BLCI El Cajon's high school students attended the Cuyamaca College Fair to learn about various opportunities that different universities provide. SDSU, UCSD, Point Loma Nazarene, and UC Merced were some of the universities that were at the fair. Students were eager to learn what the universities had to offer and asked questions about tuition and student support programs.

Three parents also attended the fair so they could learn about costs and programs that the universities provide to help first-generation students. Parents took notes throughout the fair and attended a webinar inside Cuyamaca's lecture hall about creating a scholarship portfolio.

The Cuyamaca College Fair was an amazing experience for both students and parents. Aram Mendoza, a high school freshman, shared he now has a clearer idea of the work he has to put in so he can become a lawyer. A parent also expressed that she is excited to attend any field trip along with her child because it helps her better support her children's education.