to address elder and health care reform. And that's not all! Learn more about Roberta here.
Check our Calendar to explore upcoming events or activities!
Ashby Village Members!

Need a ride to the doctor or store? Help with your computer or other electronics?

Call the Ashby Village office at 510-204-9200 and let us know what you need!

There are over 300 Ashby Village volunteers who help members every day with a variety of requests. It's one of the wonderful benefits Ashby Village members enjoy!
*Save the Date*
Sunday, November 13, 1-2:30pm ON ZOOM

The Ashby Village Exploring Creativity Group Presents:
A Conversation With Ashby Village Volunteer and Author Patricia Noble Sullivan
Overland Before the Hippie Trail: Kathmandu and Beyond with a Van a Man and No Plan
Join us for this fascinating conversation with Patricia (Tricia) Noble Sullivan about her memoir detailing the adventurous lifestyle of world travel she and her husband experienced while living in their Volkswagen van beginning in 1965.
Pre-Social Hour: Love of Finished Years: Backstory of a Grief Memoir with Author Diane De Pisa

When: Friday, October 7, 3-4pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Julia Morgan Hall, 1821 Catalina Ave, Berkeley
Diane De Pisa joins us to tell the story of how her grief-and-relief memoir, Love of Finished Years, evolved from messages she wrote to her husband as he died and long after his death.

Diane was persuaded to share this posthumous love story, trusting that it would speak to all who struggle with relationships, bereavement, and faith in higher powers.
Social Hour

When: Friday, October 7, 4-5:30pm
Where: *IN PERSON* Julia Morgan Hall, 1821 Catalina Ave, Berkeley

Come connect with each other in person and meet new members, volunteers and staff while enjoying light bites and drinks, but most of all great company! Registration is limited, vaccination proof and registration required. Email your request to register here!
Words to Win By - Anat Shenker-Osorio

When: Sunday, October 9, 2-4pm 
Where: *ON ZOOM*
Ashby Village Arts & Culture Series and Elder Action are excited to welcome Anat Shenker-Osorio, whose research-based messaging strategies empower social change advocates on issues like protecting election results, police reform and more.

Join us for this compelling presentation!
Out of Africa III: Early Human Migrations Into Europe
An Ashby Village Science & Ideas Presentation

When: Thursday, October 13, 3-4:30pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
Meeting ID: 848 0146 1083
Passcode: science
This talk will be led by Ashby Village's own Roger Newman, a founding member of AV's Science and Ideas interest group. Roger will bring his expertise as a retired anthropology and history instructor who has taught human evolution, archaeology, linguistics, and human cultural variation.
Join us to learn how language and genetic studies contribute to our understanding about prehistoric human migrations into Europe.
Apple Watch Workshop
For New & Repeat Learners!

When: Friday, October 14, 1:30-3pm 
Where: *IN PERSON* Julia Morgan Hall, 1821 Catalina Ave, Berkeley

We'll cover: Health, Activities, Music & Podcasts, Apple Wallet, even Complications (huh?), and more!

You'll be with friendly Ashby Village Tech Nerds who will help you in small groups in a café-like setting. The only requirement is to bring your Apple Watch, your iPhone, and proof of vaccination/boosters.

Note: This workshop is open to active Village members and volunteers. Attendees must be up-to-date with vaccinations or must remain masked while indoors. Register here.
Ashby Village Information Session
Virtual Living Room Chat

When: Sunday, October 16, 2-3:30pm 
Where: *ON ZOOM*

Join us to hear about Ashby Village membership and volunteering opportunities! Learn about what we do, who we are, and how we are helping our community to continue Aging Better. Together. Email your request to register here.
Friday Afternoon at the Movies Monthly Film Series
*Special Double Feature*
Milk (2008) and The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)

When: Friday, October 21, 4-5pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
Meeting ID: 890 3363 0718
Passcode: film
Join us for this special double feature discussion of the feature film and documentary about Harvey Milk. Please watch both films on your own (available for rent on Amazon Prime) and then Zoom in for the discussion!
Milk is a feature film based on the inspiring true story of the first openly gay man elected to major public office.

Sean Penn gives a brilliant and heartfelt performance as Milk, along with a stunning all-star cast, including Josh Brolin, Emile Hirsh, Diego Luna and James Franco. Directed by Gus Van Sant.
The Times of Harvey Milk is an Oscar-winning documentary with original material and archival footage that provides a vivid portrait of San Francisco’s historic Castro District in the 1970s -- "a testament to the legacy of a political visionary”

Email your request to register here.
Ashby Village Events and Healthier Aging Presents
Medical Marijuana: The ABC’s of Medicinal Cannabis
with Laurie Vollen, MD, MPH
When:  Tuesday October 25, 2022, 2-4pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*

Join us to hear Dr. Laurie Vollen speak on the latest research and use of medical marijuana for symptom relief of many ailments and age-related conditions.
LightHouse Connection Series: Adaptations Store

When: Thursday, October 27, 2-3pm
Where: *ON ZOOM*
This month, the LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Ashby Village Healthier Aging Program are collaborating to offer an encore presentation of this topic.
The LightHouse Adaptations Store is the only place in Northern California with a comprehensive offering of tools, technology, and other solutions for blind and visually impaired people. Join us to learn about the more 1,000 low- and high-tech vision gadgets, everything from white canes to talking clocks and thermometers to Braille playing cards.

