Ebenezer United Church Of Christ

October Eagle Newsletter



This has been a difficult year for my wife and me. As you may remember, Sue's brother Sim died unexpectedly at the parsonage May 13. This past Wednesday, September 21 her oldest sister Cindy died at Bellin hospital in Green Bay after a lengthy illness. Sue and her sister Jenny are the last surviving children in their family that once numbered seven. Too many tears have been shed in her family in the last four months. These losses, plus Sue's continuing health issues, seem to be too many in such a short time.

We are told in scripture that we will never be given too much to bear. I believe this to be true but we must remember the context in which this was written. We are not seen as solitary individuals, rather we are understood to be part of a larger community. This means that when one or two people suffer, the entire community is affected and together the community suffers and together the community rises to find ways to heal.

The members of Ebenezer and St. John helped us go through our grief when Sim died. You supported us through prayer and visits. You were a rock during our time of sadness. Sadly, we find ourselves grieving once more. Though our hearts have been broken for a second time in such a short time, we are sustained again by prayers and the promise that we are not going through this on our own but we are journeying through this darkest valley with God who will sustain us and provide for everything we need.

Thank you for your prayers and your expressions of love and support. Sue and I have been blessed through having you by our side.

Peace and Grace,

Pastor Mike


Confirmation Class began Wednesday, September 14th with a meeting for parents of confirmands and confirmands at 5:30 p.m. in the lounge at Ebenezer UCC, 44 W. Washington, Chilton. We have eight new students this year. I am looking forward to learning about them and

                                 leading them in this new adventure.  


We welcomed into our church family Henry Matthew Kolbe through the sacrament of baptism on Sunday, September 18.  Henry is shown here with his parents, Luke and Emily Kolbe, Pastor Mike, and sponsor Nick Keuler.  Congratulations to everyone!


The Neighbors In Need offering will take place this Sunday, October 2 as part of our World Communion Sunday observance.. Look for the envelope in your Sunday bulletin. Thank you.


After a summer break, Wired Word returned to Ebenezer beginning Tuesday, September 13th, at 9:00 a.m. in the lounge.

Wired Word is a class for all ages and all levels of Biblical knowledge (or lack of knowledge). The topic is different each week and is based upon a recent item in the news. Look for the study sheets in the Narthex on Sunday mornings.


The Ebenezer Brass handbell choir meets every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall to practice and enjoy each others fellowship and friendship. New ringers are always welcome and you do not need to read music to participate. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact Jill Sippel, Bell Choir Director, at 920-418-1534.


September 25, 2022

Sunday School Update:

   Attendance varies from 4-11; Grades 4K-5th

   Studying the Old Testament, informal setting; much review

   Shirley Lisowe and Kristi Schnell co-teach

   Mission project: collect cake mixes and frosting to donate to

         Salvation Army for birthdays; 100 of each have already been donated

   Students will make holiday (Christmas/New Year's) cards to be sent

         to shut-ins

   Christmas program during December 18th worship; congregational sing

         along prior to worship (8:30)

Memorial Sunday November 6; those being remembered:

   David Kloehn

   Judy Mastrocola

   Joseph Dorn

   Doris Propson

   Vernon Thede

Thanksgiving Eve Ecumenical worship, November 23 - not yet determined

Advent begins November 27; watch for details to help decorate

Christmas worship schedule:

   Saturday, December 24; 4 p.m. family worship with communion;                         candlelight; Ebenezer Brass plays

   Sunday, December 25; 8:45 a.m. worship with communion

Committee members present: Karen Cmejla, Shirley Lisowe, Kristi Schell, Chris Stenz, Elaine Hessil; Pastor Mike (briefly at beginning)


Looking for a fun thing to do in between your hectic life?  Here is a Word Search puzzle on Animals of the Bible.  See if you can locate them all.  Answers to the puzzle can be found at the end of the newsletter.  Good Luck!


Below is the upcoming ushering schedule; please note that the church office does not find a replacement, but we are happy to help you get in contact with possible subs! Please let the office know when any changes are made. Thank you.


October 2  Council

October 9  Andy Hofmeister

October 16 Zach Platner

October 23 Jamie Plate

October 30 Kelly Brown


"Eagle" articles are due October 18th. Please have them in at that time. Thank you for your help on this!


Below is the upcoming reader schedule for the month of October and beginning of November for Confirmands..  


October 2 - Addison Brown

October 9 - Pastor Mike

October 16 - Lake Pingel

October 23 - Owen Platner

October 30 - Jake Propson


November 6 - Lexi Pagel

Arlene ~ Audra ~ Audrey

Barb ~ Da'Monique ~ Da'Nisha

Dennis ~ Diana ~ Eric ~ Glen ~ Jim ~ Kari Kay ~ Pastor Sue ~ Rebecca ~ Rod

Sandra ~ Sharon ~ Terry ~ Tod

Tony ~ Vern

Due to privacy laws, last names cannot be printed on the prayer list because the "Eagle" goes on the church website which can be viewed by anyone on the internet.

If you want someone

added or removed,

please contact the church office.

Thank you.