Read more about the class, how to register, and/or arrange for assistance accessing Zoom here.
The Antidote to Social Isolation? Get Involved!
According to the National Institute on Aging, research has linked social isolation and loneliness to higher risks for a variety of physical and mental conditions: high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, a weakened immune system, anxiety, depression, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s disease, and even death. Fortunately Ashby Village has a host of ways to stay connected!
From our dozens of interest and support groups to neighborhood groups and frequent events, Villagers can choose a range of activities to connect with one another and get involved or stay engaged. The comprehensive and thoughtfully curated weekly Upcoming Events Sunday email to members and volunteers offers something for everyone every day of the week.

It would take this whole newsletter to list all the ways for members and volunteers to get involved to support the village, so we’ll start with a few program volunteer opportunities:
The Police Reform Task Force of Elder Action, which recently presented an informative panel on reimagining law enforcement, is recruiting new members to explore how to have an impact on the issue in Oakland, Richmond and Berkeley. Chair Don Hubbard says, “there are many opportunities to have a voice in how your local police departments carry out their service to your community”. Contact Don at [email protected] if you’re interested in exploring ways to get involved.
The Ashby Village Outreach Ambassadors Team is seeking to welcome additional volunteers to talk with people interested in learning more about Ashby Village membership and volunteering opportunities and make presentations to prospective members and community groups. This is a good opportunity to learn or practice public speaking and other leadership skills in a supportive environment. Contact team leader Joan Straumanis at [email protected] if you’re interested in learning more.
The Communications team is looking for Villagers who are interested in lending their videography, photography, and social media skills to help with a variety of projects. Contact Charis Hanshaw, Ashby Village Development & Communications Manager at [email protected].
Ready to Volunteer? Join our Fall Volunteer Training
The next in-person Volunteer Training session is scheduled for Saturday, November 5th from 9:30am to 12:30pm. We are looking forward to welcoming new volunteers to the Ashby Village community!

Our volunteer base is constantly growing. If you know someone who is looking for an engaging and rewarding opportunity and would be a great Ashby Village volunteer, please encourage them to submit an application today. Learn more about the upcoming training session here.
Summer Hearts 'N Hands
This summer, Ashby Village volunteers engaged in two Hearts 'N Hands projects!

A trio of gardeners helped trim back rambling ivy and blackberry vines as well as a large overgrown rosemary bush at a member's home.

Our second project involved helping spruce up our outdoor gathering areas at the Ashby Village office. While one team cleared and cut back vegetation from the brick pathway leading to the offices and church, another group washed the windows surrounding the courtyard and entrance doors. What a big difference our few hours made!
For more information about the volunteer program, to inquire about program area opportunities and others, or to sign up for our next Hearts 'N Hands project, please contact Jessica Sterling, Volunteer Services Coordinator at [email protected] or 510-204-9200.
Healthier Aging
Walks and Hikes
The nature walks have been drawing increasing numbers of new and veteran members and volunteers!

Nature walks are a little different this month.
Check out the descriptions carefully for changes in starting times (especially Monday, October 3rd) and parking suggestions (like the ones included for Wednesday, October 19). These particular walks are restarting after a COVID-era hiatus.

Registration is highly recommended! We don't intend to limit attendance, but want to coordinate enough volunteer walk leaders. Questions? Contact Jeanette Ward ([email protected]).
Nature Walk: Rosie the Riveter Museum Waterfront and Memorial Garden Walk

When: Monday, October 3, 1-4pm
Where: *IN PERSON* 1414 Harbour Way So., #3000, Richmond
Join us for this Healthier Aging and Events Team gathering in Richmond!

We'll visit the Rosie the Riveter Museum, walk the waterfront, view the memorial garden, and enjoy a snack. Members and Volunteers are welcome! Read more and register here.
Hike: Claremont Canyon Regional Preserve Upper Strawberry Canyon
Easy to moderate - Bring your sense of adventure and some patience for the parking to this hike that hasn't been on our list for a few years!

When: Wednesday, October 19, 10am-12pm (Please come early to allow time for parking)

Where: *IN PERSON* Meet at the small dirt parking lot on Grizzly Peak Blvd., about 25 yards south of Centennial Dr., Berkeley
This wide dirt fire road trail winds through the Berkeley hills through oak, bay, eucalyptus, and chaparral. After a short stretch of incline, the trail levels out and traverses the west-facing slopes below Grizzly Peak Blvd. above the Cal campus. On a clear day the views are spectacular. At 1.5 miles we can turn around and return to the trailhead. Read more and register here.
In-Person Aerobics With Anne Aronov
Stretch, Strengthen, and Dance

When: Wednesdays, 10am-12pm
Where: *IN PERSON* - Julia Morgan Hall, 1821 Catalina Ave, Berkeley

The doors will be open for this popular class and you must show proof of your up-to-date vaccinations-boosters. Class fee and registration information here.
2 Yoga Classes With Nancy Yates
Yoga for Balance and Strength

When: Thursdays, 10-11:30am.
Where: *ON ZOOM* - Register here.
Seated Gentle Yoga

When: Thursdays, 1-2pm
Where: *ON ZOOM* - Register here.
Apple Watch Workshop
(For new and repeat customers)

When: Friday, October 14, 1:30-3pm
*IN PERSON* at Ashby Village

See event listing above or click here for more details and to register. Open to members and volunteers. Space is limited. RSVP today!
Request Assistance from Ashby Village Technology and Electronics Volunteers!