Donna Pingel   10/1

Dawson Kuhn  10/2

Tony Hintz  10/3

Elaine Hessil  10/4

Cici Catalan  10/7

Kay Hertel  10/8

Krysta Roehrig  10/9

Sue Verrier  10/11

Oliver Porsche  10/16

JorJa Ninnemann  10/18

Delmar Riesterer  10/18

Steve Dekerf  10/20

Mackenzie Brown  10/21

Sterling Brown  10/21

Lexi Pagel  10/22

Kurt Knoespel  10/24

Ann Gasch  10/26

Wyatt Porsche  10/27

Aubrey Plate  10/28

Riley Schneider  10/28

Gerald Pagel  10/30

Kelly Kloehn  10/31

May God bless your years and may you continue to bless Ebenezer!


If you are unable to make it to service, you are welcome to view the service Live on FacebookAs a reminder, you can always tune into 95.5 within a block of the church during the service!

Scrip: If you are in need of Scrip, please let Kelly know. If you are interested in re-loadable cards and direct pay to avoid contact, there is a small fee for credit card charge and bank withdrawal.

Kelly Brown


[email protected]

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

(920) 849-4331


Monday: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Wednesday: 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Pastor Michael Safford-Kennedy

[email protected]

Cell: (920) 286-1956


Monday: 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Tuesday: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Wednesday: 1-3 p.m.

Thursday" 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

The office phone messages are checked during office hours. If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Mike at (920) 286-1956 or via email.

If you have a non-emergency, send the office an email or leave a voice mail message.

  • Men's Breakfast Group, 8:30 a.m., on October 13 at 7 Angels.
  • Church Council meeting on October 16, 8 a.m., Lounge.
  • Eagle articles due October 18.
  • Women's Guild will meet on October 20, 9 a.m. at 7 Angels.
  • Baptism on October 23.
  • Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. is Sunday School.
  • Wired Word is Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in the Lounge.
  • Confirmand classes are Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Lounge.
  • Handbell practice is Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


SEPTEMBER 25, 2022

Members present: Joan Woelfel, Don Pingel, Mark Rusch, Dennis Winkler, Dean Papendieck, Karen Cmejla, and Pastor Mike. Missing: Stacey Vernon.

Meeting was called to order by Vice-Pesident Joan Woelfel at 8:00 a.m.

Don Pingel made a motion to approve the agenda and last month's minutes and Dennis Winkler seconded it. Motion carried.

Dean Papendieck gave the treasurer's report:

  • Revenues for August: $11,723.10
  • August Expenses: $5,096.56
  • Checkbook Balance: $71,418.08
  • Money Market Acct.: $252,027.57
  • Cambridge Investment: $53,221.85
  • Cash Equity: $74,199.95

  • Bathroom Donations so far: $12,850
  • Jim Pagel Scholarship will be cashed in soon going toward the bathroom remodeling will total approximately $9,000.

Mark Rusch made a motion to accept the treasurer's report and Don Pingel seconded it. Motion carried.

Pastor's Report:

  • There are eight new students (confirmands) from Ebenezer; three from St. John's. First day of class was September 21st.
  • Pastor Sue's sister passed away this week and Pastor Mike will be attending that funeral and will not be here for service next Sunday. He has a supply minister already lined up.

Committee Reports:

  • Christian Ed/Worship Committee will be meeting after service today to discuss several topics including Sunday School, Memorial Sunday, Thanksgiving Worship, and the Christmas schedule.
  • Property Committee: Ebenezer is on the list to start project in about a month. Don P., Mark R., and Ken Lisowe are working at tearing out different aspects of the bathroom to save labor costs from the contractors.

There were no other committee reports.

Old/Continuing Business:

  • Search for new Office Secretary is still ongoing. They have three applicants to date and will be interviewing October 6th.
  • Pastor Mike has signed up for Medicare Health Insurance Parts A and B. Now we can meet with Health Insurance Co. to discuss benefit costs, etc.
  • Bathroom Remodeling Project was discussed in Property Committee Report.
  • No update on stained glass project.
  • Happy Hour Nursery School will NOT partake in our church this year due to low enrollment. They will let us know when next year comes around.

Ken Lisowe came into the meeting at this point to inform us that a decision has been made for the tile in the bathrooms and Nick Kuhn gave us an estimate of $600 to replace each of the heaters in the bathrooms. We declined that offer and decided to just repaint them.

  • Don P. brought up discussion on sidewalk repair. It would be nice to have it done before it gets too cold but time is running out and will probably happen next year. Ken Lisowe said he would check into it.

No other old business.

New Business:

  • Dean Papendieck has been appointed as Treasurer per request of bank on the World Church Funds account in order to transfer the Pagel Scholarship Fund to the General Church Fund.

No other new business.

Next month's meeting will be held October 16th in the lounge.

Mark Rusch made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 a.m. Don Pingel seconded it. Motion carried.

Respectuflly submitted,

Karen Cmejla, Secretary

Animal Bible Search Puzzle 

Below are the answers to the Bible Search Puzzle found earlier in the newsletter.  How did you do?