Your Ashby Village Tech Volunteers can help you with a wide range of your tech devices (phone, tablet, computer, watch) and applications and features.

In-home support is available for members and volunteers with up-to-date vaccinations. Call the Ashby Village office at 510-204-9200 or email [email protected] to request assistance.
Resources on Technology Topics

Resources on a wide range of technology topics are posted on our TECH TIPS & RESOURCES page.
A Poem
Edited by Member Peter Sussman
The author of today's featured poem, Linda Pastan, is a Maryland poet who has published 15 books of poetry over more than five decades. She has been the recipient of a long list of awards and honors.

The world of Pastan's short poems is largely contained, domestic, conventional and suburban -- the various stages of married and family life are common themes; everything from the passage of the seasons to childbirth, high school and family reunions and funerals -- but within those narrow confines, she highlights with concise control and penetrating accuracy the quiet drama of "the whole riptide/of daily life hidden but perilous/pulling ... us under so fast." Threaded through much of her poetry is a heightened awareness the passage of time and, more recently, the often mundane business of aging, as in today's poem.

Poet May Sarton, in a review of one of her books, says it is integrity "that has made Linda Pastan such a rewarding poet. Nothing is here for effect. There is no self-pity, but in this new book she has reached down to a deeper layer and is letting the darkness in. These poems are full of foreboding and acceptance, a wry unsentimental acceptance of hard truth."
Reflections on Past Events
On August 5th, Henry DeNero, President of the Hillside Fire Safety Group (HFSG) spoke at our Pre-Social Hour event at Ashby Village about their fire safety efforts in an area of Berkeley that is home to approximately 2,500 residents.

DeNero explained how the eucalyptus trees in our midst create the most significant fire risk we face in our East Bay region, what is being done about it, and what residents can do to help...

  • Create a personal and neighborhood evacuation plan.
  • Prepare an evacuation "Go Bag", like these here.
  • Write your elected officials and other leaders.

If you missed this informative talk, learn about the specific fire threats in this area of Berkeley and the efforts to combat them in the full article here.
Bulletin Board
Ashby Villager Requests
Professional Interior Designer: Member Anita Aaron is seeking a referral for a professional interior designer. Please contact Anita by phone at 415-609-1190 or by email at [email protected]
Experience With Shoulder Replacement: Have you had shoulder replacement surgery in the last couple of years? Member Naomi Rosenthal would be interested in talking with you about your experience. Please contact Naomi at [email protected]
Seeking Portable CD Player to Borrow: Volunteer Heather Wilson is looking to borrow a portable CD player (like a Walkman or something similar) to help a Connections Team member test it out listening to CDs from the library before purchasing their own player. Please contact Heather at [email protected].
The following information is shared by our extended community and is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement by Ashby Village of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation, organization, or individual. Ashby Village bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content. Please contact the posting individual or organization for answers to questions regarding its content. 
Free 10-Week Group to Explore Issues of Aging in the LGBTQ+ Community

Presented by Lavender Seniors of the East Bay
October 24-December 26, 2022

Through personal exploration, group support and education we will discuss self-care and caregiving topics of interest, including facing medical illness, caring for yourself while caring for another, planning for the future, and legal issues for LGBTQ+ elders. Get the program flyer here.
In Loving Memory
Paul Shepard
July 1944 - July 2022
Paul Shepard, longtime North Oakland Village member, died in July. He was 78.

Paul was born in New York City, the third of eight children, and grew up in the Washington, DC area. He attended Benedictine College in Kansas and like so many others came to California for graduate studies at UC Berkeley and never left. After earning a PhD in Theater, he spent his career at Cal as a director and producer for the internal television department.

Calling on his extensive knowledge and love of theater, Paul started a play reading group for North Oakland Village and continued the group at Ashby Village -- choosing plays, assigning roles and directing the reading.

Paul loved plays, especially musicals, movies, travel, big dogs, and good talk over meals with friends. He is missed.
Thank you to the Ashby Village members, volunteers, supporters, and staff who contributed to this issue of the Village Voices newsletter!
Would you like your event or notice to appear in the next Village Voices Newsletter? Use this simple form to submit your material. Please submit by the 15th of the previous month. Late submissions are not guaranteed placement in the next newsletter.
Did someone forward you a copy of this newsletter? If so, get your own each month!